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Ignorant Hypocrites - a topic of sorrow

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    Originally posted by Crisp_Rapper
    and how come you don't have name badges in your store? i popped in a couple of weeks ago (to buy yoshi's island for gba) and there was a lanky manager type and a rather unhappy looking employee with black longish hair and several million bracelets... was a saturday though so that explains the unhappy expression.
    HeeHee. There are two lanky managers, myself and a guy called Ross. We both wear glasses too, so it could be hard to tell us apart at first. *just checking the rota* Yeah, we were both on. The long haired boy is a guy called Wayne. He's always sulky but so am I.

    If you feel like a chat next time you're in, just ask for Ash (that's me, of course :P )


      Do u work at the Game right nxt to HMV mate? Cus i work at HMV Leeds Headrow Sat n Suns n i know yr pain. I gave up talkin to customers n tryin to tell em what stuff is good cus they never listen n still buy pap. When i c games like Guilty Gear in a 2 For ?30 it makes me want to cry especially when u c someone buy some bobbins game that's no where near as good, but that's customers for ya


        Nah mate. I work in Gamestation.

        I really need to stop caring about what other people are playing. I don't get upset that they buy bad games, its that they buy bad games and actually believe them to be good. But then who am I to say what is good or bad?


          I'm going to do a grand tour of leeds and try and spy all of you.

          Phillai(?) still hasnt noticed me watching from the very seedy dark corners of CEX...mwahahaha. He'll spot me one day.


            Deleted, because I sounded like a pervert.
            Last edited by Kaladron; 22-10-2004, 11:02.


              Crossgates eh?

              Have to say hi next time I'm in....I only work up the road from ya...

              Were you the guy who sold me Kingdoms Under Fire today eh?


                jeez I've prolly met u guys an not realised, go round leeds quite a bit when I'm at home. Know Phil Lai, but thats about it.


                  I've been thinking the same thing, I've had a wander around Leeds (and most of its games stores) quite a few times; any of you know a chap named James who works (/worked? not sure, not spoke to him a while) in CEX?



                    It's the best experiance you'll get to work in the games industry. I took over the job in Future Zone from a guy that left to work for Sony. A few years later I left to work for Nintendo.

                    I often go back to the store (It's now a Game) as it's in my home town and look at the guys that work there and think to myself of they have the ability to escape the Saturday queues and "Live the Dream".

                    After they tried to sell me a Gameboy Color when I was at the counter with a Neo Geo Pocket and Metal Slug and King Of Fighters I knew that the golden days of escaping retail and into game development were over.

                    I have may stories, like the customer that told me to phone up Capcom and MAKE them release X Men Children of the Atom on the PlayStation.

                    And numerous, whens Sonic/Donkey Kong coming out on PlayStation.

                    And they guy that tried to return a PlayStation when he saw one in a competition on Going Live and said he brought it as an adults machine but it's being given to kids. (Its was only 2 month old at the time ?299 RRP as well)


                      Originally posted by dreamylittledream
                      Crossgates eh?

                      Have to say hi next time I'm in....I only work up the road from ya...

                      Were you the guy who sold me Kingdoms Under Fire today eh?
                      No, I didn't work on Friday. I'm working every day on GTA weekend though while the manager swans off to a wedding and leaves me in charge. Should be fun, maybe I'll send them all back to the supplier and tell them we ordered 250 copies of Panzer Dragoon Orta instead.


                        so who's the rather moody guy with the eyebrow/lip piercing? and the stereotypical metal loving beardy guy?

                        i've just been into the store twice in the space of an hour as my outrun2 is having issues running properly, i have a mashed soundtrack, not cool.


                          Haha. The pierced one is Scott and the metal-head is Chris, tho we call him Fish for reasons unknown to me.

                          If you'd have been in before 6 you would have seen me, oh well. Hope they sorted the Outrun out for you.


                            heh, you gotta take the general public as idiots, thats what i do in my mates indie shop, i think it's different working for your mates company indie store though, because who is the customer gonna complain to about me? my best mate, thats who.

                            I've heard some RIDICULOUS stories in my time, and i'll blatanly argue back with 'em. The current one is FIFA 2005 and Pro evo 4, i enjoy slating fifa so when they ask me, i'll openly destroy it.

                            Customer 1: Why are you playing Pro Evo 4 and not Fifa 05?
                            Me: Er, because Fifa is rubbish
                            Customer 1: No it's not, i love the Off the ball system, it's not on pro evo 4
                            Me: er, yeah it's a great idea that.. who actually uses it though?
                            Customer 1: er, well i try to..
                            Me: Exactly, it's rubbish. And another thing, players off the ball are TERRIBLE compared to pro evo 4, beckham running up and down the same wing for the entire match? give me a break.
                            Customer 1: yeah well i beat arsenal 3-0 when i was watford.
                            Me: ... there's a bigger spade over there if you want to make that hole bigger.


                              ^ rotfl, in a normal shop you would probs get fired


                                ^^ Class.

