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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves (PS3)

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    Stunning. Just absolutely stunning.

    About 30% in now after playing for a good few hours today and I fear writing this post in case I come across as a dribbling fanboy as I'm really struggling to think of anything negative. It's just that good.

    Quite frankly, I'd be hard pressed to find fault with the first Uncharted but I'm aware of the general issues other people had.

    If you thought there was too much gunplay in the first game, I can say that the platforming:combat ratio is definitely more balanced in a way that will please you. You don't even need to fire a gun until a few chapters in and inbetween the firefights (which are outstanding) there's a lot more puzzle solving and environment traversal to keep you occupied. It does actually help balance things as the impact of the battles is much greater as there is fewer off them.

    And the gunplay is just as satisfying as the first game. Enemy AI feels even more refined. They still try and flush you out with grenades and flank you but appear to do so with more caution now. You have to pay attention and can't rely on them to simply come to you and pick them off. But at the same time, the AI feels fairer, despite their increased smarts. On occasion in Drake's Fortune it felt like the pirates were psychic at times, seemingly aware of you changing hiding places even if you did it out of their line of sight. Not so here as I've managed to sneak up on grunts on multiple occasions where they've still been shooting on where they thought I still was. Because of this stealth kills actually serve a purpose now (I used them in the first game to get the medal/trophy and that was it) and you can actually, with care, take out many of your enemies before they notice, significantly lowering their odds when the mass battle kicks off.

    And this is without even mentioning what are easily the finest graphics seen on any console so far. I'd seen a few videos but they simply don't compare to actually having it running on a big screen a few feet away from you. There have been numerous occasions where I've literally stopped for a minute and let out an audible "wow" and just admire the sheer scale of the views on offer. The game needs a photo mode.

    Even in the darkness of chapter 2, they impress with the simply stunning reflections of the lights in the water fountain.

    Just again. Simply stunning!


      Just finished it.

      Cannot fault a single aspect of it.

      Best. Game. Ever.

      At least until the 3rd one.

      I've now got this horrible empty feeling where I know everything else I play will be compared to this, and will lose.

      "Im sorry, do you have a plan to go with that grenade?"

      Last edited by teddymeow; 16-10-2009, 16:20.


        I get connection error a bit online, whats all that about

        Also this game desperately needs an ntsc group to play since online is full of tards
        Last edited by Largo; 16-10-2009, 17:02.


          Just finished it and well yes it is an amazing game, ranks up in my top 5 of this generation.

          Only very minor negatives would be the

          final boss (was good but not keeping with the immensely high standards the rest of the game sets) and the A.I. during the "stealthy" bits (slightly dumb).

          That's it, apart from the those two parts I mentioned the game is just stunning in every way possible. Oh and

          a 10 is clowns?!

          I had a huge smile on my face throughout the end cut-scene. Naughty Dog are just amazing at creating these likeable funny/charming characters.

          Definitely gonna through this on the harder difficulty settings sometime soon just to experience the awesomeness once again!


            *must resist paying retail price* *struggle*


              Originally posted by kernow View Post
              *must resist paying retail price* *struggle*
              You know you want it. It's calling you.

              'Kernow, please, buy me. It is your destiny'

              See? Can you hear it?

              'Kernow, you have not enough power to resist'

              Just give in and go for it.


                Originally posted by Largo View Post
                I get connection error a bit online, whats all that about

                Also this game desperately needs an ntsc group to play since online is full of tards
                Definitely, we need to sort a group out. This and MW2 are going to be my online games for the next year me thinks....

                I think once everyone finishes the 1p game and starts spending the cash on multi player options it is going to hot up.


                  Originally posted by MatWoods View Post
                  Definitely, we need to sort a group out. This and MW2 are going to be my online games for the next year me thinks....

                  I think once everyone finishes the 1p game and starts spending the cash on multi player options it is going to hot up.
                  Yeah, I need to play MP with a group of like-minded individuals who play for fun and who don't scream obscenities at all the other players.

                  EDIT: Later tonight?


                    lets do it


                      I'm up for tonight.

                      Flitting between the foum on PC and Unchartered 2 so I'm around.


                        Originally posted by kernow View Post
                        *must resist paying retail price* *struggle*
                        ?37 at sainsburys

                        across the mall it was ?42.99 at game

                        guess where i bought mine.....


                          Originally posted by dvdx2 View Post
                          ?37 at sainsburys

                          across the mall it was ?42.99 at game

                          guess where i bought mine.....
                          Game, you got them to price match and still got your Reward Points, right?


                            If the other half falls asleep early I'll be up for a few games.

                            Anyone else got the treasure

                            in Borneo where you have to shoot it down from the tree?

                            Nice little touch I thought.


                              I'm about 30% thru and its pretty good this, the firefights and combat really coming together for me in a far superior to the first game, which I thought was pretty average.

                              As everybody is saying graphically this is stunning (apart from their weird sparkly Riddick eyes in the cutscenes), they aimed for big popcorn action movie and really nailed it.

                              not sure its up there in the all time great list for me with the likes of Mario Galaxy, but its cetainly very very good.


                                Played a couple of the co-op missions with a mate on normal and boy was it fun whilst being very challenging too. I see there are only 3 co-op missions/levels, I hope Naughty Dog release some more as it really is a huge amount of fun.

                                Also tried out some competitive multiplayer too and that was pretty good too. Just the standard team deathmatch mind you but still fun.

