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Half-Life 2 (PC)

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    Yay, more delays. Maybe.


      It's just a regurgitation of Gamespot's article if you look closely. There's no real new information - We're still frustratingly in the dark with regards to a release.

      The pre-loads are still continuing though (I downloaded this during one hell of a CS Beta update a few days ago).

      Check out the latest updates, news, and events from the top selling and featured games across Steam.

      Oh, and to tease some of you more, here's a link to PC Gamer's US review issue cover for Half-Life 2, out early this week for subscribers. Keep your eyes peeled for review text/scores/scans over the next few days, someone's bound to leak something.

      Last edited by Concept; 28-09-2004, 05:33.


        Originally posted by Zapp$ter
        Or maybe the automated survey mistook other people's GPU renderers for OpenGL like it did with yours?
        You're probably right. But that still doesn't stop 52% of Valve's audience using nv4_disp.dll as a driver (which is Nvidia based) from that survey, as opposed to the 35% for ati2dvag.dll.


          Hi Julian,

          We were careful to keep the review spoiler free. It's about how the game
          makes us feel, rather than about what you will see in the game. And yes,
          it's positive.

          - Hide quoted text -

          Julian Rooze wrote:

          >Hi Mr Donald,
          >I was wondering, since the review of HL2 is coming to PC Gamer US
          >October 1st, how is the spoiler level of that review? Should gamers
          >who wanna be HL2 virgins steer clear of the review and just get the
          >mag for the rating and the conclusion? Or is it fairly safe to read?
          >And, "Jim went, he played, and came back a gibbering, teary-eyed
          >wreck." that's a positive thing right?
          >Thanks in advance, I hope to hear back from you soon.
          >Julian Rooze
          For those of you worried if the imminent review of Half-Life 2 in the US version of PC Gamer is going to include spoilers, there doesn't seem to be much need to worry. Someone over at emailed one of the magazine's staff for confirmation.

          I'm going to be hovering over a bunch of mostly nonsensical forums throughout the day in hope one of the subscribers leaks some information.


            Concept, you got it bad, really bad.


              Originally posted by JibberX
              Concept, you got it bad, really bad.
              I know.

              Someone better release some new information soon... It's like being oxygen starved when a person is looking forward to a game as much as this.

              Unforunately, the last time I anticipated a videogame this much happened to be with Metal Gear Solid 2. Which ended up being crushingly disappointing.

              I'm probably tempting fate.


                I've mellowed. I can't afford a new graphics card, so I can't afford to be excited, or I'll just get depressed.

                I'm hoping release will be a little later in the year so I can save up... How sad


                  I've got my old 9800SE floating about doing nothing since I've installed my x800Pro, so if you'd like it I wouldn't mind sending it you free of charge as way of thanks for the Red Vs Blue stuff.


                    Well after people have questioned those that have reviewed the game, it looks like there's no HL2 multiplayer - only CS:S.

                    Can't say I'm surprised at all, as CS has always been the game Valve wished they'd come up with first.

                    Someone's bound to make a mod that'll let you play HL2 in multiplayer and use the Manipulator etc

                    Magazine reviews very imminent aye? Hadn't given that too much attention before as various mags have trumpeted that claim and come up with nothing, but this time its all very real it would seem.

                    I keep saying it, but it must be sooooooooooooooooo close now. My earlier estimates of a 30th September release just aren't going to happen, but who knows, maybe a gold announcement on that historic day ?

                    :crosses fingers:


                      Lots of Half-Life 2 information. Purchasing options have been made clear by Gabe Newell, and they'll be made available for purchase next week. Here are the details.

                      Retail Boxes

                      * Standard Edition ? includes HL2 and CS:Source. Ships on six CDs, in one of three box-art packages (Gordon, Alyx or the G-Man),
                      * Collector's Edition ? includes Half-Life 2, Counter-Strike: Source, Half-Life 1: Source, a Half-Life 2 T-shirtand a Prima book sampler. Ships on a single DVD.

                      Steam Packages

                      * Bronze ? HL2* and CS:Source.
                      * Silver ? HL2*, Counter-Strike: Source, Half-Life 1: Source*, Day of Defeat: Source*, Valve's back catalog currently available on Steam.
                      * Gold ? HL2*, Counter-Strike: Source, Half-Life 1: Source*, Day of Defeat: Source*, Valve's back catalog currently available on Steam, Complete Strategy Guide from Prima Games, 3 different Half-Life 2 posters, Half-Life 2 hat, Half-Life 2 postcard, Half-Life 2 stickers, Half-Life 2 Soundtrack CD, Chance to win a trip to Valve! (1 trip offered for every 5000 Gold packages purchased).

                      *To be made available upon product's release.
                      Spatial, is this the information you were talking about Half-Life 2 mulitplayer from those who'd reviewed the game?


                        I;d best get Steam installed then!


                          It doesn't mean Half-Life 2 is released yet though. That's still up in the air.

                          Each marked games in the bronze, silver and gold editions will be made available for those who purchased immediately when they're released. Although the full version of Counterstrike Source will be avaliable next week.

                          One thing's for sure... I bet VUG aren't happy Valve is still seemingly moving ahead with plans to sell all this on Steam.


                            Very clever of them to offer that Gold edition on Steam! I wonder what Vivendi think of it, can't see them being too happy about it. Hope this stuff applies to UK as well as the US.

                            I was just going to say that the latest pre-load takes the data up to about 3.2Gb compressed so we must be getting close. 6 CDs is about what, 4.5Gb?


                              4.2 GB or thereabouts. But I agree, if VUG needed an excuse to try and delay Half-Life 2 for six months in court, then they've just got their reason.

                              I've already emailed Valve to ask if the Gold edition can be shipped internationally, as it's the one I want.


                                Forgot to say, does Valve's "back catalogue" include Condition Zero? I know its average, but if the price is reasonable for the Gold edition it might be a goer. And CS:S next week? I'll have some of that :-)

