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Resident Evil 5 (PS3 / Xbox 360)

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    Originally posted by kernow View Post
    has the dark/light mechanic been totally dumped then?
    When they first mentioned about this 'gameplay' feature way back, i thought it was just some elaborate way of just incorporating the 'coming out of the dark tunnel/ going into a dark tunnel' effect, which you see on racing games. And was just some sort of game press hyberbole.

    And as far as i can see (so far on chapter 4-1) i'm pretty sure it's been dropped totally, in the form of having enemies in said areas where you would think they should be. The visual effect is definitely there in some instances, but very fleeting at best:

    when entering the building on the lower floor where Alpha team are

    But with no plagas type 2 there for some kind of threat, it just becomes redundant.
    Last edited by jimtendo; 15-03-2009, 09:46.


      Originally posted by ezee ryder View Post
      I have played the game, feel free to check my PSN or Xbox Live gamercards

      The controls work perfectly for me, for someone who is such an expert with RE4 they should work fine too.

      Boss battles in one incredibly small room?! I don't recall there being any "incredibly small" rooms, there are some small ones but I never felt like I was too cramped in. Nothing wrong with the way the boat is designed, I wouldn't expect the spaces on it be huge anyway. There is also nothing wrong with the first enemy being in your face straight away, it is perfectly acceptable design wise as it is gives the user an idea as to the kind of infected he/she will be facing throughout the game. I mean I wouldn't expect the enemy to just stand there not doing anything and let me admire them before I shoot them anyway, lol. I mean don't remember many sections in RE4 where you were allowed to take in the enemies (apart from the start but RE5 has a very similar start too, better in my opinion too) cos you were usually constantly on the run against them trying to kill em!

      As for "awe" and "surprise", well there a loads of those moments throughout the game. I certainly remember going "oh sh*t" and "OMG!" a few times during both my playthroughs so far.
      Theres nothing wrong with a cramped design and controls like we have for RE5 if the game is slower paced, if it was more like earlier Resi titles then I could see why someone would think the combination of enviroment and controls work, but its not, so they either needed to make the controls better for a faster paced game or they needed to give you room to move. Playing the game Ive lost count of how many times I havent been able to get down a small pathway while being chased by about ten enemies simply becuase Seva was standing directly in my way and the path wasnt big enough for 2 of us, if you need to react quickly then should give you the space to do it. One of the most important asspects about challenging gameplay is that the game is fair, RE5 while not being amazingly hard does feel increadably cheap whenever you die or are badly injured.

      Also while I'm glad you are and some others are enjoying it I cant think of any wow moments either to be honest, I mean yeah the fight with the giant appeared to be exciting until

      I found out it was some really boring on rails section

      . It seems to be constantly setting the player up then letting them down in this regard IMO.

      Having said all that its not like its a bad game, its just that personaly I expect more from both Capcom and the franchise, thats all.
      Last edited by rmoxon; 15-03-2009, 09:55.


        It seems that the ones who hold this game in the same regard as RE4 are a huge minority anyway. I'd say that RE5 is a good game, but as an RE its just forgettable. About the light/dark gimmick:

        Here it was present, and the game still had a certain scare factor. Great use of shadows. Notice how being totally alone adds to the atmosphere. Co-op was being announced much later, its a bit tacked on and solely for sales purposes.

        But you guys are familliar with Dino Crisis 2?

        That game is to the original pretty much what RE5 is to RE4. Not entirely, but at heart. Difference is, DC2 controls were fine-tuned for the new, much more action packed, situations. RE5's controls were kept virtually the same. And thats what hurts this.

        Like mixing herbs, it should be gone. Takes space, time you're not going to get all that much and you might as well stock up on a few of those sprays. This feels forced, as if the developers think its required to stay since its an RE trademark.


          Originally posted by saturn-gamer View Post
          It seems that the ones who hold this game in the same regard as RE4 are a huge minority anyway. I'd say that RE5 is a good game, but as an RE its just forgettable.

          But you guys are familliar with Dino Crisis 2?

          That game is to the original pretty much what RE5 is to RE4. Not entirely, but at heart. Difference is, DC2 controls were fine-tuned for the new, much more action packed, situations. RE5's controls were kept virtually the same.
          Dino Crisis 2 is so vastly different from the first game, that I'm not sure you can compare Biohazard 4 and 5 in the same way at all.

          I never got on with Biohazard 4, and still to this day haven't finished it (This is not because I'm lame or anything. I owned every PS1/2 release on JPN launch and can S-rank the vast majority of them). Part 5 however is huge fun. The co-op element adds a whole new way of playing it, which IMO is what people should be noting and not comparing it to part 4, which other than sharing the default control scheme of 5 plays totally a different game.

          This thread sucks IMO.
          Last edited by J0e Musashi; 15-03-2009, 11:30.
          Kept you waiting, huh?


            Ive had enough of this c**ting f**king game.

            Got to chapter 6-2, saved, turned off. Go to pick it up today, and the save wont load. At all.

            "Failed to load data" endlessly. the save isnt corrupt. Ive cleared the cache, reinstalled it to the HDD, hell, ive even taken it back and got a second copy. No joy. Ive had to delete the data now just to get the game to run.

            Now I have to spend another 10-13 hours just to get where I was, JUST so I can play the f**king mercenaries game with my friends, the reason why I f**king bought it.

            Just tried playing it again from the start now, and tbh I just cant be f**king bothered now.

            Its going in the trade thread later now, bollocks to it.
            Last edited by MrKirov; 15-03-2009, 11:38.


              So have finally played this but my internet is down so am posting from my mates house.

              Its OK. Only up to level 1.3 or something atm, so its very early on, but it isnt no Resident Evil. It just seems all action no matter what. I will play further and judge it from than but atm its good but not great. If this was any other name, i would say its fantastic, but with Resident Evil in the title i expect a RE game and it isnt. But as i said its too early, and so far there isnt even a story. So will give it time.


                Completed this game yesterday. Was awesome.


                  I bought this at the weekend, Impressions in brief, controls are a bit annoying at times. Can you actually walk forward while using a knife? Is it possible to stop reloading a weapon while enemies are attacking you? Its like "doh" I think I will continue to try and reload my weapon while this zombie dog is ripping my throat out" Maybe I'm being dumb and never found the way to do this, if so I aplologize.

                  The game seems more of a action/shooting game than traditional Resi evil, not a bad thing, but in this case I think it is. Not scary at all, but can be pretty good to induce a sense of panic.

                  Graphics are very nice, apart from the screen tear I cannot get rid of no matter what setting I put it on (VGA) Story...jeez, do people actually write this tripe? Buddy system is a bind having to swap weapons in and out, pain in the ass to be honest and does nothing to elevate the gameplay.

                  Overall I would give it a 8. I much prefered Dead Space in terms of a survival horror type game. Still worth a play in my opinion.


                    Got to 5-2 and hard my first bad experience with Sheva, but I soon changed my tactics and it worked fine. Still really enjoying this game, the cut scenes are a treat for the eyes and the gameplay is awesome.

                    Stopped at 6-1, will no doubt be playing the rest very soon!

                    The latter half of the game definitely feels more traditional Resident Evil,

                    underground corporate evilness. Also are they lickers from Resi 2 in this game? They sure look similar! There was a classic moment where you see it run along the ceiling, quality moment


                      To answer your question Dezm0nd, yes they are and you're in for a treat (in terms of what you mentioned) as you continue through that chapter


                        Chapter 5 was my favourite chapter, absolutely filled with fan service. Which I adored!


                          I've been playing this game for a couple of days and its time i had my say...its terrible.
                          There is no excuse in my books for a game that has been under development for this long and thats has had this much money pumped into it, to have the the shocking controls that it has, the shocking A.I that it has, and the shocking "house of the dead" style enemy animation that it has. Capcom clearly never lifted it head while making this to look at the compertition because so many games now have overtaken it its unreal. I going to go as far as to say that Dynasty Warriors has done more with the last game to "update" it then this and thats saying someting! Its like im playing a PS1 game with shiny graphics. Its the worst "big budget" next gen game i've ever played and coupled with the crapness of MGS4 i'm loosing faith in next gen games very quickly.


                            The Boss battle with the thing in the underground temple in chapter 4-2 was a good exampple of the bad design in this game.

                            I ran up a section of stairs and it was a dead end, i turned around and the boss was just stood there and I couldnt get past it, you have to shoot the boss in the back to kill it and theres no way to do this if it has you trapped in a corner so the only thing I could do was die and start again.

                            I'm starting to wonder if the developers even play tested this to be honest.

                            Edit: Oh yeah I had trouple fighting it when i started again too becuase there room is so small and when you knock the boss over with a proxcimity mine there is often no room to walk around it and shoot it in its week spot. its ridculous really.
                            Last edited by rmoxon; 15-03-2009, 14:59.


                              Originally posted by rmoxon View Post
                              The Boss battle with the thing in the underground temple in chapter 4-2 was a good exampple of the bad design in this game.

                              I ran up a section of stairs and it was a dead end, i turned around and the boss was just stood there and I couldnt get past it, you have to shoot the boss in the back to kill it and theres no way to do this if it has you trapped in a corner so the only thing I could do was die and start again.

                              I'm starting to wonder if the developers even play tested this to be honest.
                              If you're talking about the

                              giant bat thing

                              , you do know that

                              at the top of the stairs there is a "door" right?! As you walk through it QTE is triggered and you can basically skip the boss battle.

                              Going up the stairs then turning around to get past it will do you no good as you will just get blocked, you have to remember the boss is quite big so it will take up space. If you want to defeat it properly then you have to stay downstairs in the place that is designed in such a way so you can get behind it. You sure you've played the game?!
                              Last edited by ezee ryder; 15-03-2009, 15:12.


                                I'm having trouble beating the final boss. Any help?

                                I've done the bit where you get Chris to punch the big boulder into the lava but as soon as I've done that, Wesker just kills him. Am I doing something wrong?

