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Battlefield 3 Beta

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    Originally posted by Fader209 View Post
    I am really enjoying playing the sniper role
    Coward Class!


      Defiantly wont be on Steam, Origin Only.


        Originally posted by MisterBubbles View Post
        get somebody to blow the iron walls away with RPG ie snipers can see into B and attackers have less cover.
        Still need to get my head around the destructable environment. Didn't think of things like that I like the beta but am giving it a rest, don't want to get bored of it before it's even out.


          Originally posted by EvilBoris View Post
          Coward Class!
          Unlike your Quitter Class

          Joined your party and as soon as I was there you buggered off!

          I never go for sniping in any games but for some reason it clicked with me in this beta, no idea why.


            Destructable environment, the same at the last 2 stations if your defending , the two buildings that overlook A&B blow them out the fronts of the 1 up facings and snipers etc have less cover,


              Originally posted by Fader209 View Post
              Unlike your Quitter Class

              Joined your party and as soon as I was there you buggered off!

              I never go for sniping in any games but for some reason it clicked with me in this beta, no idea why.
              Our party had 1 hour of the game crashing, refusing to join or even load so we went.


                The 360 version is borderline broken. I constantly get stuck on scenery, people are sitting under the ground killing people above them and the sprint function often disappear for while. At the same time there's a bunch of design decisions I don't like. After having chosen semiautomatic mode on my rifle, it reverts to automatic every time I die. And there is nothing to in between games. No menus to change loadouts or anything like that, just a timer counting down.

                If the game isn't massively improved when it launches, I foresee nothing but average scores and permanent damage to the Battlefield brand.


                  Nothing Between games is the same as BC2, the most annoying thing is that there is no option to leave!


                    Originally posted by EvilBoris View Post
                    Our party had 1 hour of the game crashing, refusing to join or even load so we went.
                    I know you love me really

                    I couldn't start any games that night anyway for the same reasons.


                      Finding it all to easy to get killed making it not very fun, and to many times i found people just griefing either shooting from underground or in a some random place sniping even though it no help to there team at all. At alot of bugs to to be fixed and im no fan of the low res on the 360 version making it hard to see who it an enemy.. got help my allies if i end up on a friendly fire server. Only over problems are the slllllow levels up and in the massive uneven equipment setting for those levelled into the 20 to 30's, i just felt completely out gunned at all distances, all those weapon just just start with a powerd scope on an dnot have to wait a map or 2 to level up to one.

                      For all my moaning it did click once, i just been getting my mojo on with the support class using the tripod, we had been forced underground pretty fast during rush mode but proceeded defend the next to position with good tem work having people actually give med and ammo packs out and the occasional raise.


                        This made me chuckle


                          Not feeling this, it seems alot more claustrophobic than bf2. I'm, also getting killed fast. I think I just need to feel the layout of the map more.


                            Wasn't expecting that video lol. Almost spat my drink out from the surprise!


                              That video is equally hilarious and awesome at the same time.
                              Must say PS3 version looks better IMO.


                                After spending a lot of time with the PC version have to say it looks freaking good. Few bugs though. What's with those weird rubber like swaying trees? Also things seem to slide about slowly including yourself when supposedly stationary.

