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Gravity Rush (Daze)

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    I've been playing it on and off since the JPN launch. I gather it'd be a whole lot better if I could understand it.
    Kept you waiting, huh?


      Got this yesterday love the game brill title to have on a handheld.
      played it until 0130 this morning was up for work at 0530but worth the suffering,well recommended


        Got this as well and loving it after a very slowish and stop start beginning to the game


          Its an amazing game. The Jet Set Radio comparisons were spot on. Reminds me of when I first fired that game up on my dream cast. Does anyone who played the Japanese version know if you can continue in free roam and challenges after you complete the story? I want to unlock the whole city and just fly around after I finish it.

          Also, does anyone else find Kat strangely attractive?


            Originally posted by davek22 View Post
            Its an amazing game. The Jet Set Radio comparisons were spot on. Reminds me of when I first fired that game up on my dream cast. Does anyone who played the Japanese version know if you can continue in free roam and challenges after you complete the story? I want to unlock the whole city and just fly around after I finish it.

            Also, does anyone else find Kat strangely attractive?
            Yes dave free roam is available when the main story is completed.Really enjoying this put about 5 hours into it,4 hours of nosing around the cities


              Thanks edd, I just redeemed the Shopto DLC and it has extra missions as well as outfit. Didn't realise that. This games flying mechanics are fantastic. I love the time limit on how long you can stay airborne. Keeps taking flight a special experience unlike say the old Superman Returns game


                Is there an announced date for when the DLC will be available on the store?


                  So, I've found myself getting frightfully annoyed with the Challenges in the first couple of hours of this. Is it recommended to leave these until I've levelled up a bit more or is getting gold in them required to level up my skills at the desired rate to play through the game?

                  Because the level cap has just increased on my skills, and I wasn't close to having enough gems to get anywhere near to maxing out half of my skills as it was before the cap increase.


                    Originally posted by dazza_cole View Post
                    Is there an announced date for when the DLC will be available on the store?
                    I'm not 100% but the US release dates and cost are something like this;

                    June 26 Spy pack.
                    July 10 Maid pack.
                    July 24 Military pack

                    All cost $3.99.


                      My goodness. This is stunning stuff!!

                      Beautiful to look at, frighteningly addictive to play and it haunts my thoughts when I'm not playing it. The graphics are so wonderful and really help to immerse you in the strange world you find yourself in.

                      Kat is a wonderful character and I especially like Dusty.

                      Still taking my time to get my head around the gravity manipulation, there are times when I get turned around and forget which way is up.

                      But yeah, just wow!!


                        Upto Ch7 now and am really enjoying it. All the gripes I have with it are pretty much to do with me losing my bearings so hopefully as I get less lame I will have nothing to moan about!

                        Graphics and sound are great, as the city grows there seems to be plenty to explore and the story/characters are interesting so far. A great reason to dust off my underused VITA!


                          You can tell which way is up by the direction of Kats hair which always points towards the ground.

                          I'm perplexed that people aren't pointing out the obvious control issues that come with assigning aim to the right stick and attack to square. In practise that means you can't aim and attack simultaneously, and that's a bizarre decision by the developer. Maybe the idea was to try and force you to use the motion controls but you can't keep the device centred for long enough to use it. It seems to me that the fall from the sky button should have been mapped to square and the attack button should have been mapped to left trigger. Then there's the whole swipe the screen to dodge issue. Seriously, why nerf your quality title with such broken controls? At least give us the option to re-map.


                            The aim is quite forgiving and you sort of lock into the enemy to make up for the right stick/square I've found. Swiping to dodge is tacked on for the touch screen but works fine for me. Only control issue I have is the use of left stick to control fast drops...would be far better on the right stick for me.

                            On the subject of remapping though I agree...its something ALL games should have. If I want square to be pause, select to attack and right trigger to be quit I should be allowed to!


                              Its true that the lock on is forgiving but that leads to a game which has had its challenge dropped to compensate for unsatisfactory controls. When a control scheme is over engineered then I can understand how this can happen (RTS for example), but in a simple game like Gravity Rush its completely unnecessary and easily avoidable.


                                Originally posted by Jimmyboi View Post
                                I'm perplexed that people aren't pointing out the obvious control issues that come with assigning aim to the right stick and attack to square. In practise that means you can't aim and attack simultaneously, and that's a bizarre decision by the developer.
                                I've found the camera and controls to be rather horrible. The camera, in particular, seems to be about a decade old in terms of jankiness, but having to claw my right hand around in order to manipulate the thumb stick and face buttons in tandem with each other isn't great either. The throwing challenge gave me minor rage the first couple attempts of playing it, and severe hand cramp as reward for my struggles.

