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Edge Issue 141 thread

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    Originally posted by Treble
    What I can't understand, though, is the scoring of the Second Sight review, which doesn't tally with either gamers' reactions or (more damningly) the text itself.
    I think you're over-emphasising it a little - not sarcasm, I just mean you have a point, but I don't think the text makes it sound that bad. I think Second Sight scrapes a low 7, but that doesn't mean you can't talk up the myriad of little faults that stop it from being a much better game. Nonetheless, you're right in that the reviewer seems to have focused on them a little too heavily. I'd say the text makes it sound a 6 (above average, must try harder, etc.) - the good points came across fairly strongly to me. It just wasn't quite clear enough how much they compensate for the bad.


      It's not a shockingly bad error or anything, but it's plain on the page that there's a discrepancy between the SS review and the D3 review in terms of the way the text relates to the score.


        I thought some of the reviews this month were very poorly written, and they sound as if the reviewer didn't bother to finish the title they were reviewing. Take the Headhunter Redemption review for a start, TBH i'd agree with 5/10 - if i'd only have played the first half, the second half picks up dramatically - i mean unbelievably better - yet the review makes no mention of this... Conflict Vietnam scored lower than expected, and did not go into depth on the series strongest point, the 4 player CO-OP modes. I've read much better fan reviews , and the views of thw writers on this very site, tbh...


          I picked this up on Saturday and have to say it's easily the best issue I've read in months.

          I haven't really dug into the reviews as yet, but the articles are very good this issue.

          As for the columns, both Biffo and Poole raised some interesting issues, but sadly RedEye continues to flounder. Neither him or Nagoshi have said anything remotely interesting for months.

          Overall though, I've really enjoyed this month's issue.


            Originally posted by Treble
            Got this for the first time in ages. Whilst it was undeniably a good read (it appears to have improved a lot since I last read it, about 2 years ago), I find their scoring disappointing as it seems to lack consistency.
            I've had a similar experience. I grew tired of EDGE years ago but since becoming disenchanted with GAMES, Ive been flicking through the last few issues. It has improved hugely imo and doesn't seem quite so interested in sounding like head prefect.

            Just as an aside and I know PC stuff shouldn't be posted here but.. I find some PC games mags (Gamer and Zone) contain the enthusiasm and enjoyment of games that I feel current all formats mags sorely lack. For instance I brought PC Gamer recently (for the included SP2 cd ) and found it a hugely enjoyable read.


              I have been really getting into Edge recently, but have been disappointed with this issue.

              My two favourite parts of the magazine are always AV Out and Biffovision, but both are really bad in this issue. Biffo had a relevant point, but his article was a bit of a mess IMO. Maybe with Nagoshi I am just finally getting sick of him saying nothing - usually its an entertaining nothing, but this time it felt really pointless. The only thing of note I got out of the article is that he drives a Ferrari, the lucky bastard.

              Maybe I need to invest some more time into the magazine, but I managed to flick through almost every article this issue with not a single one interesting me other than the info on the shareware/freeware shmups.

              I wish someone would make a magazine free of FPS/War games/MMORGS. Its all that seems to be spoken about nowadays.


                I usually read Edge in less than 30 mins (normally whilst defecating). I get a lot more readability (and rereadability) out of Games.

                Edge's been a bit thin of interest of late. Certainly, tho, there isn't a single other mag other than those mentioned I'd ever consider reading. I was bored at St. Pancras the other day and bought EGM (no, you shriek): never seen the word "spazz" mentioned so much in a "respectable" magazine.


