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Mario 64 - N64 vs DS

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    that isnt better on n64, the ds one has a curved bridge, more rounded doorway and of course mario looks tonnes better


      I like. I like a lot. I saw this but due to not being an insider anymore i cried and then went and watched some TV. I'm impressed though the DS is really on a par and better than an N64.

      Can you post the article aswell?
      Last edited by Ginza; 25-11-2004, 20:47.


        Originally posted by df0notfound
        that isnt better on n64, the ds one has a curved bridge, more rounded doorway and of course mario looks tonnes better
        agreed now i look at it hehe, just looks nice and smooth on n64


          in a strange way, it's kinda how I'd imagine mario 64 on the PS1.


            Originally posted by Ginza
            I like. I like a lot. I saw this but due to not being an insider anymore i cried and then went and watched some TV. I'm impressed though the DS is really on a par and better than an N64.

            Can you post the article aswell?
            im sure ill get in trouble if i did that (in fact posting links to the pics might do that already

            but basically it just goes

            gameplay - DS
            ds has multiplayer and all the minigames

            graphics - DS
            despite the pixelation, the models have more polys and the textures are a lot better.

            sound - N64
            whilst music sounds the same, the sound has notable compression on the DS

            controls - N64
            mario 64 was designed around the n64 controler, nothing else will do.

            winner - N64
            "The controls suffice on the DS, but that's just not good enough in our opinion for a game that defined how many modern 3D games should control."

            however, mario 64 IS mobile, and the mini games rock, its still a great game regardless.

            the video review pretty much says its worth getting despite the controls


              I dont think any of those DS shots looked better than N64.

              But when playing it I think the difference wont be noticable. Am looking forward to getting it though.

              Its quite lucky im on holiday in the US next week so will pick one up for sure.


                I like the N64 version best.

                You're all graphics whores. Play it on N64, then on DS, and weep. The office next door had a few in today, and try as i might, i can't get used to it on DS. Admittedly it was only 30 minutes, but i didn't struggle for 30 minutes on the N64.

                Besides, it's nearly ten years old!!!

                Bring on the new stuff, then I'll be interested.


                  Originally posted by mikewl
                  I dont think any of those DS shots looked better than N64.

                  But when playing it I think the difference wont be noticable. Am looking forward to getting it though.

                  Its quite lucky im on holiday in the US next week so will pick one up for sure.
                  are u blind? actually look at the pictures


                    Originally posted by Paul3704
                    I like the N64 version best.

                    You're all graphics whores. Play it on N64, then on DS, and weep. The office next door had a few in today, and try as i might, i can't get used to it on DS. Admittedly it was only 30 minutes, but i didn't struggle for 30 minutes on the N64.

                    Besides, it's nearly ten years old!!!

                    Bring on the new stuff, then I'll be interested.
                    agreeed but ive played through the n64 version countless times, this gives me a new excuse to play it, and on the train to work too!
                    plus all the minigames and stufff, deffinately worth it


                      Originally posted by Ginza
                      I'm impressed though the DS is really on a par and better than an N64.
                      Honestly, what did you expect? Considering the abilities of the PSP, Nintendo would have been strung up by its ****ing knackers if it delivered a new handheld that was actually inferior to the machine it was mimicking.

                      Wait until you see the likes of F-Zero DS, Ocarina of Time DS, Smash Bros Ds, Lylat Wars DS and Banjo Kazooie DS, then you'll know the full potential of the DS.


                        I managed to get a go on the DS version and in my honest opinion the DS version looks superior. When you see it running on the DS screen it looks far sharper than the n64 blur o vision look. Ok the ds version might lack filtering but due to the size of the screen it`s hardly noticable. As for controls i tried the d pad controls and seems fine. If you are used to the 2d mario games with holding down a button to run you will have no probs with this.


                          does the grass look any better on the DS than it does on them screenshots? it looks very... lacking of green for a mario game in the screens especially compared with the lush colour of the N64 version.


                            Originally posted by Strider
                            Honestly, what did you expect? Considering the abilities of the PSP, Nintendo would have been strung up by its ****ing knackers if it delivered a new handheld that was actually inferior to the machine it was mimicking.

                            Wait until you see the likes of F-Zero DS, Ocarina of Time DS, Smash Bros Ds, Lylat Wars DS and Banjo Kazooie DS, then you'll know the full potential of the DS.
                            Im detecting a slight 'I know something you dont know?'

                            F Zero would pretty much own.

                            I say this honestly also, I dont care for the abilities of the PSP. To me it seems to try to do too much with the battery taking a rather large battering. I love it how they will sell spare battery 'packs' with it. I'm completely with Nintendo on the approach of going down different avenues with gaming and I hope that the DS is a great seller.
                            Last edited by Ginza; 25-11-2004, 22:34.


                              I think the flat coloured textures on the N64 version look much better myself. Blur-O-vision is unfortunate but I only ever played the game at 60hz on an emulator with lots of AA and a high resolution.

