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Dark Souls

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    Originally posted by Golgo View Post
    Cheers mate, I may glimpse between ur spoiler tags if I dont get him telt soonish...for some reason I'm detetmined to stand toe to toe with im!
    The one after Taurus at the bottom of the spiral? Yeah I think he's meant to be done later, I went to him quite a bit later and it still took me a while to do.


      Originally posted by ItsThere View Post
      Quick question -

      does anyone know what is behind the door in the forest that costs 20,000 souls to open? I am about to go open it but don't want to waste my souls...


      Its a place you can also reach by going to the left side of the Hydra in the Basin, past the waterfall, but its a long and dangerous trek for people below level 35. Its pretty much the Forest covenant area, which you can also join if going via the long route.

      Opening the door via the crest means you are intruding and it will aggro these npc forest covenant hunters.

      If the crest is worth it? Absolutely. Its so far the best farm spot in the game. You can open the door, lure the mage to you by shooting arrows from the door, hide at the side of the wall until he's up the stairs and go for the backstab for an easy kill (at least if you're in the 30's or so). Nets you 2000 souls and you can use the bonfire right next to it to repeat until you're loaded. I was actually in that covenant but I think they'll hate me now

      Last edited by saturn-gamer; 09-10-2011, 12:17.


        Originally posted by saturn-gamer View Post

        Its a place you can also reach by going to the left side of the Hydra in the Basin, past the waterfall, but its a long and dangerous trek for people below level 35. Its pretty much the Forest covenant area, which you can also join if going via the long route.

        Opening the door via the crest means you are intruding and it will aggro these npc forest covenant hunters.

        If the crest is worth it? Absolutely. Its so far the best farm spot in the game. You can open the door, lure the mage to you by shooting arrows from the door, hide at the side of the wall until he's up the stairs and go for the backstab for an easy kill (at least if you're in the 30's or so). Nets you 2000 souls and you can use the bonfire right next to it to repeat until you're loaded. I was actually in that covenant but I think they'll hate me now
        Amazing! Thanks mate. Did that and farmed enough souls to let me kill

        the Giant Sir Wolf, which was an awesome tense fight going solo.



          I have played some five hours now and I absolutely love it. Never played Demon's Souls so the experience is completely new to me. I love how not much at all is explained to you and how the game encourages you to explore the world. I just beat the

          Taurus demon

          , by

          plunging down on him twice from the tower and then hacking wildly at his legs before he got me

          . My heart was beating wildly :P

          Question: I am level 13 now and have put almost all my points into strength and dexterity, but have now got one atunement slot. Where/how do I get access to spells?

          Thinking specifically of a fire spell, since the armored pig past the dragon bridge has slayed me twice now and signs keep recommending fire


            Anyone been in the catacombs yet, I had a little look but seemed pretty hard as the skeletons keeps coming back to life.


              In the middle of boss fight that's going quite well:
              "You have been signed out of Playstation Network. Returning you to the title screen."

              Second time it's happened. Should have gotten the 360 version instead.


                Originally posted by SUMIRE View Post
                Anyone been in the catacombs yet, I had a little look but seemed pretty hard as the skeletons keeps coming back to life.
                I've been in, and had to run out with 8 skeletons following. That was tense. Haha. I'm back at the

                Undead Asylum at the minute, and the Stray Demon is handing my arse to me. I just can't figure out how to adequately combat him. I've tried going behind and he does this explode thing, which is fine I just back off, but then he randomly turns around and swats me.


                  Originally posted by 'Press Start To Begin' View Post
                  Not sure how tough that knight is. I chucked a throwing knife at him to test his health and he seems pretty tough for pre Lv12.

                  I would lure him away and grab the treasure he guards if I were you.
                  he isn't too bad, you can sneak up on him and get a backstab in that takes off a chunk of his health, then just block and get a couple of slashes in when he bounces off your sheild.

                  I've only just discovered the joys of actually blocking, even big knights seem slightly less traumatic knowing that if I just take eep breaths and don't get too wreckless, they can be dispatched relatively easy.


                    Just realised the last time I took on the knight I only had a plank as a shield. My new shield says it blocks 100% physical. Time to take him on again I think.


                      Originally posted by Btang84 View Post
                      Bought this yesterday after seeing how big this thread was growing. This game is perfect for forumites to play and discover things together rather than playing in isolation. I played Demon's Souls and understood the hub world easily enough. But in this how do I return to the hub/Firelink Shrine? Are there items or do I have to walk it every time?

                      What kind of level am I supposed to be taking on that knight before the taurus? He seems harder than the taurus if anything.
                      As you play short-cut links between the areas open up so make sure look all over an area for ladders to kick and doors to open.Just beat the

                      Gaping Dragon

                      after dying with two phantoms from Japan helping me I went solo.It took all 30 soul arrows and 8 fireballs and loads of close-quarters to take him down and just as went in for the final couple of blows he threw his acid guts up all over the place and I had to leg it.Great boss fight as I'd made the mistake of thinking it would be easy like the big bosses in Demon Souls.
                      Wasn't to sure if it was as good as Demons but after that boss I'm in no doubt.


                        Just beat the knight near Taurus myself. Took about 5 minutes of circling, relentless guarding and singular spear prods.

                        It was well satisfying.

                        If folks are after a little hint, I recommend

                        luring him out to the little opening up the stairs that usually has 3 undead fellas in there. Gives you a bit of space and a small little ledge for healing upon't!

                        Beat the belltower boss and am having trouble deciding which route to take next. So awesome though...I nervously pootled into the garden area, stumbled upon a message reading "Up", looked up and glimpsed a

                        giant butterfly

                        in the distance...Pegged it.

                        Not ready for that yet, but it sure looked cool.

                        Quick quessie - I just got back to the Firelink Shrine and heard someone snoring around the flooded area with the large crow, but couldn't see anyone. Can anyone give me a hint as to what that's all about?
                        Last edited by crocky-chocky; 09-10-2011, 15:59.


                          Originally posted by crocky-chocky View Post
                          Can anyone give me a hint as to what that's all about?
                          I don't know about the snoring (noticed it too) but the crow

                          is used to get back to the starting location, the Asylum for some extra things. I just did it myself and got a new ring, two Black Knight that left behind two Red Tanites (for fire weapons) and the Knight that geve you the Flask is now Hollow and wants to kill you! Leaves behind a shield with high magic resistance. And where you fought the first demon the floor crumbles and leads to an other similar demon, this time with a devastating and long-range area magic that always got me.

                          Anyone been in the catacombs yet, I had a little look but seemed pretty hard as the skeletons keeps coming back to life.

                          Necromancers. Kill them and the skeletons nearby will stop resurrecting. They are similar to the Grim Reapers found in 4-2 in Demon's Souls. I killed one and decided to get away from that place, too many exploding skulls.

                          Last edited by briareos_kerensky; 09-10-2011, 16:30.


                            The catacombs skeletons don't die even with necromancers gone...

                            You need to kill them with a Divine weapon to stop them resurrecting.


                              They do die, but every necromancer is responsible for a pack of skellies. I did in 2 so far, but I kind of got lost in the area. I can 2 shot them skellies though so the area is doable.

                              By the way, the hidden Asylum boss is perfectly doable but you need good judgment. I managed to do him in at level 30 ish.

                              Here's how:

                              roll when you fall, you'll get up faster. Run towards a wall and heal right away, hope you won't get one shotted.

                              After that, dash under his weapon hand and keep yourself constantly at his ass... for real. His ass is what you want. Don't dash, not needed... you need the stamina. 2hand your weapon, you don't need a shield. And never lock on to him, not needed as well. Just run via left stick is enough to dodge what he's going to to. Hit him one or 2 times (or 3 if you feel lucky) when you are on his ass, or slightly to his legs. If you are behind him he won't swing his weapon but he will do his ground slam AoE. Just walk away from it a bit (you'll learn how much space is needed to not get hit) and run back to hit him a few times.

                              When hes going to float you might consider dashing away since his direction is kind of homing. This is why you don't want a lock on. He also does his forward swing with AoE blast, and i'm not sure but I THINK you are completely safe if you stay positioned at his backside. Although I do walk away from that too just in case.

                              The fight comes down to constantly LS running and moving towards his ass from close proximity and running away from him when hes going to do one of his few actions, and then run back to deliver a slash. As long as you are behind him he won't pose a real threat. Soon enough you'll learn his animations and when to strike him a few times.

                              Last edited by saturn-gamer; 09-10-2011, 17:18.



                                Gaping Dragon

                                boss fight is absolubtley epic. By far the hardest and most satisfying fight in this so far. Plus you get a ridculously high amount of souls for killing it, which was nice.

                                In Blightown now. I don't like things with poisonous clubs.

