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Half-Life 2 (PC)

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    And I see the extras come in a box, so all you need to do is burn the Steam files and you have a nice collectors edition, gold box-set thingy.


      Originally posted by ascender
      Its now d/loading all the other games as the servers are too busy to d/load CS:S!

      Unlucky, you should have just ticked cs: source out of the list, I'll get the others later as and when needed...

      It's now tellin me to update my drivers or there may be problems...yeh whatever...let me!


        Was just thinking, would be nice if HL:S was released quickly to let you play through that before HL2 is released.


          Just received a receipt and confirmation I'll be getting an email as soon as the gold extras are shipped. Did you get Gold, Len and Ascender?

          All the games seen to be working fine for me. They need small updates. Or at least CS: Source did.

          I've just been playing through Half-Life's introduction again because I uninstalled it a while ago, but I've redownloaded it as part of this package. I love it's opening, and OpenGL seems to function better on the x800 in comparison to my last play through. It's got music this time too.


            Yeh went for gold, couldn't resist.

            I know what yr saying ascender, was chattin to my m8 earlier saying how about playing HL: Source through immediately followed by HL2 when you get it. As much as we both loved the idea we both agreed it ain't gonna happen so we settled on; play HL2, followed by HL: Source then HL2 again.

            A nice arrangement I think...


              I've already decided that I'm going to play Half-Life 2 first on:

              Easy, Normal, Hard.

              Get my money's worth... And then do the same on Half-Life: Source.

              God, I'm sad.


                I've just counted up the games what Valve offer in Gold. 12 games for just over ?50 (minus VAT of course) isn't pretty damn ****ing impressive. If you pardon my language.


                  Ah. I see what Valve are doing. I was wondering how I'm being able to play all these games so fast. Steam's updating in the background downloading about four games at a time without me noticing as I'm messing around in CS: Source.


                    Dood, give it a rest! >_<


                      Originally posted by Concept
                      12 games for just over ?50 (minus VAT of course) isn't pretty damn ****ing impressive. If you pardon my language.
                      That seems a good price to me. I'm confused are you happy with that or angry?

                      'Cos the bit I'm quoting seems to suggest your a bit pissed at the price


                        I think he's just excited...


                          What is available on steam at the moment? CS:Source and what else?


                            I was saying I was impressed that Valve have offered pretty much their entire back catalogue along with the new stuff with Half-Life 2 for just over ?50. And all the extra physical stuff too.

                            What's new?

                            CS: Source out of the stuff just unlocked. Man, if you want to see what Half-Life 2 is going to be like just check out the office and havana maps in Source. Seriously impressive texture work.

                            Yash... Come on. First proper sign on the way to Half-Life 2, like Len says, of course I'm bloody excited.

                            As soon as it hits release Stateside, here I come.
                            Last edited by Concept; 07-10-2004, 19:58.


                              Yip, went for Gold. It rejected my Mastercard even though I know there's nothing wrong with it, put another card in and seemed to work. Had a quick game of CS:S and its looking very nice indeed. I'll have to get a note of which servers you guys play on.

                              Good point about HL, might just have to play it, I've recently put an X800 in my system too.


                                Ah, so you're all set to go?

                                Sweet. We'll have to arrange a game sometime soon. At the moment I'm just fiddling about in the maps, and deciding on whether I should give Team Fortress a bash.

                                Although after what PeteJ said about the game's addiction levels a while back, I'm not sure.

