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Blur [360/PS3/PC]

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    Originally posted by Wools View Post
    Did it need fixing?
    IMO yes definitely. It was fun but felt very heavy when cornering and even under braking or use of the handbrake you either had to slow down way too much or ended up powersliding and wall-riding.

    It just felt "off" to me compared to PGR or similar games. I realise they're going for a different feel with the overall game but for me I just felt the handling could be improved and consequently improve the game itself.


      Just posted in the online forum about this.

      I just can't recommend it enough. The tracks are fantastic and I love how just because you have the best car, it doesn't mean you'll win.

      it's so much more tactical than anything else I've played online and you definitely need to learn the tracks. That and always keep looking in your rear view mirror.


        was excellent online last night, the racing is totally frantic but all hangs together really well. you never feel uninvolved wherever you are in the field as even if last you can select to pick up lightning and target the leaders just to annoy them.

        first few bends on a tight track with 15-20 racers are incredible and a pretty unique online experience.

        a few matchmaking serverr issues need sorting as it did drop a few players out of the race in our party but once you get a good group going it strung together many problem free races.

        I wasn't a big fan of this from the beta at all but am pretty taken with the final product.


          Famidude it was well funny in that race where you went off into the distance so we all started spamming you with the shock fields!!
          Sorry I left unannounced,the wife was busting my balls.
          Look forward to some more racing soon.


            he deserved for those tricksy mods where he boosts off at the start.

            I need to level up a bit as was getting mullered a bit with my L plates on, saddest moment for me was leading into the last lap at Hackney and then getting utterly obliterated leaving me to trail in flat last of about 15.

            its not a looker but certainly plays well and overall the weapons are very well balanced, lightning may be a little cheap but its no blue shell.


              Not a looker? I think this game is mostly stunning!

              Sorry about not joining in the end gents, I fancied a bit of SP for an hour or so. I will definitely join you guys though.


                when I'm in the thick of a race I admire the amount of whats going on around me but from the beta and all pre-launch trailers I was going to avoid it, thought the environments were early current gen quality in terms of detail and car models looked a few polys short of other games.

                once the game starts though none of this matters a jot, in fact its vital to give it the feel and chaos.

                people often buy with their eyes and I'm sure the slightly iffy look of this is putting lots off as it simply doesn't come across in stills or even trailers how good it is.


                  Originally posted by analog dog View Post
                  Famidude it was well funny in that race where you went off into the distance so we all started spamming you with the shock fields!!


                    Originally posted by Oldgamingfart View Post
                    It might've been already mentioned, but has anyone seen the TV advert for this game? It's mildly amusing.
                    Haha. I've not seen it before.

                    Hats off to Activision, it's a bold and cheeky ad which sets itself apart, but I have to say the mock Mario Kart game they take the piss out of looks far more appealing to me than the Blur footage. So, yeah, a funny ad, but one which ultimately makes me wanna play Mario Kart and other 'happy' races.


                      had another good online session with this last night with a few of the chaps from here, we even managed a forum 1-2-3 in one race.

                      there really isn't any other game where you get chaos to compare with the first few bends round Hackney in a 20 player online race.

                      2 hours flew by on this last night and I'll definitely be back for some more, its just so involving and well balanced.


                        It's been a long time since I laughed online like I was yesterday. Mashup is ****ing mental! Nobody new what the **** was going on just driving around like madmen hoping to get anybody! Mental. Gotta go camping for the weekend now but will be back on Tuesday

                        This is what Live used to be like for me in the days of the XBox.


                          I'm not a fan of Motor Mash. Just don't enjoy it.

                          Hardcore however, is quite good.


                            Sorry I dropped out last night, my connection died on me .

                            I've convinced some people at work to buy this, so doing my bit for the Blur community. Everyone I know who actually plays it, loves it.


                              Originally posted by Brats View Post
                              I've convinced some people at work to buy this, so doing my bit for the Blur community.
                              I've been trying to get as many people as possible to buy it as well, but they all seem to be enchanted with the big explosions of Split/Second


                                I've said it before but Split Second is far better targetted at its audience, I nearly didn't buy Blur as didn't enjoy the ropey beta and still maintain its a confused product in terms of gameplay style and art direction.

                                forgetting all that though stick it in a lot of players hands and they'll love it, as we are, think it will get a good word of mouth reputation but not sure thats enough to compensate for its overall failure to appeal to the buying masses.

