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Gravity Rush (Daze)

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    Gravity Rush (Daze)

    Well where to start with this, you play as Kat who has the power to spin gravity on its head. I am only up to Chapter 4 so far so have only touched the surface of the game. It starts with a dark force making its presence felt and after having a conversation with a black cat (that accompanies you) a swift press of the R button all hell breaks loose, when I did it the first time I didn't really know what to expect but all of a sudden I'm flying over the landscape towards a little boy but it looks too late to save him as he is falling, then all of a sudden Kat jumps off the ledge (to certain death in other games) grabs him flips gravity and lands sideways on a building.

    Interesting start. So far I have saved a policeman from a beating, kicked an evil monster in the butt from 100m away and carried a rocking chair, bed and chest of drawers back home (to the sewer).

    There is a level up system in the game where you pick up black jewels to gain new abilities, my first being a gravity flying kick. Quests are done via different icons on the main map speech bubbles indicate side quests and jewels main quests.

    Graphically it's amazing it looks like the bastard child of Ico and Jet set radio but really works, cutscenes are done via comic book storyboards which can be tilted by the vita gyroscope. It's very fluid and stunning to look at (it's on a par with a ps3 game graphically) beautiful orchestral soundtrack as well.

    In the little I have played it plays like a cross between infamous, pilot wings, jsrf, zelda and Ico it's really strange but works beautifully. The flying around the city is very infamous, but then flip the gravity and you have the trick nature of jsrf mixed with the accurate flying control of pilot wings, combat goes straight into zelda type mode which is fluid and fast and the Ico similarity was when I was holding on to my furniture to take it home.

    Its really like nothing I was expecting or have plays before.

    Will report back when I'm further in

    Nice first impressions bud, very much looking forward to hearing more.


      Liking the sound of this. Thanks for the impressions evil.

      I was ready to cancel my (must be 6 month old) pre-prder for the Vita this week but this is one game that might make me change my mind. Is the US or UK release happening any time near the UK Vita launch?


        29/5/12 in the US, TBC over here (and download only in Europe)


          Was going to import this but decided to hold off until the US release. Gonna feel like a long wait though!


            Thinking of picking this up. Sounds pretty cool. Is it import friendly?


              I was thinking of picking it up from Play-Asia, for someone to review but ?50 for a handheld game seems ridiculous. But looking at 3DS prices, they vary between ?30 and ?50 for new releases, so maybe it's normal.


                Originally posted by co-b View Post
                Thinking of picking this up. Sounds pretty cool. Is it import friendly?
                its so-so it does have rpg elements in the game but no english option, it is playable but unless you are familiar with some japanese the story will be lost and there will be quite a lot of trial and error when progressing the story as its multi branch having said im managing ok with a pretty limited knowledge of japanese


                  Well I'm now 8 hours or so in and can safely give an impression on this. It's simply incredible just when I think I have seen everything it has to give it throws another curve ball at me in one of my earlier missions I had to retrieve an item from a spire but the catch is the whole area is surrounded by guards, the solution was to use the gravity bending to run around the perimeter of the building (yes up the walls jump a helicopter (wtf) grab it and spin past undetected whilst fighting off demons crazy stuff and now with a stealth element. The control is sublime on this and would have really wrecked the game if it was not good, actually it's better than good it's great you can use gyro but if you don't like that the right stick comes in to play. Special mention must go to the score it's beautiful really up there with the very best soundtracks in any game period it's quite a shock that a game this good is out so soon after the vita release. So far it really is looking like being the killer app it's fabled to be and if SCEE don't release it on retail as well as download they are bat**** crazy. Hope to finish it tomorrow but likewise don't want it to stopes it's that good


                    Anyone got a clue when the UK demo is out? I thought it'd be up day 1. I am disappoint
                    Last edited by Synthesthesia; 24-02-2012, 02:15.


                      No word yet on the store demo but it's built into the demo units at GAME so shouldn't be long. To be honest, the demo presumably doesn't give a good impression of the full game. It's been praised everywhere but the demo is very tutorial focused and doesn't really let you enjoy it.


                        Been playing this for the last few days and in my opinion it is the best game on the systems. Great gameplay, fantastic art direction, i dont really know whats going on with the story but its a fantastic game. Need a bit of help with something though. Just complete chapter 6 but during the chapter i was taught how to perform some sort of special attack that involves using the dash maneuver. however i accidentally skipped the blinking tutorial. Any one got any ideas on how to pull it off. Thanks.


                          You have to flick the touch screen in the direction you want to dash. Pressing attack straight afterwards produces more powerful kick.


                            The physical copy of this has been out in Dubai for a few days, picked it up as soon as I saw it. About 4 hours in now, and absolutely loving it. Been pouring plenty of time into the challenge missions to try and get enough gems to level up, as well as spending lots of time exploring the city.

                            Once you get through the initial linear levels you open up the optional missions, which introduce you to additional skills and enable you to hone these. There are also "travellers" to try and find, not sure at the moment if these result in anything.

                            Having bought about half a dozen Vita games, I have no hesitation in anointing this the best game on the system. Graphics and sound are exemplary, the story presentation is excellent, and this makes excellent use of touch and tilt controls without them being gimmicky. Absolutely no hesitation in recommending this!


                              Bought it again in English it's still as good as it was maybe even better

