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Sonic CD - XBOX Live Arcade

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    Right, so to create a good future, and clear the game properly, I don't even need to worry about travelling into the future, I can strictly visit the past and that's it? Hmm, interesting.


      As far as I know, yes, that's the case. Act 3 will always take place there though.


        I believe you actually need to achieve a 'good future' in all zones to get the good ending, too.

        Sonic CD really is a fantastic game. Is it the best Sonic game? Well... Sonic 3 & Knuckles remains my favourite game of all time. But this is the most imaginitive Sonic game by a significant margin. The time travel element is obviously the main thing, but even the less explicit gameplay elements - the level structure itself, the early 90s 'cyber' art style that often look like the art guy was on crack at the time. I believe the lead designer, Naoto Oshima, went on to direct the equally-imaginitive Nights.

        Sonic Team took more risks with Sonic CD, were more prepared to throw in elements thast broke from the Sonic norm, and the result is a game with real character that, even with it's flaws (the time travel element can make some of the level design seem a tad erratic), you'd have to have no soul to dislike this game.


          Travelling to the future is useless unless you're going for rings probably.

          But if you manage to destroy the generator and the metal sonic projection in the past, the Future will be completely void of enemies and will look very cool.

