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The Pinball Arcade

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    This arrived in my inbox, celebrating one year of PB. Scolling down revealed the "update" on the 360 situation, which is no further forward than before. Do they even have another publisher to step to after this? Of course once/if they do, it will kick of months of months of Microsoft "approvals" updates as to another reason its been held up....**** me

    We promised our longsuffering Xbox 360 customers an update this week, so here it is.

    As most of you know, the Xbox 360 is the only platform that requires us to have a publisher instead of dealing directly with Microsoft. Our publisher Fillpoint (aka Crave Entertainment) filed bankruptcy last year, and that has wreaked havoc on our plans for releasing new tables on the Xbox 360.

    We’ve been asked many times “Why don’t you just find a new publisher?” It’s not that simple, unfortunately- our contract with Fillpoint is now an asset of a bankrupt company, so we need both the consent of the creditors and the approval of the court to move the game to another publisher. The good news is that we are VERY CLOSE to getting court approval on a transfer. We wish it was happening faster (and we’re more frustrated than you- we lose money every day the new tables aren’t available on 360). But it will happen!


      Well, I'm gutted, and even I'm getting fed up now. We're moving house soon, and plan big renovations, by the time we're all sorted pinball Arcade may be sorted, but the fly in my ointment is the fact that the next generation consoles will be only six months away or less, and they're promising Tpa for those too. Also I'm not sure which one I'll be buying, so I'll probably get tz and star trek, but certainly won't be buying every single pack like I was planning.


        It's becoming rather hillarious now, im tempted now to just start again on the ps3 version & forget 360, at least thats getting updated sadly it means i'll lose my scores against my friends as they all had the 360 version but seeing as it will most likely be totally abandoned on 360 even with the "it's coming" cocktease posts from farsight.

        Meanwhile just tried out firepower & dr dude, both look to be great recreations. Dr dude just screams 80's wish they would do strange science though i miss playing that table, it's pretty rare too so not easily found.


          That's what I've done - I've given up on the Xbox360 version, even if a new publisher is found it's still going to lag behind every other version.


            Of course if you have a Vita, the PS3 version is even better value with cross-play included for a single price.


              I'm not buying a ps3 for this one game, also I just cannot play this game with their controller, but that's a whole other discussion.


                Well, I have submitted a request to M$ (on their "support" forums) to try and get my 2000 MS points refund back to me. (for a tech company, their contact options are retarded, but this is a classic for a compnay that has so much wrong with it, it doesn't want to be contacted!)

                Wish me luck. I aim to get these ****ing points back, this game on the 360 is a shambles and unfit for the purpose I bought it for (that it was a growning collection of DLC tables, to which they dried up half a year ago).

                I know its probably never going to happen, but if you buy something within the first year and it packs up, you should be able to get something back or replaced. I want someone, M$ or Fairlight to realise that, being the customer stuck in the middle is not really on.


                  I've bought the first 2 and only packs on 360, I'm going to wait now and get the Wii u version and hope its as good as zen is on the Wii u


                    How can you get your 2000 points back when you actually received 2000 points worth of pinball Arcade,the core game an, three dlc table packs ?


                      Originally posted by importaku View Post
                      It's becoming rather hillarious now, im tempted now to just start again on the ps3 version & forget 360, at least thats getting updated sadly it means i'll lose my scores against my friends as they all had the 360 version but seeing as it will most likely be totally abandoned on 360 even with the "it's coming" cocktease posts from farsight.

                      Meanwhile just tried out firepower & dr dude, both look to be great recreations. Dr dude just screams 80's wish they would do strange science though i miss playing that table, it's pretty rare too so not easily found.
                      Please add me if you go the ps3 route. (SCAAMMM)
                      Last edited by SCCAAMMM; 16-02-2013, 22:37.


                        Originally posted by ozzzy189 View Post
                        How can you get your 2000 points back when you actually received 2000 points worth of pinball Arcade,the core game an, three dlc table packs ?
                        I know, it seems like an impossible ask, but I am trying to anyway. I bought into the PA ethos of buying a shell that would be fleshed out to be a full product, like Williams Collection, but this has failed very early on into its lifecycle.

                        I'm fed up with playing devils advocate on this release, its a failure and therefore, as a customer, I think I should be entitled to something back.

                        If you bought into Sky TV contract for 12 months for the F1 coverage, and 3 months into the season the deal collapsed (however unlikely scenario would be) you'd want a refund right?

                        This game is a prime example of how wrong this type of venture can go. Start off totally incomplete and tell customers its getting released gradually, and then the deal collapsing and your totally screwed over on it. I've had enough of that. As I've said, I'm tired of taking in balance arguements on the subject, I paid the money ultimately and got ****ed over on the journey. Enough!


                          ^ F1 Sky example is dull. You didn't buy into any contract for long term. This is pay-as-you-go. And you got what you paid for.


                            Wot he said! Sorry mate, but golgo pretty much nails it.


                              Originally posted by Golgo View Post
                              ^ F1 Sky example is dull..
                              Thanks for picking ****ing holes


                                That was the example you chose to illustrate the 'contract' you deludedly think you're owed. Regardless of the example, though, the idea of a contract doesn't apply. That's the point. Good luck with the refund.

