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Destiny 360/PS3/XBOX ONE/PS4 review

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    Im sure how you having that much difficulty on the first 4 missions as all story enemies are around lvl5(on normal) so or less and shouldn't cause anyone problems unless you haven't been upgrading your guns back in town(I found this to be the most common problem back in alpha and beta) or upgrading your stats when you level up to open up grenades and powered up melee in the 1st couple of levels.
    Last edited by Tobal; 09-09-2014, 23:33.


      On the beta there were plenty of random people popping up in my game and in the city . Reminding me much of phantasy star online , however I have played for hours today up to about lv7 and I have not seen a single person ?

      Am I doing something wrong ?


        I'm totally undecided now reading these comments. It's nit released here till the 11th and I have it on pre order with the white ps4. I might cancel the order and wait for deeper impressions.


          I've clocked up around 20 hours on it now, and I would say that so far it's a mixed bag. The starting location (Earth) is pretty dreary and not especially exciting. Way too many undreground corridor sections where you can hardly see anything. The locations do improve though once you get to the Moon (which is where the D&D influences kick-in full-force). Combat can be tedious at the start too, while you're levelling up. I found the "boss" sections annoying at first, however, they seemed deeply flawed in that you were always able to hide near the entrance to those sections and the enemies would rarely follow you beyond that point, meaning that you could just slowly but steadily pick enemies off in relative satefy. Basically, whenever you have a massive room with an entrance, and your ghost tells you that it needs to scan something in said room, start the ghost off scanning then leg it back to the entrance, because 99.99 times out of 100 you can guarantee that the room will be flooded with enemies not long after the scan is complete.

          The multiplayer aspect of the campaign is also hit and miss. The strike levels are great, but there's ridiculously few of them. You come across the odd person here and there in the story missions, but they rarely get involved with what you're doing.

          Bungie should be applauded for experimenting with game styles. Sometimes they pull it off really well, but other times it just doesn't work. One thing Bungie have *finally* learned to get right again, after all these years of getting it so badly wrong (after the original Halo did it so well) - storytelling. The story never gets in the way, and after a fairly short intro, there's mercifully precious little of it.


            I'm at level 5 now, about 3 hours in. So just first impressions:

            We started as a team of two Level 1 and one Level 6 player, this was a mistake as the balancing is too far out and end up in areas you can't do any damage. For the last hour we were just two Level 4-5 players and I found myself enjoying it much more by the end, but I can’t help but feel Bungee missed the mark a bit. Where is the innovation? It’s a MMO FPS, so I assume there will be public raids and missions that might get into a very large scale. ( 50 humans versus an army) so that might be good. But at the start it feels like Phantasy Star Online, with Borderlands and Halo influence. I would prefer more Loot too.

            That said, I am enjoying the combat and found being a 2 man team of same level great fun. Grinding XP will not be a chore, but relaxing and fun.

            The game visuals are nice, but there are some details like foliage that feel last gen, but lighting, geometry and character detail are all excellent.

            All in all it's OK, but I can't help feel that it was less of a "Game changer" than expected. So far it feels like a FPS with RPG elements from other games and I 'haven't seen too many "That's new" moments. The fact that you bump into other fire teams is cool, but not a game changer. Perhaps later missions will change that.
            Last edited by capcom_suicide; 10-09-2014, 07:01.


              I think we all knew what to expect from the beta. It's much more Halo with more upgrade options than borderlands with halo if that makes sense, loot isn't really the aim of the game, it's all about the social aspect of the world always being populated with others running around, random fireteams and general randomness.

              I find it strange some players arnt encountering anyone at all in their world? Would take away a large part of the appeal.

              That being said there's some stuff that really should of been in there day one given it's development length and budget, no excuses.

              *Much simpler fireteam invites, should all be virtually instant and all in game, none of this going through 5 menues just to invite someone, is this 1995?

              *More strike missions, there's so few I don't even know where they are to access, or even mentioned to the player once so far.

              *More random moments out in the field. As others mentioned during the beta, there's no way near enough at all. What there is are to small in scale as well. 4 people vs 6-8 enemies isn't big enough, as capcom said where's the 50 people vs an army??

              So, a good game but not the revolution it will be pushed as, well worth the entry price, just ignor the hype.


                Originally posted by Tobal View Post
                Im sure how you having that much difficulty on the first 4 missions as all story enemies are around lvl5(on normal) so or less and shouldn't cause anyone problems unless you haven't been upgrading your guns back in town(I found this to be the most common problem back in alpha and beta) or upgrading your stats when you level up to open up grenades and powered up melee in the 1st couple of levels.
                It's strange as there's been a few points where I've been rushed and killed in seconds by enemy's mele attacks, maybe the warlock doesn't have much energy. I've gone back and tried again and it seems sitting back is the thing to do, as for gun upgrades I got one after the first mission and haven't had another. Enemy's are real bullet sponges though, a misstimed void grenade is groan inducing as the shielded enemy's take a good couple of minutes to bring down.

                The mismatched level issue worries me what if I want to play with someone who's level is massively higher than me dose this mean I can't? 4 levels between players doesn't sound like much but from what I'm hearing it breaks the multiplayer element, this is a massive no no for me as I don't nearly get as much time to play as i like .

                I was working it out last night after getting my kids to bed and tidying round I normally sit down to play at maybe 8 or 9 if I play till 12 that's 3 - 4 hours if I play every day, I'm thinking I'm gonna get left behind by the community pretty fast, I can't believe how they have not thought of a way for different level players to join up, it seems crazy for this sort if game.
                Last edited by Lebowski; 10-09-2014, 07:35.


                  Originally posted by Lebowski View Post
                  It's strange as there's been a few points where I've been rushed and killed in seconds by enemy's mele attacks, maybe the warlock doesn't have much energy. I've gone back and tried again and it seems sitting back is the thing to do, as for gun upgrades I got one after the first mission and haven't had another. Enemy's are real bullet sponges though, a misstimed void grenade is groan inducing as the shielded enemy's take a good couple of minutes to bring down.

                  The mismatched level issue worries me what if I want to play with someone who's level is massively higher than me dose this mean I can't? 4 levels between players doesn't sound like much but from what I'm hearing it breaks the multiplayer element, this is a massive no no for me as I don't nearly get as much time to play as i like .

                  I was working it out last night after getting my kids to bed and tidying round I normally sit down to play at maybe 8 or 9 if I play till 12 that's 3 - 4 hours if I play every day, I'm thinking I'm gonna get left behind by the community pretty fast, I can't believe how they have not thought of a way for different level players to join up, it seems crazy for this sort if game.
                  The fire team invite is appallingly archaic. Which makes getting involved with others super slow, if they bother at all.


                    I also have limited time and am disappointed by the way you can't partner with high level friends in a better way. I also think XP should be shared.


                      Seems the beta will finish when the next version comes out then.

                      To be honest though I'm really enjoying the overall experience and haven't had the unbalanced team ups others have experienced. It just needs to sort the niggles to make it a smoother and more balanced game for everyone. It's early days and I'm sure this stuff will be addressed.
                      Last edited by fishbowlhead; 10-09-2014, 07:49.


                        bcass has sunk about 20 hours into this already and posted at 4:25am.
                        You guys have some catching up to do!


                          Haha, yeah, I've been tanning it pretty hard, so it must be doing something right!


                            Jesus. Only done 1.30 mins last night. There's people that have max levelled already which is bonkers.


                              What's the max level?


                                20 I think.

