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Game enemies that creep you out

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    The hybrids in System shock 2

    Quick Run.....


    scary ass game


      The villagers of Forbidden siren.

      Visually and vocally. When you can see the back of them stumbling about throughout the fog it just scares the hell out of me.



        System Shock 2. When you first meet one of the enemies armed with only a piddly wrench and it's running towards you and you panic, not knowing which way to run.

        Second time: you're walking through a seemingly empty corridor, not expecting anything, suddenly an apparition appears in front of you moaning and groaning. You stain your underpants.

        Aliens vs Predator 2 wasn't that scary since it was easy compared to the first one. AvP1 though is nerve wracking when playing as the marine, knowing an alien can pounce and kill you from 20 metres away in less than a second and it can come from any direction. Less said about predators the better.


          Aliens on the C64.. Slowly seeing all your comrades radio signals disappear and trying to look around the room.. and then BAM! you turn around and find an alien right there.. Christ, my mate and me absolutely shat it.

          Oh yeah, the dogs in RE on the PSX. Not scary, but the first time they jump through the windows... JEEESUS.


            fade to black, i don't know if it was my computer running it badly but most of that game just creeped me out. especially the bit early on when the guy suddenly sits up and shouts "alert alert"


              I really found The Suffering a scary game and the creatures with knives for arms were pretty disturbing, mind you the whole game was pretty messed up but a really good yarn. A great bonus is a haunted prison documentary/feature that is pretty spooky.


                The black lion type creature from 'Another World' that chased your ass!

                Any of Ikaruga's bosses.


                  The Haunts in Thief 2 and their unnerving chain dragging and moaning - if there was a scream button, I would have been pressing it as I sprinted through the crypt where I first encountered them. I didn't realise there was anything there first, as they're semi transparent. Brrrrrrrr.

                  That hideous breathing noise the Regenerators make in Resident Evil 4 and the way they seem to advance on your position quite quickly even though they're clearly walking slowly. The chainsaw enemies also completely freak me out - it's the constant noise of that saw relentlessly homing in on you. I'm crap at Mercenaries as a result. And the blind guys with the claws on their arms - when you have to fight more than one at a time, it's amazingly tense, as you have to creep around while they search for you, then leg it when you make any noise.


                    Originally posted by insin_
                    That hideous breathing noise the Regenerators make in Resident Evil 4 and the way they seem to advance on your position quite quickly even though they're clearly walking slowly.
                    Agreed, the menacing shuffle they make towards you is scary stuff. The first time I shot one to the ground I nearly p!ssed myself when it leapt up onto my shoulder and started gnawing away!


                      The Pinkies from the original Doom - 'snuffle/grunt'.

                      The pig-man in the attic from Manhunt.

                      ... anything pink and pig-like really.


                        Yes! The Pinkies! Or Bull demons as I used to call 'em. I remember when I first came across one of those things - I was about to open a door, then I heard this *GRRRUNK!* sound from behind it. Didn't know what I was in for when I went through.

