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Wet 360/PS3

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    Just got to the last level only to do a necessary wall jump and to phase right through it into a part of the level I can't get out from.

    Then for some reason it autosaves and when I restart I'm projected what looks to be waaaaay forward into the level where you have to open a door. No matter how much you hammer X it just will not open.

    Total restart required.



      So your enjoying it then.


        I definitely wouldn't go that far

        Then again, I will play anything for the points...


          Just started palying this and enjoying it so far. I'm over half way now, and there have been some crazy difficulty spikes (playing on hard) and as mentioned elsewhere that flying level was just plain (no pun intended) hateful.

          Sometimes the game feels a bit clunky, and doesn't respond quite as it should, but it's still a lot of fun. I really can't see me replying after I finish it, but it's leagues ahead of Stranglehold.


            i played this a couple of months ago and really enjoyed it. SOmetimes the contols do make you scream when going for the gold medals (was it gold?) on the speed runs



              Almost at the ends now. Had another couple of hard spikes where everyone seems to have homing missiles in their guns, but I've managed to get through them after many restarts. Apart from that it is an enjoyable piece of gaming, that could have benefited from a little more playtesting.


                Now it's dusted on hard. I did enjoy it but I have no desire to try the harder difficulties that are unlocked. I may try the points matter mode (or whatever it's called), and try and beat a few of the more enjoyable levels.


                  Just finished this. Only cost me ?2.97 from Gash Converters but was worth every penny, absolutely. Main gameplay mechanic is very Max Payney but this somehow also manages to summon the tack-factor of Bullet Witch whilst being thoroughly enjoyable all the way through, love how it's so swiftly-paced and relatively short, it just zooms by. Despite some of the parkour controls being a bit wank at times, it's a simple, easy to play game and just plain FUN.

                  Didn't even have any major hassles with the oft-criticised 'hard bits' (ie. the

                  plane descent, second motorway

                  section etc.), *did* find them challenging but never took more than twenty minutes in conquering said sections, even loved the fact it ends quite stressfree on a
                  , penultimate arena section was a bit of bitch and didn't want more(!)

                  Yup, very cheap and very cheerful. If you see for less than a fiver, buy.

