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Resident Evil 5 (PS3 / Xbox 360)

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    Originally posted by DryRice View Post
    dont mind me asking but who is the unl0cking master on xbox live it relates to jill valentine?
    djtickle im close to completing it and its 6-3 chapters long.
    how long has it taken you to get to there, hours wise?


      i'm partway through 6-1 and i've put in about 10hr 41


        Ah so not so bad then, just seem'd to be getting through it rather quick!


          Originally posted by djtickle View Post
          how long has it taken you to get to there, hours wise?
          hmm i haven't check this morning ill turn on my xbox later on but if you can complete the game in under 5hrs you get unlimited rocket ammo since using a rocket is single usage and they aren't cheap to buy as well.


            No one has made a thread for it on the online board, but I was wondering if anyone wanted to do co op?


              Originally posted by mr_woo View Post
              Been enjoying what I've played of this so far and it is fun to play but it's just missing that special something that makes RE4 so good. It's not just nostalgia either as I finished RE4 again for the umpteenth time recently. Just little things like the Merchant in RE4 really added to the game, having a crappy menu between chapters is just gash and as a game it just feels more substantial than RE5 has so far, I also detest the way you can't actually move items around in your inventory unless you are in a break between chapters. Salazar in 4 is an awesome main bad guy too, he was a real creepy bastard who actually felt menacing. I do like Sheva though and as a character is someone I hope appears in other RE games.

              I think the single player (well coop) is something that I'll play once or twice but never touch again. Only a third of the way through though so it could turn utterly mental later on. Not a bad game by any means and it's fun but I certainly wouldn't say it was as good as RE4 by a longshot so far, I'll reserve final judgement until I've finished the damn thing!
              The problem with RE5 is that it has potentially better characters than RE4 since its the Wesker - Chris arc but they are played out pretty badly imo. The story doesn't pick up until you are really far into the game. If you've seen the trailers, you've seen it all, basically.

              I swear I knew every single scene of Irving already.

              Bossfights, they just suck.

              I also hated the one on the boat. Didn't even use a strat to beat it but suddenly it fell (Sheva probably shot it).

              Not a single moment they reach the excitement of the fight against Bitores Mendez.

              Take El Gigante for example, in RE4 that was a SotC kind of fight. Now its just simply shooting.

              Areas are not half as brilliant and menacing. Its Africa, but lacks the atmosphere of the continent. When racing through the savannah, you'd at least expect some fauna on the background.

              Nah, RE5 has absolutely nothing on RE4 imo. Even the graphics, they are good but sometimes kind of sloppy. RE4 was more impressive looking in its time. Will I encounter a Krauser like scene in RE5? I doubt it. I for one don't really like the cutscenes either, they are not full screen and look grainy especially the flashbacks.


                I share what you're saying mate, esp about the cutscenes and story. Like i mentioned before, i really don't like the angle they've gone with Wesker... It just feels wrong somehow.

                I loved how Resident Evil 4 took the franchise into a much needed new direction, and despite being more action-like, it still felt very much like a Resident Evil game (some of the end areas were still very creepy!). This, to me, doesn't... and seeing what happens to wesker just confirms this is miles away from what the series has to offer.

                Still, it is undeniably fun... but, for me personally, it's trying too hard be something else and thus has lost that special-something that made the other titles in the series so unique.
                Last edited by Adam Stone; 13-03-2009, 11:53.
                ----Member since April 2002



                  Still feels like a Resident Evil game to me, it is not that different to Resident Evil 4 at all which people absolutely adored.


                    Originally posted by ezee ryder View Post
                    Still feels like a Resident Evil game to me, it is not that different to Resident Evil 4 at all which people absolutely adored.
                    Spot on post . Watch everyone rave when COD VI is more of the same .

                    they are not full screen and look grainy especially the flashbacks.
                    I think Capcom are going for the film effect , and if we want to pick , RE 4 never had full screen mode for the whole game


                      Is there anyway to stop Sheva shooting the majins that I am trying to knife as she is using way too much ammo for my liking


                        Originally posted by ezee ryder View Post
                        Still feels like a Resident Evil game to me, it is not that different to Resident Evil 4 at all which people absolutely adored.
                        It is quite different in that the action is much faster paced and while its a good enough game the controls simply arent good enough too keep up with the pace.

                        The Enemies move alot quicker than in RE4, they move quite fast in this one, you are constantly running away from, turning around, firing off a couple of shots and then running some more.

                        The gameplay in RE4 was in many respects about your shooting acuracy, in RE5 the gameplay is about how good you are at legging it.

                        I prefer shooting things to running away to be honest, but in RE5 you spend as much time running as you do fighting.
                        Last edited by rmoxon; 13-03-2009, 12:06.


                          On the Ps2 RE4 had true 16:9 wasn't it

                          Anyway, I also mean the QTE cutscenes. They felt more brilliant in RE4. Don't know how to express. I think RE4 just rocks it, given they had more limited hardware to play around with.

                          Enemies are faster, but will stop in front of you. Since the enemy count is higher and the gameplay is not improved you indeed spend much more time running away. And thats where the level design comes in, I'd say that RE4's layout of levels was much smarter. Especially in the village. And again, given they had much less hardware to work with.

                          I also noticed another gripe yesterday; If sheva needs to kill the badguys upriver while you steer and she runs out of ammo, you have to backtrack, get out, give her items and go back. Why can't you do that when on the boat? It felt really stupid.
                          Last edited by saturn-gamer; 13-03-2009, 12:13.


                            How flexible is the Co-op on this. If I playthrough with a friend to say, Chapter 3, can I start a new game with another friend and still be able to go back to the Chapter 3 playthough later. Or does it overwrite the save like in Gears?


                              The level design in RE4 was much better too, it had more wide open spaces that were better suited to the controls, here there are lots of small spaces and you are overwhelemed by enemies. Add that to the fact that the computer controlled Sheva is such a dumb ass and it can be relaly frustrating to play.

                              RE4 was a joy from start to finish, RE5 has quite alot of issues that its predecsor never had.


                                Originally posted by rmoxon View Post
                                The level design in RE4 was much better too, it had more wide open spaces that were better suited to the controls, here there are lots of small spaces and you are overwhelemed by enemies. Add that to the fact that the computer controlled Sheva is such a dumb ass and it can be relaly frustrating to play.

                                RE4 was a joy from start to finish, RE5 has quite alot of issues that its predecsor never had.
                                Sounds like a game to be avoided. I can't stand games with annoying controls. Shame as I love the RE series.

