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Monster Hunter 3 (Tri-) - Wii

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    Monster Hunter 3 (Tri-) - Wii

    It arrived. I played.

    The scene is Moga Village. There is a mysterious earthquake that upsets a lot of people and destroys the Guild camp nearby. You are a hunter who has just arrived in the village and you are given the task of taking out the Ragiakurusu (big swimmy electric one) though the Village Leader understands that you can't just do that straightaway and sets you up with a house. And that's how it begins.

    This vaguely feels like the previous versions but the differences are obvious. Instead of training missions you are just allowed to roam the Moga Forest for as long as you like. There are tasks you must achieve, like getting a particular item, but other than that you can just kill the small monsters there to your heart's content. Killing the beasties there gets you points which you can use at the farm or with the fishermen. The guild is still there, though you can't do their missions to start with. Not until you have enough points to rebuild the base camp. Once this is done, away you go.

    As one who played the demo that came with MHG I can honestly say it does look slightly better, some atrocious NPC pop-up in the village aside. The load times have been shortened every so slightly but are still not what you would expect from a Wii game.

    There is no kitchen, but there is a restaurant. There's a cat in your room who will change your interior design the way you want it and transfer spoils from the arena mode to your character. Bowguns are made up of 3 parts, barrel, stock and frame, and the combination of the three determines what and how many rounds it can fire. I'm a bowgunner so that REALLY appeals to me. I haven't had much of a chance to use it yet as the 6-7 hours I played today just about got me everything I needed to make the three parts of the heavy bowgun.

    The controls handle fine, though you'll find yourself running past the people in the village that you want to speak to as you suddenly break into a run. It does seems a little cramped there too. Mid-battle I have no complaints as it works great, even underwater. The underwater battles take a little getting used to. The right stick is used to control the camera and then the left moves your character. This way you can easily swim in any direction. I love fighting sharks. There are also special bullets that travel faster underwater and a whole bunch of other stuff I have yet to encounter.

    I should say that I'm using a Classic Controller PRO to play and love it. The CC should have been made like this in the first place. It fits in the hand like a GC controller but is a little larger and the same weight as a normal CC. Shame I didn't get a black one though.

    Simultaneous 2-player...Is only in the arena mode, where one or two player team up to take down a big monster. Let's be honest, we were half expecting the main game to have 2 players. It's a little disappointing but not really surprising considering how few details escaped Capcom's lips.

    Network mode I have yet to try and probably will tomorrow as everyone gets a 20-day free trial. Hopefully I can get a good few ranks up.

    I haven't been able to get myself off it since it arrived. It's like the other MH games but different enough that everyone will have something to get used to, not just the shinmai (inexperienced) hunters.

    Cheers for you thoughts
    i hope they hurry to bring it over to the UK


      This'll be on show at GamesCom which pretty much confirms an EU release.

      Really not sure about this. Heard it's all about the multiplayer but paying a subscription fee for something that isn't quite as involved as an MMO makes me uncomfortable.


        Has it got proper 1.1 motion controls for the wii mote?


          Originally posted by fishbowlhead View Post
          Has it got proper 1.1 motion controls for the wii mote?
          No, and that was never planned either. Which is fine by me.

          It was confirmed for release in Europe and North America in 2010 by Capcom the other week.

          I'll be updating my MH3 blog when I can with nonsense and stuff and will post the useful things here too.
          Last edited by kryss; 13-08-2009, 06:21. Reason: adding blog link


            Originally posted by kryss View Post
            No, and that was never planned either. Which is fine by me.

            It was confirmed for release in Europe and North America in 2010 by Capcom the other week.

            I'll be updating my MH3 blog when I can with nonsense and stuff and will post the useful things here too.
            Probably better they didn't include motion controls.

            In your blog you said something about a weather report? have they made it more like a real world now, with larger areas, weather, day/night cycle etc??


              There was always different weather in 2ndG anyway. The report I mentioned was about the different monsters reported to be in which areas, whether or not big ones are about and if the chances of getting rarer items is better.

              There is a day/night cycle though, going on a quest or just going into the forest takes up half a day. There is no limit to the number of days.


                Originally posted by kryss
                I haven't had much of a chance to use it yet as the 6-7 hours I played today just about got me everything I needed to make the three parts of the heavy bowgun.
                Thanks for the first impressions! Out of interest, how did you know which parts made up the heavy bowgun? Do the items tell you what they can be used for when you collect them?


                  Frame, stock and barrel are the three parts and each are made separately by the blacksmith dude. The resources needed to make each part depend on which one you want to make. A standard heavy bowgun barrel needs some bones and some rock (can't remember which to be honest).


                    Originally posted by kryss View Post
                    Frame, stock and barrel are the three parts and each are made separately by the blacksmith dude. The resources needed to make each part depend on which one you want to make. A standard heavy bowgun barrel needs some bones and some rock (can't remember which to be honest).

                    Gotcha (I take it he tells you what each part needs).


                      Just got my hands on the new weapon in MH3 - the Slash Axe.

                      Oh my god, this thing is ridiculous and I love it. It can change between an axe and a large sword by pressing the dash button (R) but you can only use the sword-mode for a certain time and then you have to change back to the axe and wait for it to recharge.
                      As I'm more of a gunner it took a little getting used to, but I just took out two DosJagii with it and it's definitely growing on me.


                        ok i just received my e-capcom edition of MH3 and its awesome, i would have had it around the 7th but unfortunately i was only holiday from the start of august until now, btw kryss did you get 1 of the 3 busts for pre-ordering and if so what did you get ?
                        Kuropekko, Ragiakurusu or Rathalos , i got Rathalos, also the ultra rare, blue,mini-figure of Ragiakurusu (which glows in the dark!) is F******'s a link so everybody can see the awesome stuff.
                        Last edited by MisterBubbles; 14-08-2009, 18:18.


                          Rathalos here too I think (Rioreusu?)
                          Did you get the CC PRO too? It's fantastic, I don't think I could play with anything else.

                          I'm making lists explaining the different quests for those who have difficulty with Japanese.
                          Guild Quests Level 1

                          It's just more fun than the PSP one for some reason.


                            Played online until about 6pm last night, by which time I'd got up to HR5. It just goes to show that online Hunter Ranks don't mean much. The HR7 player I was teaming with was shockingly bad for a Gunner. I kept telling her to keep back or run away but she wouldn't listen. I was HR2 and doing most of the work with my Bone Axe Kai.

                            Playing with other people really bring the game into it's own though. Great fun.

                            Capcom are having trouble with the servers today. We all spent the day disconnecting and not finishing quests. Proper pain.
                            Last edited by kryss; 18-08-2009, 04:27.


                              After those problems last week it's been fine. Capcom even extended our Hunter Licenses to make up for it.

                              I'm up to HR30 now, and have just got the urgent quest for ***. You have to go out on a ship on the sand dunes and hunt a GIANT monster called Jien Mooran. We knew we were going to fail but went anyway. You NEED 4 people for that quest and we only had 3...But we put up a valiant fight and only failed because we ran out of time. It was soo much fun.

                              Oh and time-wise 105+ hours so far and I'll be playing more today.

