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Half-Life 2 (PC)

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    Actually it only equals ?50 for the Gold edition when converting 90 USD to GBP (minus shipping of course). Not bad in hindsight.

    Still... This is interesting but very odd. Buy Half-Life 2 now, yet still no clue as to when it's going to be released.


      I don't care, I'm in...

      So 7pm tom night for us...


        Originally posted by Concept
        When I did a search in google for the review, a general summary of PC Zone's available over at HalfLife came up, and that was blacked out with a lot of spoilers, so I can only take from that it's going to be choc-full of them.
        I thought you'd learnt yr lesson...?


          I have done. I didn't look at any.

          This time tomorrow, I may just be canning everyone's arse at the full version of CS: Source. Or not.


            50 quid sounds alright for the Gold edition, so I'm in.

            I haven't played CS in about 2 years, so if anyone is looking for some easy cannon fodder, just let me know and we can have a game this weekend.


              Wouldn't it be great if Valve surprised everyone by supplying Half-Life 2 as soon as you bought it.

              Or they messed up again, and accidentally allowed access to it in the package.

              Well... We can but dream.


                All US sites have the shipping date of the 1st of November from what i've seen.

                But i've also heard the 29th of November being spoken of


                  And I've also heard 5th November, 23rd November.

                  I love Vivendi and Valve's cagey response to anything regarding release.


                    I've also heard the 5th Nov date, m8 had it on pre-order with Gameplay I think and they sent him a mail last week after the supposed retailers leake of the release date saying there had been a change to his order and it would now be available on the 5th Nov.

                    God knows...I don't believe 'owt until it's official now. Totally ridiculous situation.

                    Moving on, I'll be up for some CS for sure, had a quick go on old cs for the first time in about a year the other night. Was quite funny as I was trying to lean and suchlike due to playing all the recent fps's and of course you can't! Nice and simplified...


                      Less than a hour to go, and I'll have Half-Life 2/Half Life: Source/DoD: source bought, and ready to unlock the moment their made available commerciaily.

                      And CS: Source in the meantime. Excellent.

                      Hurry up 6pm.


                        is anyone predicting some sort of server crash when everyone tries to play cs source at the same time ? i'm still torn between actually having a hard copy of the game and getting it on steam


                          Absolutely, was chattin about this to a m8. Was like great I can pay but then surely there's gonna be the mother of all bottlenecks on the Valve servers for that extra dl chunk to get things to work? We shall see...

                          On another note, surely it's 7pm that it becomes available and not 6pm. It's quoted as pst time which is 8 hrs behind us not pdt time which is 7. Or am I forgetting that we've gone back an hour? Here:


                            I think you're right. Yeah... My mistake.

                            Well... It'll certainly be interesting to see how the Steam content servers hold.


                              its going to be crazy. i'll see what happens before i deciede. Again i'd really much prefer to be able to see my game on my shelf


                                Originally posted by Len
                                I've also heard the 5th Nov date, m8 had it on pre-order with Gameplay I think and they sent him a mail last week after the supposed retailers leake of the release date saying there had been a change to his order and it would now be available on the 5th Nov.
                                Really ? I didn't get an e-mail

                                Just checked the Gameplay site and its still saying the 26th ?

                                I've said it before but this release thing is silly now. I wish VU would just sort it out.

