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Resident Evil 5 (PS3 / Xbox 360)

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    Lovely visuals and cinematic sequences aside, I'm not really enjoying it.

    I didn't mind RE4 but for me, it didn't have anything on RE2 or Code Veronica - it went from being a survival horror experience to a glorified shooting gallery.

    I think I will send it back to Amazon and ask for a refund as I am quite content with Skate 2 and Killzone 2 at the moment.

    It isn't a bad game by any stretch of imagination, it's just... I'm not enjoying it really.


      Originally posted by evilthecatuk View Post
      you surely cant say in Res 4 the first time you popped a head expecting a clean kill and the mutated ganados popped out and went for you it didnt scare you, where is that type of moment in 5 (looks cant find it )
      I had that moment in RE5, it involved tribes people and headshots.


        Originally posted by Dezm0nd View Post
        I had that moment in RE5, it involved tribes people and headshots.
        Yes! After I saw that happen a few times I started deliberately not taking headshots


          Not too impressed so far.

          Controls are a mess, too clunky. No feel of a resi game. Will carry on though and hopefully get into it more


            Playing this over live with a friend for the full thing on veteran. At the start we were both sceptical of the controls like most but after a while we had no problems. Awesome game with some glorious cut-scenes and we've only just finished chapter 2.


              Originally posted by dvdx2 View Post
              the controls are pretty much the same as res 4, except using your partner for cover/attack.

              infact the game mechanics/animations/set pieces/locations etc are simliar/identical to 4 (which is fine by me as i loved it), except with really tasty graphics and lovely sound

              Avoiding it just because someone else says the controls arent great, is a big loss and a bit silly really. Resident evil/biohazard games have always had fairly clunky controls. If you mastered res 4 controls, you should have no problems with this.
              Thats not really true, as ive already mentioned the level design and enemies were far more suited to the controls in RE4 that here, this game seems to have been designed with slightly more fluid controls in mind.

              I actualy think the people who are saying the games are the same havent played RE4 latley, as it was just a alot better made game.
              Last edited by rmoxon; 14-03-2009, 13:33.


                Nope, I played RE4 lately. It plays pretty much exactly like RE5 and controls exactly the same, well actually if anything RE5 controls a bit better.

                I just read the GamesTM review now, they have pretty much hit the nail on the head. It is as good as RE4 and in some respects even better.
                Last edited by ezee ryder; 14-03-2009, 13:37.


                  Originally posted by ezee ryder View Post
                  Nope, I played RE4 lately. It plays pretty much exactly like RE5 and controls exactly the same, well actually if anything RE5 controls a bit better.

                  I just read the GamesTM review now, they have pretty much hit the nail on the head. It is as good as RE4 and in some respects even better.
                  In what respects is it better then?


                    Originally posted by ezee ryder View Post
                    Nope, I played RE4 lately. It plays pretty much exactly like RE5 and controls exactly the same, well actually if anything RE5 controls a bit better.

                    I just read the GamesTM review now, they have pretty much hit the nail on the head. It is as good as RE4 and in some respects even better.
                    I think youre making that up, becuase anyone whos played resident Evil 4 latley would surley notice the much better level design then whats on offer in RE5, and also realise the enemies are much more suited to the contols in RE4 in the way they attack.

                    Ive finished RE4 god knows how many times, I know that game probabaly better than any other. So I feel i know what I'm talking about here.


                      As much as i do really like RE5 a lot of the set pieces/interior layouts just feel like re-skins of sections of RE4.

                      It's a very very good game with flashes of absolute brilliance but i feel like it's lacked the creativity of Shinji Mikami's input in development


                        Had a couple of hours on this last night.

                        Early days for sure, but I'm finding it to be totally brilliant. So far it's a perfectly paced videogame. Even though it was slightly jarring that I knew how to kill the first boss before I'd even seen it,

                        (hello there, giant furnace!)

                        the battle itself was brilliant. Classic Resi.

                        I like the controls too. They do a great job of adding that element of panic, without being so clunky you can't evade attacks. I think that without a sprinkling of control limitations, Resi would lose all it survival horror traditions and just be a 100% action game.

                        My chief beef so far is the inventory system between chapters, I'd much rather have seen the merchant pop up somewhere. I kind of miss the creepy little chuff.

                        Can't wait to play more though.


                          Originally posted by rmoxon View Post
                          I think youre making that up, becuase anyone whos played resident Evil 4 latley would surley notice the much better level design then whats on offer in RE5, and also realise the enemies are much more suited to the contols in RE4 in the way they attack.

                          Ive finished RE4 god knows how many times, I know that game probabaly better than any other. So I feel i know what I'm talking about here.
                          Care to prove I am making it up?

                          The level design in RE4 is no better than RE5, there are locations in both games where you feel a bit "cramped" but I sense that is feeling that developers wanted to create.

                          Like I said before the enemies in both games are pretty similar, only difference being the ones in RE5 are slightly more "agile". However I don't think they are "agile" enough to make the fighting them a chore. Apart from the first 10-15 minutes I have never felt uncomfortable with the controls, never moreso than I did in RE4.

                          Not to be rude or anything but just cos you have played it more than "any other" it doesn't mean that you're opinion is the one that is fact. I must of played the game a good few times now (on the Gamecube twice, PS2 once and the Wii once too) yet I wouldn't classify myself as a total expert over anyone else.


                            Originally posted by ezee ryder View Post
                            Care to prove I am making it up?

                            The level design in RE4 is no better than RE5, there are locations in both games where you feel a bit "cramped" but I sense that is feeling that developers wanted to create.

                            Like I said before the enemies in both games are pretty similar, only difference being the ones in RE5 are slightly more "agile". However I don't think they are "agile" enough to make the fighting them a chore. Apart from the first 10-15 minutes I have never felt uncomfortable with the controls, never moreso than I did in RE4.

                            Not to be rude or anything but just cos you have played it more than "any other" it doesn't mean that you're opinion is the one that is fact. I must of played the game a good few times now (on the Gamecube twice, PS2 once and the Wii once too) yet I wouldn't classify myself as a total expert over anyone else.
                            Its not a fact becuase Ive played it more than any other, its a fact becuase its a fact.

                            Seriously though, if youve played RE4 that many times then I dont know why you cant see its so much better made than this, its leagues ahead of it.

                            There were a few bits that felt cramped in RE4 yeah, but the entire RE5 feels crapmed, thats not good.

                            Ive always felt completely comfertable with the controls when playing RE4, but playing RE5 feels pretty awkward for most of the game really.


                              Originally posted by rmoxon View Post
                              Its not a fact becuase Ive played it any other, its a fact becuase its a fact.

                              Seriously trhough, if youve played RE4 that many times then I cont know why you cant see its so much better made than this, its leagues ahead of it.

                              There were a few bits that felt cramped in RE4 yeah, but the entire RE5 feels crapmed, thats not good.

                              Ive always felt completely comfertable with the controls when playing RE4, but playing RE5 feels pretty awkward for most of the game really.
                              So you reckon you have played it more than "any other"? Pretty bold statment to make. Guess will have to call you the RE4 expert then

                              I don't think RE4 is streets ahead of this at all, both games are as good as each other and if anything I think this is better.

                              All of RE5 feels cramped?! I haven't got that feeling so far unless of course I am in an area that is meant to be cramped, a couple of locations spring to mind such as the

                              oil refinery and the caves

                              but apart from that the locations are quite open. As I said before RE has always been about making you feel cramped, creating that fear/panic in the player.

                              Again, I don't really get the whole controls comparison as the controls are pretty much similar to RE4. I mean there is even a control type which is exactly like RE4's so if you were comfortable with that scheme then you should have no problem here, especially seeing as you are a self confessed RE4 know it all
                              Last edited by ezee ryder; 14-03-2009, 14:58.


                                Wow, this thread is super lol. I'm having great fun in co-op personally.
                                Kept you waiting, huh?

