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DriveClub [PS4] review

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    Well played a few races and the new weather effects are truly awesome!!

    If you havent got this yet then the game seems fully running now and with the weather it looks unbelievable!

    Really enjoy just having a blast on this. Still faults with the AI in my view but this game defo an 8/10 now.

    Just hope Evo dont get closed because of all the launch issues as they have an amazing racing engine now which really needs a follow up.


      only a Brit could say the game is now an 8 out of ten because of the weather, we do it to ourselves we really are a nation of weather bores


        Just downloaded the update, 2.42 Gb. Tried the Cavalier Pass track on Random weather and got some rain. Unfortunately someone has forgotten to fit the cars with wipers (or at least the one I drove didn't have them). The rain on the windscreen (for all the "internal" views) was a little off-putting.
        Last edited by Bassman; 08-12-2014, 13:19.


          With the updates recently, I'm thinking of giving this ago.

          It's dropped to 29.86 in the shopto sale.


            It's on my 'Re-buy When Cheap?' wishlist on Amazon, so I'm watching the price gradually lower. Will be good to give it another rinse when it's all up and running and sub ?20. Having got all the stars in single player, it would purely be for multiplayer & the club side of things.

            There's a great game in there, with absolutely superb handling. Shame it was mostly folded up its own arse at launch.


              I'm with you, Dave. Once this gets to sub~?20 I'll buy it again and check out all the weather stuff. I've still got my save too so I can pick up from where I left off.


                Just got all trophies. Maybe I will invest in the season pass next year, we'll see how much more meat there is to this.


                  They released an image showing all the planned DLC for the season pass etc a few months back. Unless things have changed since then of course.


                    This certainly looks next gen to me!


                      Impressive rain movement on the window there.


                        This game is so much improved from its released state, its now turning into a great game in my opinion, its well worth getting


                          Yeah, that's really impressive. I like the way the rain slid sideways up the screen as the car cornered.

                          I imagine the team behind this game must be really frustrated at the stuttering launch and muted response to the game when they've clearly pushed the boundaries of realism in this.


                            Let's not get carried away though. They had plenty of time to do this. Horizon 2 had full weather and day and night cycles with much more polished visuals ready on release. People are far too forgiving. It explains why the industry gets away with crap like this.


                              It almost needs some sort of re-launch now, to get people potentially interested again. It's a shame they released a completely unfinished product. I can't help feeling alot of this hard work will be in vain with potential buyers beyond caring now.

                              Presumably the PS+ version would be the ideal way of generating decent publicity and showing it off though, if it ever see's the light of day.


                                Originally posted by arcnas View Post
                                This game is so much improved from its released state, its now turning into a great game in my opinion, its well worth getting
                                might look at rebuying.

                                do you know what has been improved?

