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Zelda - the Wind Waker

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    Just finished it...

    what can I say...


    Boss battle wasn't as good as TooT's imho, however, that final move! OUCH. That gotta hurt!

    The whoe end sequence was great.

    Can't wait for the next one...


      Nice game but it's too easy, that's not a bad thing because the game is huge so there is always another challenge coming but the bosses roll over without a fight.


        It isn?t very hard at all throughout, and after playing OOT again this becomes truly apparent. However I don?t think being simple is an entirely bad thing, from what I have read in the past, a lot of people were put off by some of the later dungeons in OOT, especially the Water Temple.

        I personally enjoyed the Jap version experience more then the English language experience (completing the game, not including beating the side quests) because the only way to progress was to visually observe the environments and discuss with myself what the best way to pass an obstacle would be, unlike in the US/UK versions where u are mostly told. Admittedly it doesn?t make the rather simple combat any harder, but the sheer immense amount of fun surpasses the difficulty factor imo.

        I completed both the jap and US versions some time ago but I still go into my files and play around. I am quite surprised with just how many little touches there are in Wind Waker. Little things that add nothing to the gameplay but add a great deal to the overall experience for me. I am a sucker when it comes to little touches?

        Little things like:
        * If you place a pot on a crack which releases hot steam on the first proper dungeon on Dragon Island, the pressure lifts the pot and it turns in midair? however, if u put a stone on the crack the weight is too great for the steam to lift.

        * How the cups and plates can be kicked off a table depending on the amount of pressure u walk into them with and how the deku leaf blows them all off at the same time?

        Trivial things indeed, but help to make one of the best games I have played in a long long time. Love it. If u have witnessed some sort of little touch that made u smile to urself impressed, please please share

        Kind regards
        ----Member since April 2002


          I'm assuming that I'm nearing the end of the game, and so I'm taking my time and looking to pick up anything I've missed along the way:

          Originally posted by spoiler
          Checking all the submarines, platforms etc, before I pick up the last two shards of triforce. There's one particular submarine I have a question about. I've opened a chest in there (but on the floor, rather than on the upper level like every other one), but it's the only one I've come across where I can't get to the door on the far side of the submarine. Does anyone know the one I mean? Am I missing something, or can you not get to that one? It just seems strange if it's the only one.


            at last..

            some senisble discussion about what makes TWW one of the best gaming experiences so far.

            The little touches:

            Watching the wind dart through the sky
            Watching the clouds rolling
            Being followed by sea gulls
            Using the telescope to zoom in on a platform and spy on some sleeping goblins...
            Using the deku leaf to knock over pots and jars
            The face of a moblin as you steal his necklace using the grappling hook..

            I've given up on the IGN boards. I swear if I read one more "Zelda is teh suck because it's kiddy" thread I will kill someone.

            So many people don't really realise how much of a feat of programming this game is. Roll on the sequel! Roll on the wonderful stylised look...

            I agree about the difficulty though.. went back to Majora's Mask the other day trying to defeat the boss at the end of the Stone Temple. Argh!


              Originally posted by scottcr
              at last..

              some senisble discussion about what makes TWW one of the best gaming experiences so far.

              The little touches:

              Watching the wind dart through the sky
              Watching the clouds rolling
              Being followed by sea gulls
              Using the telescope to zoom in on a platform and spy on some sleeping goblins...
              Using the deku leaf to knock over pots and jars
              The face of a moblin as you steal his necklace using the grappling hook..
              I love how the enemies react differently to losing their weapons. Moblins for example will only pick up their staffs, unlike the Iron Knuckles who will pick up any weapon available.

              All the enemies are animated superbly, but the attention to detail on the skeleton foe in particular is my fav. I assume you all have seen that it can walk on its hands when you destroy its legs or cut him to twin? However, it also does something else?and this really surprised me, they can actually rip their arm off and use that as a weapon! It only ever happened the once for me? but when it did... my god I was impressed.

              The little touches in the graphical touches are definitely sublime: the smoke, the dust? that beautiful purple puffs from dispatched vermin. I love it. The circler design on items and the environment really stand out too. If I remember correctly, this was used merely in Majora?s Mask, but now is used often and proudly. Very much like the effect from the Disney Hercules animated film...
              ----Member since April 2002



                Oh please, please no tell me there more to the last dungeon than
                Originally posted by spoiler
                4 rooms with old boos's in?? cop out city
                Still i've the final encounter to do.


                  The Shend, no, there is a little bit more. You have to climb the red string to get up top for the final boss battle.

                  As for me, I finished this a couple of weeks ago, and I just love it to death. Wonderful in every way you can imagine, and for me the perfect difficulty, in that it made me work a little without having to repeat too many fights (in fact, I can only think of two that I had to do twice). Magnificent work.

                  Oh, and I think my favorite part is just the animation. I love the reactions of everyone to things going on around them, from Link's wide ees as a chest is pulled from the sea floor, to the moblins jumping up in shock after you pick their pockets. It is all so cartoony lifelike, it's amazing.

                  A magical experience in every way.



                    I'm wondering if you guys could help me. I trying to take a photo of the little blond haired girl as she steals from the eskimo. I've tried several times but each time the photo shop guy says my photo isn't quite right.

                    Any tips?




                      I don't think you need to take a photo of her to give to the photo least I didn't do it. Don't you just have to catch her in the act after speaking to her dad in order to disuade her from robbing Zunari?


                        Originally posted by Phlebas
                        I don't think you need to take a photo of her to give to the photo least I didn't do it. Don't you just have to catch her in the act after speaking to her dad in order to disuade her from robbing Zunari?
                        Yep. You have to be quick and sneaky. As soon as you spy her getting near the safe, run over and then sneak up behind her. Once you stand up and are next to her, she'll see you and start talking. That's it really. No pictures needed.


                          Cheers. I'll give it a bash tonight.


                            Overall I thought that the touches where nice as said before, but it was seriously too short and easy... The boss battles where not as good as OOT

                            Also I felt that the game was pushing you too much to go this way and that way. The Sailing is torture and is obviously a way to slow the players progress from completing it in half the time.

                            My personal opinion is that Nintendo where trying to make it more kiddy and easy to appeal to well Kids, to get them intrested in the franchise!

                            I am hoping that there is a second Zelda game in production but the difficulty is more like OOT.

                            A good game but not the best from Nintendo.


                              Sorry to bump but I don't like starting unneeded new topics really.

                              This game rocks so much. Game of the year for me (US version). Every little thing in the game is perfect and well thought out. Ok the difficulty of the boss fights isn't that bad but the dungeons themselves are well laid out and designed. The game itself is so huge that it more than makes up for the easier than OoT and MM boss battles.

                              For instance I am taking time out doing all the side quests, tresure hunts and some map building before the 2 earth and wind dungeonds. I have just got the deluxe picto - I have got that boy and girl from Windfall island to start dating, I have just made a trading oath with the big man on Bomb island (got the sea flower). I went and picked up the Iron Boots. I got the lighthouse up and running. Took a pic of Lezno and the lady to prove they aren't dating. Took a pic of the moon for the sad guy on the steps. Beat the squid game! (that character is hilarious - Sums up the fantastic time, effort and animation in the game).

                              I don't see the problem with the sea travel. Makes the setting seem vast and if you are that peeved about it then use the gales warp (haven't found it yet? Get playing then!)

                              Other little touches like the star layouts, the cloud formations, the moon phases, the weather.

                              NOW I have just found out about the Nintendo Gallery (admittedly I had to look this one up - How would a casual gamer or a "KIDDY" work out you need to use the damn seagull!). The figurines just add once again to the already huge game. Some of these sidequests could pass as their own titles I swear.

                              And to think the game had 2 dungeons taking out!

                              Oh and I have to find time to mention Link's dancing animation when he defeats a boss and wins the auction - Flipping hilarious. I also like the way that Nintendo kinda poke fun at some of their own charm - The way link holds up an item he gains in the air - That little animation with his grandma when he is holding the shield up in the air and his eyes pan down to her moping and he kinda stops his cheesy action. Top stuff.

                              EVERYTHING about this game says classic. It certainly deserves the plaudits.

                              How can anyone say Nintendo are worse this gen than last with gems like this to play. I love it. PLEASE keep this style for the next Zelda game (other than Four Swords) and if you do drop it next gen - Please use it for something else. It adds LOTS to the atmosphere.

                              Anyway erm i'm rambling now.

                              THIS GAME IS TEH BOMB!&^"^_!!!


                                Neverness Posted: Fri May 23, 3:49 pm


                                I was thinking the same thing just the other day, but the thing which struck me was, 'if this had come out before OOT, would it have been rated as the better game?'. I know that most people on this forum are rating WW as the poorer, but if you played the games the other way round would your opinion be the same?
                                In my opinion Zelda OOT and Zelda TWW are in different leagues.

                                Being a fanatical Zelda player since it's first outings on the NES, I had high hopes for Zelda TWW, but the game disappointed me more than any other gamecube title thus far.

                                Yes it looked good, yes it sounded good, but it was so boring to play. The sailing parts (and there were many of those) I found a chore, especially the battles at sea. The islands I felt were too small and too few. The dungeons were again too few and offered nothing particularly new. The weapons were pretty standard, the characters were all taken from it's predecessors but with new names and appearances.

                                I felt I'd seen it all before and really didn't enjoy it, I also felt it was aimed at a younger audience than previous installments which again detracted from the overall experience.

                                The next game should be set in Hyrule but everything else needs to be completely new.

