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Half-Life 2 (PC)

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    November 24 is the release date given by valve and vu games.


      What's your source?

      I'm assuming you mean the US date.


        This is nuts, we've been talking about this game more then Doom 3 and its not even out yet! Imagine what it'll be like when we all get our hands on a copy!

        The anticipation is going to be bigger then a new star wars movie!


          Well it is a bit insane.

          Over 100 pages, 1000 replies and almost 20,000 views for a thread in which the game hasn't even come out yet. It must be a record for NTSC-uk.

          It wouldn't surprise me when Half-Life 2 is released this becomes the largest thread on this site... And as Ish pointed out a few weeks ago, that'd be ironic considering this place is console-orientated.


            Last I heard nothing had been confirmed regarding the release date. 23/26th November was "leaked" by a major retailer, which is understandable in terms of the xmas market and the marketing campaign. But doesn't make much sense considering the game is finished and its one of those games that will sell huge amounts regardless of release date or money spent on advertising.

            But then someone mentioned the start of November was another target date.

            Unbelievable really.

            CS:S this weekend anyone?


              Yeah. I'm up for CS: Source this weekend. Although let me warn you, I'm a complete newb when it comes to online FPS games.


                Thing is, they could release this game now or in the lead up to Christmas, then because it is a PC game, all the little kiddies can spend their ?20 on it after Christmas. I reckon that HL2 will be a game that sells consistently over a long time, especially if they take advantage of the affluent youth after the holiday.


                  Originally posted by Concept
                  Over 100 pages, 1000 replies and almost 20,000 views for a thread in which the game hasn't even come out yet. It must be a record for NTSC-uk.
                  And it was me that started this thread ................ I've had my moment


                    Trumpet. Blow. Your. How. To.

                    Now, which way do those words go in?

                    Only kidding Spatial. It's an incredibly strong thread you set into motion. For the range of opinions, news and resources for articles/videos/images etc. and all sorts of other gubbins.

                    In immediate Half-Life 2 news... PC Gamer US has given the game 98%. I've read the review, and had a quick peek at PC Zone's review (97%) earlier today. They've both got me exceptionally excited by what they have to say on the game's narrative.

                    Apparently, there's accusations going around that we can forget the likes of MGS, Shenmue, Silent Hill et al to show us how to experience cinematic gaming.

                    The seemlessness and the depth of characterisation, and the way the scenes are integrated into the gameplay are supposed to be jaw dropping. The way it was made to sound was a cinematic gaming pinnacle.


                      Considering you can now pre order the game through steam, and the fact that cs: Source is available now, end of november seems like a pretty safe bet.
                      As for any difference between the us release date and any other, dont think that apply's to steam users. I'm assuming my copy will come straight from valve, i've already pre loaded HL2, it just needs to be unlocked.
                      CS: Source hasnt been time released depending on country, its available to


                        You'd hope it'd be a safe bet, wouldn't you?

                        Unfortunately this is Half-Life 2, and nothing can ever be taken for granted. It usually gets thrown back in your face when that happens.

                        In other news, Vivendi isn't done with approving the release candidate stage yet.


                          Which is exactly what I said about it being extremely unlikely that the first rc would be approved. I don't think it's too bad though, just the normal dev process. Still would be nice to get a date...

                          I'll definitely be up for some cs over the wkend, had a quick whirl the other night, was like riding a bike, you don't forget. Just kept getting a strange sense of deja-vu, it's the same but it's different. Good fun to play with the new debris and shoot it around and the water is lovely.

                          What's ppls friends names on Steam, mines LenHug, feel free to add me. The friends list seemed to be bust the other day but that was release day.
                          Last edited by Len; 09-10-2004, 10:52.


                            Only think i'm not to keen on, is the fact that if you order from steam you dont get a hardcopy of the game... No cd/dvd.

                            Think it only applies to bronze and silver packs, as theres upto a 8 week wait for the gold pack.

                            Can anyonr varify all that?


                              You do get a box for the Gold edition at least. As for a CD, you can just burn the files to DVD, I think someone's done a tutorial on it already at Steampowered. The more I think about it, if you have to rebuild your system due to a major crash, its not going to be a great problem to leave it on overnight to d/l HL2 again. I'll prolly do a DVD backup, but Steam has been very fast and reliable for me this far, so I'm very happy with it.


                                "We are still hopeful, however, to see the game on store shelves this fall," Valve spokesman Doug Lombardi told BBC News Online. -

                                Sounds kinda worrying

