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Battlefield 3 Beta

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    Few other thoughts:

    Metro was a bad choice for a demo level, it's not really very battlefieldy, i'm sure the other levels will provide expansive areas, when we get our hands on the vehicles im sure the action will come to life.

    Maybe i'm being dim, but you don't seem to be able to change your settings outside of playing time, and since you cant pause because of the nature of online gaming, you get killed whilst scrambling to get more frames.

    The browser based launch is utter gay.


      I LOL'd so hard at this.

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        Originally posted by PeteJ View Post
        Rossco - I thought exactly the same about the BC2 beta over previous titles, I think (hope) there will be a massive difference between this and the retail version. Also from all accounts the Caspian Border map, which was strangely pulled from the beta after the first two days, was through and through classic Battlefield. Metro seems to be more CoD-like.
        Well I hope it's all changed too then for release. Kinda glad thats what other people thought of BC2 though as I see it as near perfection now so obviously been well fixed.


          Which is puzzling, I found the Bad Company 2 beta to not only be nigh on identical to the final release bar some connection issues but also massively more solid than the BF3 beta.


            Caspian Border is now open for anyone with the PC beta. Sadly not for consoles

            Oh and they've also announced the 360 retail version has a hires texture pack you can install. Bizzare.


              That is bizarre. What's the Caspian map like? Any vehicles in it?


                64 player and all vehicles, including Jets. Sounds like the map which should have been in the beta.

                Not tried it myself but apparently it is very good!


                  I installed it on the PC earlier today to see if it was any better. Loaded up Caspian Border. Laggy laggy mess. Huge map too. Put the graphics up on Ultra just to see the difference from 360 and it looked pretty decent compared.

                  Think I just don't like PC gaming anymore. Disc in console, pick up controller, play. So easy. I can't be bothered fussing anymore. Spend enough time on PCs, its just more relaxing on a console with controller in hand and giving up control to the devs to how the game should run. But I'm getting off topic anyway!

                  So yeh, I'm still pretty raging at how bad this looks on the console. I wonder what the deal with the high res texture pack is then as thats my main problem, the textures are just too low res. Will it be because of limited space on the disc? Can't read and uncompress the textures fast enough so have to have them uncompressed on the hard drive maybe? Hopefully will make a difference anyway if true.


                    Maybe thats what the 2nd disc that comes with the 360 version is for then?


                      There's two discs!?


                        Somehow I seem to have gotten better at this game as yesterday I was top of our leaderboard twice Maybe everybody else was rubbish...
                        Had a good time though. At one point I was sniping out of a window in that last section on the beta and someone killed me from behind...then I realised someone had dropped a mobile spawn point in that room. As I respawned I saw 3 of their team looking out the windows and not notice me standing there, that is until I got gun happy with the pistol. Easy Triple Kill


                          Originally posted by Rossco View Post
                          There's two discs!?
                          One disc is Multiplayer and the other is Single player and coop. The second disc also has an optional install for better textures.


                            Ahh yeh, I remember hearing that now. Really interested in hearing more about the install for better textures though. Never heard that for a console before?

                            Nice one Fader. That begs the question though, can these mobile spawn points be destroyed by enemies? It might be obvious but I haven't played it much yet to know. I hope they can as could be game breaking if not.


                              I think they must be able to be shot as I have laid one down before and it has disappeared later on. I'm fairly certain they can be abused if used in a certain way though, but then it only takes the other team to do the same to even it up again.
                              I haven't played that much really even though I'm around rank 8. All it takes is one really good round and you can level up a whole rank in one go. One of the things I do like is the extra points for headshots.


                                Yeah the mobile spawn points seem a bit of a strange addition. Not sure I like it. Having to spawn back at base if your whole squad was downed was part of the teamwork. Conversing with them and telling them to lay low while you respawned with ammo for them, or rockets to detroy a tank, etc. Having a mobile spawn point half way up the map removes some of those tactics and teamwork doesn't it?

