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Resident Evil 5 (PS3 / Xbox 360)

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    Its definitely no nostalgia, I've played RE4 lately. And I think it IS better. Its slower paced, that makes the dated controls less obvious. QTE's are better, as are the bosses.

    RE5 is set-piece after set-piece and areas are all a one time visit, making them much smaller in reality. Here you are walking through an african village, and all of a sudden you'll be crossing a marshland and then visiting an underground city. Its almost tomb raider underworld. RE4 had less settings, but all of them were pretty complex.

    RE4 had also much better character development, you saw conversations of some enemies and also conversations with Hunnigan. In RE5, they appear when they are about to die. You also had the scope, it was useless but you could see the locals doing their daily job until you got close. Those kind of things are lacking in RE5. It set the atmosphere of the game in a very smart way. Here, those guys simply spawn as madmen.

    RE4 is so much more brilliant, i'm pretty damn sure of it. Is it the touch of Mikami? Although he could be accused of being irrational, he was absolutely not interested in RE5. He said he would do it different.


      I love jill's arse, mercenary mode, battlesuit jill, gaming heaven


        I think all these comparisons to Dead Space are rather perplexing, well for me anyway. Dead Space is much more of a "horror" game than Resident Evil 5 (and 4 for that matter), the RE games have taken a more action orientated route to re-invigour the series and it clearly shows. There are still elements of "horror" but not as much as the previous games. The emphasis is more on creating a sense of fear and panic for the player and it works really well.

        I don't see any problems with the level design too, you go from place to place and there is an explanation as to why you are going there. You're still in Africa and not moving to different countries or anything, so yeah nothing wrong there in my opinion. The pacing in this RE is also more than acceptable, you never feel like you're being rushed through and it never feels like you're being taken on a long slow ride. In terms of set pieces, there are a few of them and they are done pretty well.

        As for character development, well we know who Chris Redfield is and Sheva's backstory is also explained a little. You also see cutscenes where the main enemies are conversing, so you get a brief glimpse of what they are up to now and again. What more do people want? I mean RE4's character development was nothing special, definitely nothing to write home about.

        Pretty much everything about RE5 is similar to RE4 (which is no bad thing), just the addition of co-op and the setting itself are the standout differences. I do agree it would have been better if co-op wasn't forced on the user as it does take a little something away from the single player campaign but if you play co-op (online or offline) it is an immense amount of fun, so that makes up for that really.


          Really enjoying this game, I really enjoy how they've not tinkered with the RE4 formula much at all and it looks absolutely incredible in the cut scenes and in-game.

          It's a shame the gane loads too quick as my poor eyes can't read the entire loading screen story arc but i'm glad they have that kinda information available to anyone, like me, who has absolutely no idea what's going on.

          Just reached past

          cruising through the marshland

          and I really appreciate how the gameplay differs every now and then. Think i'm gonna go through this a few times to find all the secrets and stuff.

          Here's hoping the MP DLC is good!
          Last edited by Dezm0nd; 14-03-2009, 12:03.


            Originally posted by ezee ryder View Post
            I think all these comparisons to Dead Space are rather perplexing, well for me anyway. Dead Space is much more of a "horror" game than Resident Evil 5 (and 4 for that matter), the RE games have taken a more action orientated route to re-invigour the series and it clearly shows. There are still elements of "horror" but not as much as the previous games. The emphasis is more on creating a sense of fear and panic for the player and it works really well.

            I don't see any problems with the level design too, you go from place to place and there is an explanation as to why you are going there. You're still in Africa and not moving to different countries or anything, so yeah nothing wrong there in my opinion. The pacing in this RE is also more than acceptable, you never feel like you're being rushed through and it never feels like you're being taken on a long slow ride. In terms of set pieces, there are a few of them and they are done pretty well.

            As for character development, well we know who Chris Redfield is and Sheva's backstory is also explained a little. You also see cutscenes where the main enemies are conversing, so you get a brief glimpse of what they are up to now and again. What more do people want? I mean RE4's character development was nothing special, definitely nothing to write home about.

            Pretty much everything about RE5 is similar to RE4 (which is no bad thing), just the addition of co-op and the setting itself are the standout differences. I do agree it would have been better if co-op wasn't forced on the user as it does take a little something away from the single player campaign but if you play co-op (online or offline) it is an immense amount of fun, so that makes up for that really.

            Again a spot on post . I just don't get it , RE 5 is RE4 with next gen graphics and a new setting, otherwise its more or less exactly the same . And I don't get this new thing about character development, when RE4 for most of the game never made any sense , and lacked the character and story development of Code Veronica , and felt in parts like The Texas Chain Saw Massacre II .
            And to knock RE5 for not being scary is a laugh , when RE4 wasn't scary in the slightest , none of the series has been since the 1st game (and bit parts of 2 and 3rd games).

            I loving the game , my only issues are running out of ammo at key moments


              Not too far into it, just got as far as the

              chainsaw dude

              , but I'm quite liking it so far. I do have some nitpicks, though.

              So far it has played more like a slower paced Gears of War than a Resi game. The survival horror aspect is virtually nonexistent. I just haven't felt any real sense of panic and dread. The addition of a trigger happy mentalist as a partner, cute as she is, just doesn't feel right in a survival horror game. Having the reassurance of back-up if things go tits up kills the mood completely. Running around in a sun drenched African setting doesn't help either. Resi 4 is undoubtedly one of the all-time great action games, but it still had oodles of atmosphere with its ramshackle cabins and fog shrouded woods. And the game throws way too much ammo and herbs at you, that so far running out of bullets hasn't been a problem for me, even with Sheva chewing through bullets like Rik Waller at an all you can eat buffet.

              As an action game, it's good fun, but if it wasn't for the familiarity of the inventory screen and finding various coloured herbs scattered around, this wouldn't feel like a Resi game at all. It does concern me that Capcom plan to give the franchise another reboot with the next installment. Will the series abandon its survival horror roots completely? Wouldn't surprise me given the number of complaints about the clunky controls that this game has received. But I really hope it doesn't. I find myself really missing the Romero influence. Capcom don't need to reinvent the wheel all over again. Just set it in a creepy mansion with shuffling, groaning zombies around every corner, and I'd be more than happy.


                I don't think survival horror needs clunky controls. I'd like to see it reboot into proper zombie survivor horror with decent controls!

                Thing is I think they can do both - action and survival.

                They've got the Dead Rising franchise now. That should be hordes of zombies and lots of ludicrous ways to kill zombies in open locales. I expect to laugh with glee.

                Resident Evil should be less zombies, more claustrophobic, barely enough ammo to power your feeble gun, and heavy on the atmosphere - terror and suspense. I expect to quake with terror.

                Job done. Everyone happy.
                Last edited by Ish; 14-03-2009, 08:40.


                  Originally posted by PrayforMojo View Post
                  Not too far into it, just got as far as the

                  chainsaw dude

                  , but I'm quite liking it so far. I do have some nitpicks, though.

                  So far it has played more like a slower paced Gears of War than a Resi game. The survival horror aspect is virtually nonexistent. I just haven't felt any real sense of panic and dread. The addition of a trigger happy mentalist as a partner, cute as she is, just doesn't feel right in a survival horror game. Having the reassurance of back-up if things go tits up kills the mood completely. Running around in a sun drenched African setting doesn't help either. Resi 4 is undoubtedly one of the all-time great action games, but it still had oodles of atmosphere with its ramshackle cabins and fog shrouded woods. And the game throws way too much ammo and herbs at you, that so far running out of bullets hasn't been a problem for me, even with Sheva chewing through bullets like Rik Waller at an all you can eat buffet.

                  As an action game, it's good fun, but if it wasn't for the familiarity of the inventory screen and finding various coloured herbs scattered around, this wouldn't feel like a Resi game at all. It does concern me that Capcom plan to give the franchise another reboot with the next installment. Will the series abandon its survival horror roots completely? Wouldn't surprise me given the number of complaints about the clunky controls that this game has received. But I really hope it doesn't. I find myself really missing the Romero influence. Capcom don't need to reinvent the wheel all over again. Just set it in a creepy mansion with shuffling, groaning zombies around every corner, and I'd be more than happy.
                  I agree 100%.

                  The more RE5 references the original games the more I find myself longing for something more like RE1, which has never been bettered in many ways. It's a completely different game, more like a point-n-click adventure than what we have now.

                  There's something about dividing the game up into linear chapters - rather than the free exploration, unravelling world of RE1 - that winds me up in the new games.

                  Still, as an action game in its own right I am really enjoying RE5. The


                  and the

                  bearded El Gigante

                  were ace, for example, hope there are more bits like that still to come.


                    Originally posted by Team Andromeda View Post
                    Again a spot on post . I just don't get it , RE 5 is RE4 with next gen graphics and a new setting, otherwise its more or less exactly the same . And I don't get this new thing about character development, when RE4 for most of the game never made any sense , and lacked the character and story development of Code Veronica , and felt in parts like The Texas Chain Saw Massacre II .
                    And to knock RE5 for not being scary is a laugh , when RE4 wasn't scary in the slightest , none of the series has been since the 1st game (and bit parts of 2 and 3rd games).

                    I loving the game , my only issues are running out of ammo at key moments

                    you surely cant say in Res 4 the first time you popped a head expecting a clean kill and the mutated ganados popped out and went for you it didnt scare you, where is that type of moment in 5 (looks cant find it )


                      Resident Evil 4 wasn't scary, It didn't even try to be. As someone else said, RE4/5 really don't deal with horror in the traditional sense, instead they concentrate on keeping you on your toes with the large amounts of enemies and having to consistantly manage to ammo and health.
                      Last edited by El Leone; 14-03-2009, 10:34.


                        Resi 4/5 rely more on panic than fear


                          Originally posted by Team Andromeda View Post
                          Again a spot on post . I just don't get it , RE 5 is RE4 with next gen graphics and a new setting, otherwise its more or less exactly the same . And I don't get this new thing about character development, when RE4 for most of the game never made any sense , and lacked the character and story development of Code Veronica , and felt in parts like The Texas Chain Saw Massacre II .
                          And to knock RE5 for not being scary is a laugh , when RE4 wasn't scary in the slightest , none of the series has been since the 1st game (and bit parts of 2 and 3rd games).

                          I loving the game , my only issues are running out of ammo at key moments
                          I agree with you and Ezee completely. I love Resident evil 5, how could I not when it's so very similar to RE4!

                          My only major complaint would be forced co-op and that it took them 4 years to get this out when it ended up borrowing to much from RE4 anyway! The wait for RE4 was understandable given it went through 4 versions or so


                            Not had that much time to play but after finishing the first couple of chapters come to the impression that:

                            a) The demo gave a really really bad impression. Certainly in the case of the town and the dude with the microphone they picked the worst bit I've played so far.

                            b) It looks gorgeous. Really liking the look of it.

                            c) The AI partner for the most part isn't too bad.

                            d) The "assisted jump" thing is annoying. If I can do that at a ladder why not at a gate or low wall.

                            e) The not being able to walk and shoot while not game crippling is seriously annoying after Dead Space. And I hate the way the cutscenes ram it home - they're constantly moving with their gun held up in the cutscenes.

                            Still. Most enjoyable so far.


                              Only thing I wanna know is this:

                              If I start an offline co-op game, is it possible for somebody to drop out, and have the AI take over? If so how do I do it?
                              Kept you waiting, huh?


                                Originally posted by Supergoal View Post
                                Sounds like a game to be avoided. I can't stand games with annoying controls. Shame as I love the RE series.
                                the controls are pretty much the same as res 4, except using your partner for cover/attack.

                                infact the game mechanics/animations/set pieces/locations etc are simliar/identical to 4 (which is fine by me as i loved it), except with really tasty graphics and lovely sound

                                Avoiding it just because someone else says the controls arent great, is a big loss and a bit silly really. Resident evil/biohazard games have always had fairly clunky controls. If you mastered res 4 controls, you should have no problems with this.
                                Last edited by dvdx2; 14-03-2009, 11:32.

