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P.N. 03

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    Played it some more - this game is rock hard.

    Whoever said this game can be finished in two hours must have been playing it on easy, as Normal mode is extremely punishing in its design. By around the 5th room on the first level I lost all of my continues and, to be honest (tbh!), I didn't even think I was doing so bad.

    I really like the way the game stops you after each room and checks your progress; time taken, max combo, enemies killed (says 'Max' if all are killed) and total points. Simple but effective scoring.

    My max combo is only 5 at the moment, and after my 5th kill I was desperately trying to find another enemy to kill before my Combo timer ran out. Good sign for the future.

    Not quite figured out the special move feature, I'm simply button bashing the Dpad whenever I want to do something

    This one is going to take some practice.


      Aye, it's rock solid. It's going to take a while to figure out which buttons to use to dodge each enemy most effectively, let alone getting those sly dance moves in!

      Special moves are listed in the pause menu btw


        Aye, just noticed that

        I managed to obliterate the first level after some practice, though strangely the level ended before the boss went down (I think I managed to run away somehow). After this I went through the Trial Mode (a random order of rooms with increasing amounts of enemies) - this was excellent practice. I was really starting to get into the jumping around, dodging and killing malarky...and then I got a really bad rating at the end (Novice)

        Second level went down with surprising ease, with me not even losing a life...but I still only got Novice rating.

        Just bought a new suit (Primer Blazer), which is in a nice orange shade and has a lovely special move. Interestingly, although my new suit has the potential to be more powerful, it is currently quite weak compared to my initial one which I bought a fair few upgrades for.

        There are four areas in which a suit can be upgraded:
        Barrier, which I'm yet to figure out.
        Palm Shot, which is obviously shot power
        Automatic, which I assume is a 'rapid fire' function (at the mo you need to tap fire extremely quickly) and finally there is Energy, which is also obvious.

        Difficulty wise I'm not sure what to think now. Although level 2 was extremely tough with what was thrown at me, I managed to cope with relitive ease.

        But you know what? I enjoyed every minute of it


          I now have a level 3 fusion suit.Ireally like this game,after the first few Levels which really are a warm up things are getting tough.On level 7 lost all my lives.

          I love the sounds on the droids,the level 3 energy drives are great.The backrounds are simple to keep you focused on the job at hand,dealing out death with style.Though some of the outside levels are good and moody looking.Max combo so far 11.

          Also she speaks,not many words but all in english


            hehehehe ok the previous "rediculously easy" quote has now been retracted after narrowly making it thru level 9. I think the game just takes a while to kick in on easy so ill have to see the difference on normal. Anyone know if a hard mode is unlockable or something?


              Yup, after the game is finished on Normal.


                Anyone know if it works with Freeloader?


                  If you're playing on Easy mode - how can you complain the game is too easy?

                  I'm playing Normal mode at the moment and certain rooms take a hell of a lot of planning to perfect. I love this game - it's got elements of my favourite game Psyvariar in it, in the way you have to almost choreograph the stages.

                  LOVE IT! - This is gonna last ages!


                    Sounds like a fantastic pick and up and play game (once you have the controls down to a tee).

                    Might have to make this a next buy.


                      Originally posted by SharkAttack
                      Sounds like a fantastic pick and up and play game (once you have the controls down to a tee).

                      Might have to make this a next buy.
                      You have to properly learn the commands and how to combo. If you are one of these brers that just wants to get through level as quick as possible avoiding everything you wont like it.

                      But if you can see the joy in spending time to perfect a stage through wicked choreography (sorry - thats what I call it, cos I play in time with the music and dodge shots with pure finesse and SICK moves) - putting a lot of personality into the character, this game will own you!

                      I think this game is ****ing heavy, and people that moan about controls and lack of depth havent a clue about gaming.


                        Saurian, what kind of ratings are you getting at the end of each level? I don't remember the exact term it gave me, but the best I have managed is an 'Average', last night for level 2.

                        I guess the lack of musical interaction is perhaps a missed opportunity, but the game is just about as pure a gaming experience as 3D has ever offered, especially in the past 12 months.

                        One thing that is currently bugging me is the two different sidesteps she does. She either does a little spin to the side, which doesn't go very far, or a large cartwheel that goes a lot further - as far as I'm aware there is no way to choose which to do.

                        RE: Freeloader - apparently it runs without a hitch.

                        Question: On the pause menu, there is a list of special moves for your current suit, what does the [1] mean? I'm assuming it's the power level, but I've yet to read a solid answer about it.

                        Highest combo - 8.


                          The game has turned out to be something very different from what many magazines had said it would be. If you look at some of the earlier screenshots, you wil see Vanessa with guns and doing Dante style manouvers. Its a good game though, but it has left me somewhat dissapointed


                            Originally posted by PeteJ

                            One thing that is currently bugging me is the two different sidesteps she does. She either does a little spin to the side, which doesn't go very far, or a large cartwheel that goes a lot further - as far as I'm aware there is no way to choose which to do.

                            Without having the game but from reading the control setup - Could it be to do with depressing the L and R triggers fully or semi?


                              I haven't been devoting enough of my time to this game, SC2 has been getting all the attention hehe. Well im going to try and crack on with it now and so far my highest combo is 10 I think.


                                Originally posted by PeteJ
                                One thing that is currently bugging me is the two different sidesteps she does. She either does a little spin to the side, which doesn't go very far, or a large cartwheel that goes a lot further - as far as I'm aware there is no way to choose which to do.
                                I thought she does the spin on the first press and cartwheel on the second, but perhaps its just me pressing the button harder the second time...have to check it out

