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Resident Evil 5 (PS3 / Xbox 360)

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    That's exactly how I summed up my review for RG. It's a good game, just not a Resident Evil game.


      Originally posted by Akira View Post
      One of the best games of this current gen! the depth of content here is truly stunning.Shame they had to add the VS mode via DLC,but ya know what..i'll bite,'cause this game is so damn addictive to play.

      El leone if your reading this.It's on bro! mercs public assembley
      Check the leaderboards


        Originally posted by Cuber001 View Post
        Its not often that i agree with IGN but i have not seen it posted yet and its a great read and mimics my thoughts exactly. Here are some snippets:

        This is the best and most important quote because it is so true.

        Read the full article, because it sums up my thoughts nicely. Why Capcom insist to make the enemies almost human, yet in every book movie etc, still keep them zombies is beyond me. Great article though. Well done IGN!
        I think the 'problem' that IGN and alot of RE fans like yourself are facing is that you have a notion set in mind saying how RE should be. The thing is, you have no liberty to say how RE should play. Capcom has that liberty. You may say "RE should be scary and be about conserving ammo etc" but Capcom has put its foot down (for the moment being, seeing as RE6 is a reboot) and has made it pretty clear that they wanted RE5 to be more about set pieces, action and team work.

        Honestly, I think alot of RE fans REALLY wanted to bitch at RE4. I mean c'mon, the changes that RE4 made from the series were huge, more so than what RE5 has done. Zombies were out, Umbrella was out, story played less of a role, gameplay was faster paced and more action orientated. QTEs were in and so on. The thing was, RE4 was so solid that it was incredibly hard to make any strong negative comment about it without being labeled as a angry traditional RE fanboy so most of them shut up.

        Lets be fair, if I was come along and say something like, "RE 1-3 including CV and REmake are incredibly ****ty action games" you would be up in arms saying "b-b-but its not a action game!". Thats basically how it is, but flipped around.

        I'm not going to go on because we know how it all plays out and I don't like making big posts about games because I feel like a nerd. However, what I will say is that its unfair how you are judging RE5 with the princples of how RE used to be, as opposed to what it has become.


          I agree to a point and don't really understand the logic of those saying things like 'as a game in it's own right I'd give it a 9, but as a Resident Evil game only a 4' and such. That doesn't make sense to me but, anyway, my problem isn't that it's not a very good Resident Evil game but that it's not a very good game. Full Stop.


            You have a good constructed arguement against fanboyism/die hards El Leone i have played pretty much of all the RE series and i'm enjoying the 5th alot with the online co-op mode. To me i don't care about the fixed camera angles and stages from previous i quite like this new approach which they changed for RE4.

            Maybe i dont see the suspense in RE5 or previous games but to me it was always about progressing of the storyline.


              @El Leone - I agree with what you're saying. At the same time however, it must surely be understandable that those of us who are long-term fans of the series are a little miffed that the elements that made us love the series in the first place have been mostly discarded.

              Not that I doubt the quality of RE4/5 as standalone games however, and I do like them. But I have been looking at other games recently for my survival horror fix.


                Its mainly the Coop element that makes it feel unlike a Resident Evil game, and its also the Coop part that dosnet work well compared to other games with similar elements.

                So either way its a disapointment relaly.


                  Just started playing this (360 version) and the screen-tearing is ****ing awful, especially in the cutscenes. Its miles worse than any other game I've played and actually hurting my eyes to look at it.

                  My console settings are 1080p via HDMI at present. Will changing them to something else help or am I going to be forced to play it in Component?

                  (Apologies if this going over old ground but I've been keeping away from this thread)


                    Anyone on ps3 want to co-op mercenaries, to help me unlock the characters? im appauling at mercenaries for some reason...*grumbles*
                    Last edited by Largo; 20-03-2009, 02:11.


                      This sucks, finished chapter 2-1 on co-op and my mate got the achievement but I didn't, I know its no big deal but im a gamerscore nut.

                      Anyone else had a prob with achievements not unlocking?


                        Originally posted by El Leone View Post
                        I think the 'problem' that IGN and alot of RE fans like yourself are facing is that you have a notion set in mind saying how RE should be. The thing is, you have no liberty to say how RE should play. Capcom has that liberty. You may say "RE should be scary and be about conserving ammo etc" but Capcom has put its foot down (for the moment being, seeing as RE6 is a reboot) and has made it pretty clear that they wanted RE5 to be more about set pieces, action and team work.
                        Yes but if it wasnt for us "fans" there would be no Resident Evil. People say the series was in decline and needed a change, but i refuse to believe that. Why did nobody ever look at what systems Mr Mikami put them on? All systems with crappy installed base. No wonder why they sold like crap, even RE4 Gamecube. Why cant Capcom just simply call this something else or at least a side story and make a true Resident Evil game for fans. And it can exactly like 4, but have a more traditional feel. Silent Hill did it.

                        Honestly, I think alot of RE fans REALLY wanted to bitch at RE4. I mean c'mon, the changes that RE4 made from the series were huge, more so than what RE5 has done. Zombies were out, Umbrella was out, story played less of a role, gameplay was faster paced and more action orientated. QTEs were in and so on. The thing was, RE4 was so solid that it was incredibly hard to make any strong negative comment about it without being labeled as a angry traditional RE fanboy so most of them shut up.
                        So in other words to make such a huge jump for the series they took out everything that made Resident Evil, Resident Evil? But i still think RE4 still at heart "felt" like a Resident Evil game. There was basic puzzles and a wide range of enemies, that still acted sort of zombie like. There was quiter moments, and the castle bit was insane. The only thing Resident Evil fans bitched at was the story, or lack of. Read up on RE forums, its still the only thing most hate about it. People did complain.

                        I'm not going to go on because we know how it all plays out and I don't like making big posts about games because I feel like a nerd. However, what I will say is that its unfair how you are judging RE5 with the princples of how RE used to be, as opposed to what it has become.
                        You feel like a nerd making big posts but post on a gaming forum and read it daily. May i ask what is the difference? If you post it makes you feel worse than just browsing?

                        Anyway, i dont think its unfair at all. When a band changes their style of music, all original fans bitch. And with good reason. Resident Evil fans made the series what it had become. Without all those fans there would be no current Resident Evil. Capcom made all these games about chasing Umbrella, even released side books and games like Weskers report to fill in the blanks. And than release RE4 to us and kill of everything without really explaining it. Its heart breaking for fans. But the game played well, and than we get dished this turd. At least give us the dignity of closing out the series properly.


                          Originally posted by Kubrick View Post
                          Just started playing this (360 version) and the screen-tearing is ****ing awful, especially in the cutscenes. Its miles worse than any other game I've played and actually hurting my eyes to look at it.

                          My console settings are 1080p via HDMI at present. Will changing them to something else help or am I going to be forced to play it in Component?

                          (Apologies if this going over old ground but I've been keeping away from this thread)
                          I had major tearing problems at 1080p with HDMI. Switching the 360 to 720p sorted it out. I haven't noticed any tearing since.


                            So... Dead Rising 2 will be more Resident Evil than Resident Evil by all accounts now?

                            Also - why can't you eat fish in this game either?


                              Originally posted by ItsThere View Post
                              So... Dead Rising 2 will be more Resident Evil than Resident Evil by all accounts now?

                              Also - why can't you eat fish in this game either?

                              Dead Rising 2 - Cant wait


                                Originally posted by ItsThere View Post
                                Also - why can't you eat fish in this game either?
                                Yeah, I shot one looking forward to having to fit a HUGE DAMN FISH into my inventory and it magically turned into gold coins...strange...

