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Half-Life 2 (PC)

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    I'd laugh if this wasn't Half Life 2. Instead I'll sob.


      There there. There there. Have a tissue.

      I'd agree that its getting way too silly now.

      VU are staying so tight lipped it makes me wonder if there's not something wrong. Maybe the whole court case thing ?

      A lot of people are still throwing around the end of November release. More and more people `in the know` are saying that promo and retail slots have been booked in for that period.

      I should just stop speculating I guess

      I've tried doing what Concept said and forgeting about HL2 for the time being. I went off and contemplated GTA SA for a good while. Then I got wrapped up in MGS3 for a bit. Yesterday it was Halo 2's turn. But somehow I keep getting drawn back to HL2 all the time.

      It only takes an ad online, or for me to see a magazine cover and Bam ! its back in the front of my mind again and won't go away ft:

      I haven't been this obsessed with a game since...... well ever in fact. The only thing that comes close is the first time I fell in love with .... ah that would be telling, but she was worth getting this het up over... this is just a game for Christ's sakes !


        And while I'm walowing in my own crapulence ( so to speak ) in other more interesting news :-

        From HL2 Fallout :-
        An anonymous industry insider has sent in word regarding HL2's RC status. How reliable is this "anonymous industry" source? We'll soon find out. Here's the quote:

        Vivendi is very eager to get the game out ASAP and Valve submitted RC5 late last week to Vivendi for testing. I think they were down to three show stoppers after RC4, nothing huge. They're being very careful about getting a stable release out the door and with all the big reviews hitting the net I'm not surprised. It's looking to be something very special. The delays are not Vivendi sitting on a finished game or Valve not playing fair.

        If true, this news would end the rumours about Vivendi holding the game back as a "hostage" in the light of the lawsuits between Valve and Vivendi. Again, if this proves true, a gold announcement can't be far away.

        Could be utter bollox but who knows ?


          So, we get more unconfirmed speculation...

          Spatial, you HAVE to calm down. Just wait, and it will come.


            Seems reasonable to me. I think it would be extremely unlikely that Vivendi would sit on a virtually bug free version of the game, given their situation. From what I've heard it's not unusual for the several release candidates to be delivered before a game is declared suitable for going gold.


              I love how that post says there were "show stoppers" but they were "nothing huge".

              That's what makes me believe its total ballix.


                Originally posted by ascender
                I love how that post says there were "show stoppers" but they were "nothing huge".

                That's what makes me believe its total ballix.
                Well I'd assume by showstoppers they meant crashes to the desktop and by nothing huge they meant there wasn't something that really badly affects your pc e.g.wipes your hard drive clean or summat similar(IIRC I think it might have been a bug in Pools of Radiance 2 that did that).


                  Apparently a 6th HL2 preload is doing the rounds on steam, which is supposed to include the maps or something.


                    Yip, its the 6th stage and includes the maps. How many more?!?!?!?


                      How perculiar.
                      I'm a paying Silver subscriber, but haven't found a way to download the 6th pre-load. Should it automatically download itself?


                        "As far as Vivendi is concerned, the game is finished"

                        The words uttered by an "industry insider", as posted by the team over at Computer and Video Games. There has been no official gold announcment as yet, but it appears that Half-Life 2 has been sent to PEGI and BBFC for certification.

                        Speaking under strict conditions of anonymity, an industry insider squealed earlier informing us that "as far as Vivendi is concerned, the game [Half-Life 2] is finished" before saying that the title had been passed to PEGI (Pan European Games Information age rating system) for classification, which in turn passed the sequel to the BBFC for certification.

                        So what does this mean exactly? Well, possibly not a great deal. The ESRB recently posted their rating for Half-Life 2. Yesterday Icarus chased up the Assistant Director over at the ESRB who informed us that HL2 was reviewed by them 31 days ago, with the official rating being posted up within the last week or so. The full game wasn't rated and it's entirely possible that the same thing is being done with PEGI and the BBFC. As for the comment quoted in the title of this news post - who knows?

                        Taken from

                        I know this could be bull**** but my heart skips a beat everytime I read stuff like this

                        Edit :- Found this on the C&VG link too

                        A BBFC (British Board of Film Classification) spokesperson has confirmed with us within the last few minutes that the government body is indeed in possession of Half-Life 2. However, they could only add at this stage that the first-person shooter is "under evaluation", as far as certification is concerned

                        Taken from Computer and Video

                        Last edited by Spatial; 15-10-2004, 20:03.


                          I wonder will anyone in BBFC tell us what its like?


                            Or leak it ?


                              The 'FBFC' would probably be you best bet for a leak!


                                Half-Life 2 apparently went gold ?

                                Gamespot Rumor Control has uncovered a nice bit of info that suggests Half-Life 2 went gold today.

                                Ever since the release candidate for Half-Life 2 was submitted to VU Games in mid-September, a pi?ata has hung in the lobby of Valve's headquarters. The plan: to bust the sucker open when the game achieved gold status. Earlier today, GameSpot learned from an informed sourced that "the pi?ata has been broken" and the game has gone gold. Further evidence of the game's completion was a press release issued this afternoon touting the first review of "the entire game." Though nothing official has been announced yet, it appears the fat lady is at last clearing her throat.

                                If true, this means an offical announcement is right around the corner, most likely Monday

                                Taken again from ( which is in turn getting its info from Gamespot ).

                                Or may be that Gabe got the munchies and just had to have those pinata sweeties

