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Destiny 360/PS3/XBOX ONE/PS4 review

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    I've not had much time for gaming lately but this is one game I have been really looking forward to and has got me back into the gaming routine. I have to say im absolutely loving it so far, I barely played the Beta as I didn't want to spoil anything and I haven't been disappointed.

    It took about an hour or so of playing and it just clicked for me. So far im up to level seven and it just gets better and better. Im enjoying the fact that the more I play, the more I unlock, its the first game I have played for a long time that makes me say "one more hour". The weapons I have found so far sound amazing and are very satisfying to use. For some reason the game really reminds me alot of Mass Effect, cant quite put my finger on why but maybe its the maps and how the world looks.

    Which brings me onto the graphics, in my opinion it looks just stunning. The Moon in particular has just blown my eyes, it looks just stunning, I spent the first 5 minutes just marvelling at the sky and looking at the Milky Way and back on the Earth, think this is a gaming first for me, don't get many of these nowadays, Bungie have really captured the remoteness of it. Cant wait to unlock and explore other planets.

    Cant wait to play more later tonight, I haven't even started on any kind of multiplayer stuff yet.


      Level 10 now. Certainly enjoying it more now, has a lot of potential.


        Lvl 22 and from what i can see from here on in its just rep/gear/points grind on heroic strikes. Are there even any new end game strikes for players at max lvl? and how the hell do you access raid content even if you manage to get the gear.150 marks for one bit is going to take a very long time, and in my mind a bit silly when the whole reason games like WoW etc do it to keep you paying the sub fee.


          I've managed to squeeze in 30 mins of play so far. The first thing that hit me was the 30fps. Coming from being a PC owner it's kind of jarring. No doubt I'l have to get my head around that.

          On a plus side the remote play seems to work very well.


            Originally posted by fishbowlhead View Post
            I'll be online tonight me thinks. Need to do the last missions in Russia before I move on to the moon. Tried to tackle it as lv5 last night with two others of lv5 and while we got up to the decoding section (the bit with 3 waves) we got slaughtered. Hence the levelling last night. Will get to level 10 before I try it again with some better weapons.
            I was on the same bit last night with two others. Best bet is to get up on the platform at the rear and all shoot from there.


              Originally posted by Pavey View Post
              I was on the same bit last night with two others. Best bet is to get up on the platform at the rear and all shoot from there.
              Did it in the end with two level 10's same as me, and it still wasn't easy, when we were all level 5 we got pretty much bitch slapped, so many enemies.

              Finishing off sepiks prime with a little lean out and my last sniper rifle bullet was a great moment too.

              Some news on the destiny app, apparently the public events are going to be ramped up in frequency which is good, and there new missions in bound and new characters for the tower.

              5hours in and only just completed earth, now moving onto the moon, haven't seen or been there before yet so looking forward to that
              Last edited by fishbowlhead; 12-09-2014, 07:22.


                22 hours in and am level 21 now, I can only level up by finding rare armor.


                  Originally posted by Supergoal View Post
                  I've managed to squeeze in 30 mins of play so far. The first thing that hit me was the 30fps.
                  Are the 'next gen' versions 30fps?


                    All versions locked 30fps I seem to remember from digital foundry, dataDave.

                    Got slaughtered on moon strike mission last night, so contented myself with patrols. The whole moon environment looks incredible, above and below. Very Giger-esque, the latter.

                    Also encountered the Bastion map for first time in mp control. Absolutely superb map vehicular map twisting around a Martian fortress, perhaps too big for 6v6 but still plenty of action there. Tried rumble (6 player free-for-all) which was much more enjoyable than I would've thought.

                    Unlocked Titan's defence skill tree and started levelling that up. Nicely refreshes options for mp control with barrier shield, etc instead of ground pound. Oh, and unlocked strike playlist. Tons of content here, and haven't got off the moon yet.


                      I think I should have waited for a PC version but alas the bandwagon is rolling and I wanted a slice of it.


                        Originally posted by EvilBoris View Post
                        22 hours in and am level 21 now, I can only level up by finding rare armor.
                        Is it normal to max a MMO type of game so quickly? I wonder if basically this is Halo5 with a coop campain and side missions, but with limited leveling and questing?

                        I am enjoying it quite a lot, but it feels perhaps a bit limited in scope. I have no interest in PvP.


                          You'll limit what you can actually do with the character if you don't want to go into PVP, it's s prerequisite to level up to buy certain equipment which in turn is the way you level up beyond level 20.

                          I'd imagine most people will be at level 20 as they finish the story missions.

                          I don't believe it is limited in scope, but I wonder what you will get without paying more.


                            Originally posted by Supergoal View Post
                            I think I should have waited for a PC version but alas the bandwagon is rolling and I wanted a slice of it.
                            Why bother. Itle still be 30fps and the same resolution as ps4, xbone. By then you'll be so far behind and there will be the main expansions out too.


                              Originally posted by EvilBoris View Post
                              You'll limit what you can actually do with the character if you don't want to go into PVP, it's s prerequisite to level up to buy certain equipment which in turn is the way you level up beyond level 20.

                              I'd imagine most people will be at level 20 as they finish the story missions.

                              I don't believe it is limited in scope, but I wonder what you will get without paying more.
                              What's the difference between the equipment in the pvp side then?


                                Originally posted by fishbowlhead View Post
                                What's the difference between the equipment in the pvp side then?
                                Still puzzling it out but...I don't think you have to do pvp - as EvilBoris says - to get the best loot. Once you hit lvl 18 you can start accumulating vanguard 'marks' (through the coop/strike playlist) and/or crucible marks (through pvp/crucible playlist). You can then trade in vanguard marks with robot in hangar for mighty loot, and/or crucible marks with your overly-serious 'class rep' in that control room. So you can get equivalent high-level stuff without touching pvp at all. Further to complicate things, though, to qualify to buy these you also need to raise your crucible or vanguard rating (not the same thing as 'marks') by completing bounties from robot dude in square. This is where an instruction booklet might've helped.
                                Last edited by Golgo; 12-09-2014, 11:45. Reason: got things wrong

