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Resident Evil 5 (PS3 / Xbox 360)

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    Whatever happens, Leon has to return.


      You never know, they could really be making a proper RE game for the Wii. The dev team is free to work on whatever after all...

      But yeah, the series needs to return to it's psychological roots. You should really dread the sound of an enemy in a room. No more trained soldiers as leads, no more dissolving corpses and zombies dropping ammo


        About the actual game - is there any point in keeping the treasures?

        I'm actually really enjoying this, Sheva isn't annoying me at all and I'm constantly at next to no ammo so the action feels tense. It isn't as good as number 4 but still good...only just made it to chapter 3 mind!


          just sell the treasures its there for you to make money.


            There was a file in the ship, just before the Excella boss fight I think, which had a list of names of survivors from Umbrella I think. So I imagine the story will be based around them now.


              Goddammit! Finally beat the game but because I was controlling Sheva nothing unlocked which is just plain stupid! With COD5's map pack out tomorrow I think this unfortunate parting insult will be how me & RE5 end things


                Wow, that's pretty crappy if true. Are you sure you've cleared every chapter? My co-op buddy played though the entire game from start to finish with me but because he lagged out and rejoined a few times he had to go back and re-play a couple of chapters in their entirety.


                  While I never liked the look of the setting, or the idea of single-player co-op, there's still a lot to like about this game.

                  Only a little way in but enjoying it more than I thought I would. All good so far


                    I'm quite annoyed at the absence of:

                    Yellow herbs (added a sense of progression and development to Leon);
                    Combining treasures (should have been expanded on - not ignored);
                    Proper giant fights (not just

                    ona turret

                    Decent knife fights (Krauser was amazing);
                    Any interesting QTE (laser walls anyone?);
                    The missing third of the game (each setting seems to be missing a "middle"); and
                    Varied Boss fights.

                    In terms of the boss fights it is like RE:0 - fighting the same or similar creatures over and over again.

                    RE4 had amazing bosses - so varied and generally brilliant. RE:5 is still good but it just lacks imagination and has taken several steps backwards in the pursuit of unneccesary multiplayer functionality.


                      Originally posted by Charlie View Post
                      Wow, that's pretty crappy if true. Are you sure you've cleared every chapter? My co-op buddy played though the entire game from start to finish with me but because he lagged out and rejoined a few times he had to go back and re-play a couple of chapters in their entirety.
                      I'd been working through the single player as Chris so for the last 2 nights I've only had 6-3 to complete. I couldn't get a decent Coop partner and the AI was rubbish so I started searching for coop partners myself and managed to find someone alright and we went through. I've played the last level so many times now I don't think I can face doing it again.

                      Plus, one of the next games for me to go through is Dead Space... which I'm suspecting is gonna blow Resi 5 out of the water


                        Its not often that i agree with IGN but i have not seen it posted yet and its a great read and mimics my thoughts exactly. Here are some snippets:


                        Co-operative modes in games are generally great. It's fun to share the experience with someone – but sometimes, the nature of the game goes against the need for co-op play. We think Resident Evil is a good example of a game where the sheer nature of survival horror games really needs the player to feel alone and scared. Clearly, that's hard to do when there's another character beside you the whole time, or your buddy is on the couch, sharing the experience with you.
                        This is the best and most important quote because it is so true.

                        In RE4, the changes were refreshing and, most importantly, never at the expense of atmosphere. It added a lot of flavour with its over-the-shoulder perspective, the villages and castle settings and the non-zombie villagers. In RE5, however, things feel amiss. It lacks tension, thrills and focus. It's still a really great action game – but it's not Resident Evil.
                        In the right situation, a slow, crawling zombie, clawing away at the pavement or taking swipes at you through a door, can be a truly atmospheric, frightening thing. None of this is to say that we don't love our giant, mutant moths and oozing, tendril-covered super-mutants. No. These can stay – but it needs it be used sparingly. While we're on the topic, how about introducing limb-specific damage, Capcom? Dead Space has made us hungry for limb slicing.
                        Read the full article, because it sums up my thoughts nicely. Why Capcom insist to make the enemies almost human, yet in every book movie etc, still keep them zombies is beyond me. Great article though. Well done IGN!


                          Originally posted by PeteJ View Post
                          About the actual game - is there any point in keeping the treasures?

                          I'm actually really enjoying this, Sheva isn't annoying me at all and I'm constantly at next to no ammo so the action feels tense. It isn't as good as number 4 but still good...only just made it to chapter 3 mind!
                          This is yet another rubbish thing about this game. All you can do with the tresure is sell it, so why create the hassel of you having to do that?, why dosent the game just note that you collected them and give you some gold?

                          The selling of treasure just seems to be there becuase it was in the last game, but becuase you can no longer combine them its yet another thing which worked better in RE4 than here.
                          Last edited by rmoxon; 19-03-2009, 11:25.


                            "In RE4, the changes were refreshing and, most importantly, never at the expense of atmosphere."

                            Well, I'd say RE4 did sacrifice a lot of tension compared to the older titles but the joy with RE4 was it didn't do what RE5 has done and sacrificed all of the tension. The more fluid the controls get the more the tension is harder to generate which is fair enough but RE5 just doesn't bother trying.


                              Can't remember who said it but the thing about mercs not having as many people to find is true, i often find my combo ending because i can't find other majini to keep it going.


                                One of the best games of this current gen! the depth of content here is truly stunning.Shame they had to add the VS mode via DLC,but ya know what..i'll bite,'cause this game is so damn addictive to play.

                                El leone if your reading this.It's on bro! mercs public assembley

