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Gravity Rush (Daze)

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    I really enjoyed this game back when it first came out. I thought the central gravity control mechanic worked really well and the flying was a lot of fun. The art style and setting are interesting and distinctive too, it's just a shame that the combat is a little repetitive and levels depend on it too much - the game in general is a bit slight. I found it pretty easy since I just focused on levelling gravity kick, which is pretty much the only move you need to kill stuff anyway.

    I'd love to play a sequel, I think it could be amazing.


      One year bump.

      Just completed this and loved it from start to finish.

      The gravity premise of the gameplay could of gone very wrong, however it's very well pulled off with a fantastic sense of momentum. You only really need the gravity kick as has been said before but it's still fun to play, there's a few handy specials that make short work of groups. I especially enjoyed just flying around looking at the city just milling about.

      Absolutely loved the art style as well, a nice distinct look to the world and the comic book cut scenes with swipe to next page suits the console, with one touch finishers on bosses as the only touch screen combat moments which was a good decision.

      Another underrated Sony Japan in house gem.
      Last edited by fishbowlhead; 01-06-2014, 21:45.


        Just started this yesterday, what a great game!

        I'm particularly liking the way the character is becoming less clumsy as I level her up.


          I really enjoyed this game. It's pretty lightweight but the main gameplay mechanic felt original and was a lot of fun. What let it down was the repetitive combat, and the unbalanced levelling (you can just max out Gravity Kick and that will serve you well for pretty much the entire game).

          I love the world too though, it's such a cool design! Really stuck with me. Also that they made up their own language for the characters.

          EDIT: OK I said the exact same thing 2 posts ago. Sorry about that. But to reiterate - sequel please!


            It's probably prime for a quick and dirty port to PS4, the vita specific features don't seem particularly important so far.


              Just put this on yesterday actually for the first time in ages. I had forgotten how good it looked. But I can't remember what was going on at all.


                Only recently started this myself. Such a gorgeous game that not only looks amazing but has a killer OST to boot. Just shifting gravity and speeding across the sky is very therapeutic.


                  Bumping the thread for a video of the PS4 version.


                    The remaster is on the Hong Kong PS Store.

