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Destiny 360/PS3/XBOX ONE/PS4 review

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    Can you answer some questions, then, as you know how everything works?

    1. How do you get Vanguard marks and Crucible marks? I've completed bounties for both, but these are figured as Vanguard and Crucible reputation or levels, and not marks. And you need marks to buy the best stuff.
    2. How do you join one of the Crucible factions, e.g. Future War Cult, Dead Orbit?

    Is this all lvl 20+ stuff?


      1). I'm not sure, I've suddenly started earning certain items (light motes for example) on a regular basis in multiplayer, so presumably these things will start being awarded once you've hit a particular threshold or unlocked to the option to earn them.

      2) You wear a piece of their armor, which you must get the opportunity to wear at some point, then you'll earn the corresponding currency for that faction whilst you wear it.

      I think there must be like 15 different currencies to buy items in the game!


        Is there still a lot of replay value once you've reached the level cap then?


          Ta. You can also sell stuff you've salvaged as a kind of currency to vanguard and crucible robots. I believe you can trade those motes of light with that self-important guy who "speaks for" The Traveller.


            Clever sprint button mapping on Vita for remote play. Push forward on left stick and reach to the down directional button. Sounds wrong, but you soon appreciate the consideration.


              good time clearing hard mode moon story missions in co-op with a couple of people from here, range 8-11. The last one with the sword was mental fun having the boss do 1 kill melee kills meant needing distractions or blind grenades to get free hits on him before scampering away.

              Also loving the Hand cannon, seems they have beefed the damage up a lot compared to the beta so its an actual viable weapon.


                I wish you could adjust game volume and voice volume separate in this game.


                  Originally posted by SUMIRE View Post
                  I wish you could adjust game volume and voice volume separate in this game.
                  Its missing a lot of basic options, im not happy about run not having a toggle as its already knackering up the rubber on the ps4 sticks holding it into run.


                    Found a (slightly) quicker way to invite fire teams. Click down on the right stick, press start and you can send an invite. Course only works on players near you.


                      I even changed my settings in firestorm to public and i still cant find anyone .

                      My tower plaza is empty , on the beta it was full of people .

                      Not met a single person online randomly in game ot even when i search missions like the devils lair , this game really sucks without the online element


                        All works fine for me. What version you on, out of interest?


                          Weird there is loads on my plaza.


                            Originally posted by SUMIRE View Post
                            I wish you could adjust game volume and voice volume separate in this game.
                            This has been a problem with every single Bungie game since Halo 2. I wish they'd sort it out.


                              Another few hours last night, so around four hours in and level 8.

                              - I would like to balance the volume
                              - I would like to have the option for voice comms for players close by
                              - The gameplay seems already after four hours to be repetitive, so I hope there are more variety later on
                              - I HATE the Halo style PvP and can't believe this is part of the coop experience ladder. 7 minutes of PvP was enough for a lifetime. Not original at all, and not my cup of tea.
                              - Remote play works very well indeed
                              - The story is bobbins
                              - Gunplay is quite fun, AI no better than Halo 1. (Still better than many FPS, but nothing new here.)
                              - I enjoyed taking down the tank, which was maybe a random event.
                              - It's not open world enough. Invisible walls in a 500 Million USD game. Brilliant. :/

                              So after a few evenings with the game I am feeling a bit let down. As it stands the game is playing like a solid 6/7 out of 10. Hopefully it will open up and be far better in the hours to come.
                              Last edited by capcom_suicide; 11-09-2014, 06:44.


                                Originally posted by capcom_suicide View Post
                                Another few hours last night, so around four hours in and level 8.

                                - I would like to balance the volume
                                - I would like to have the option for voice comms for players close by
                                Something's definitely weird with the voice chat in game at the moment - there was some weird echo coming back last night where all I could hear was my own voice coming back at me and your voice seemed to be coming through in stereo at the same time (sorry if I was a bit quiet as a result, but it was really disorientating).

                                This wasn't happening in an early party chat I was having - does Destiny use it's own voice comms system?

