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Destiny 360/PS3/XBOX ONE/PS4 review

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    I love my solar machine gun!
    Need 12 shards to Max my build out at lv29...hopefully my next 4 queens bounties get me 4 more helmets to recycle!

    Definitely ready for the raid now...though still struggling for a legendary primary/secondary. Have an exotic for all 3 slots but only purple I have had is the same arc bazooka 5 times! Want an auto rifle but will fall 10 marks short on this weeks cap

    After doing the weekly heroic strike on my own last gonna try and solo the nightfall today. Hopefully the same tactic works. Solar Burn mod FTW.


      Bloody hell, good luck with that... If you actually manage it, let me know!

      I'm definitely down for trying the nightfall again now I've hit 27. We can try your camping nexus tactic and rip apart the minotaurs when they turn up.


        Originally posted by Silvergun X View Post
        Minimum of Level 26 really. You can join sooner than that, but you won't be able to take so much damage and more than likely won't be able to take out the Praetorians quickly enough at the starting phase.

        We have a group of 26's ready to go, but getting everyone on at the same time seems to be a challenge...
        Level 21 to Level 26 is when the game becomes pretty mean, I've spent most of the week mooching about for that next legendary armour piece or scrapping about for materials. The goal being to hit 26+ so I can have a go at that blonde classic vault of glass, (if blonde's not singing when the vault opens I will feel very let down) but then i probably won't get much chance as getting 6 other people seems to be pretty hard to get organised.
        Last edited by Lebowski; 25-09-2014, 14:43.


          Bugger you lot with your exotic weapons, and bugger destiny with its stingy handouts to me. Shuffles off to play more destiny.


            I have to be honest I am struggling to find any good weapons. I like the Scout Rifle but have had a LVL 17 one from, well LVL 17 to my current LVL 25. A few bits of purple armour have beefed me up but there seems to be a lot of item farming now.

            Still enjoy it mind.


              Want to do the weekly strike on level 26 tonight for all the strange coinage if some folks want to help?


                Would love to but won't be on after 6pm. Not ideal for most people!


                  New patch rolling out now apparently....fixes "all" exploits....

                  All the cave spots nerfed and queens wrath gear now no longer turns into ascendant materials.

                  Shame they can't be arsed fixing the impossible bounties though.


                    Originally posted by Loftgroover View Post
                    queens wrath gear now no longer turns into ascendant materials.
                    That was an exploit??

                    Bizarre. All other legendary armour gives you ascendant shards when you dismantle it, so why shouldn't the Queen's Guard armour? Did they say what it will give us instead?


                      Originally posted by Loftgroover View Post
                      New patch rolling out now apparently....fixes "all" exploits....

                      All the cave spots nerfed and queens wrath gear now no longer turns into ascendant materials.

                      Shame they can't be arsed fixing the impossible bounties though.
                      Well if they actually made it possible to get these items in a sensible time frame people wouldn't have to find exploits like that to farm. So if the queens armour no longer gives ascendant shards does that mean all other purple armour no longer does either? Won't that make it virtually impossible to get the shards then?


                        Originally posted by bcass View Post
                        Did they say what it will give us instead?
                        A bigger reason to buy legendary armour DLC?


                          Originally posted by bcass View Post
                          That was an exploit??

                          Bizarre. All other legendary armour gives you ascendant shards when you dismantle it, so why shouldn't the Queen's Guard armour? Did they say what it will give us instead?

                          Statement with the patch...
                          Suppose the queens armour is very easy to get...and a guaranteed drop.
                          I got 20 shards in 2 days. Glad I did now


                            Originally posted by MartyG View Post
                            A bigger reason to buy legendary armour DLC?
                            Haha, quite probably.

                            There's such a tiny range of legendary rewards from the Queen's missions, that once you have the few legendary items there's little point in doing any more. There's little point in increasing Queen's rank either since it's just rare guns and crappy cosmetic stuff. What they would have been better doing is making sure that the mission is fixed to a single activity so you can't just keep returning to orbit until you get the easy Earth level.


                              Glad i got a few shards out of this before the patch (around 20ish i think)


                                When you are level 27 though all the levels are it only punishes lower ranks that way.

                                I only got the earth one on my last go...of eight missions.

                                I did actually die on it though...being Rambo never worked

