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Mario Kart DS Anticipation Thread

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    Mario Kart DS Anticipation Thread

    In an interview with puissance-nintendo Hideki Konno the Mario KArt DS producer has revieled that the game will feature a new item.

    The squid will cover your rivals (view) screen with ink for a short peroid of time meaning they will only have the map to guide them.

    Sounds quite good

    The interview also confirms the lack of an online battle mode, however it has been included and can be played with 3 friends.

    The interview also talks about how the online system works and the fact yo uwill have a friends list to find your friends so you can just play them, or you can play randoms if you so wish.
    Last edited by VR46; 25-08-2005, 08:25.

    sounds fun!

    How could they leave battle mode out of ONLINE IT's A CRIME!


      Originally posted by The Mole
      The interview also confirms the lack of an online battle mode, however it has been included and can be played with 3 friends.
      MMmmm - Let me think.... they want a reason to create Mario Kart Revolution ft:

      * removes MKDS from wishlist *

      * hopes for F-Zero DS *

      very dissappointing!


        no battle mode online? they better have a bloody good explanation as that's all i ever played with my friends, racing is ok but popping your best mates last baloon is where the real fun is at :P


          Originally posted by Pirotic
          no battle mode online? they better have a bloody good explanation as that's all i ever played with my friends, racing is ok but popping your best mates last baloon is where the real fun is at :P
          looks like Nintendo wants me to buy a xbox360 + Ridge Racer 4 this christmas I'm really sick of this!


            No online Battle mode sucks. For me the battle mode is the multiplayer portion of Mario Kart. I very rarely play the races in multiplayer. Could be enough to turn me off buying the game but being the Mario Kart whore that I am, I'll probably still end up getting it


              ****ing hell you guys can be reactionary. Racing online, awesome... F-Zero DS will be awesome *crosses fingers* Battle mode with three friends in the same room so you can stick your dick in your friend's face when you pop his last baloon - that's where it's at ;P


                Originally posted by nips
                Battle mode with three friends in the same room so you can stick your dick in your friend's face when you pop his last baloon - that's where it's at ;P
                I agree but that's why I have:
                Mario Kart 64 & Mario Kart GBA


                  But putting your penis in an ethernet port will hurt anyway you look at it ;P


                    And the award for thread with the most idiotic over reactions goes to.....

                    Battle mode was only ever decent on the SNES version (some smart arse sarcastic types may suggest the whole game was) me and my mates never bothered with it on either the N64 or GC versions so lack of it online is no great deal to me. Avoiding the game completely because one small part isn't online is one of the most stupid things I've heard around here in quite a while & that's saying a lot tbh.


                      Gotta agree with Nips on this one, part of the appeal of Battle Mode is having people sitting in the same room as you. And even then, it was actually fairly crappy on Double Dash!! mostly thanks to relatively lame arenas. Online, I can imagine it being a fairly toothless exercise. The online racing will probably prove much more enjoyable anyways.


                        Originally posted by Nisa
                        Battle mode was only ever decent on the SNES version (some smart arse sarcastic types may suggest the whole game was) me and my mates never bothered with it on either the N64 or GC versions so lack of it online is no great deal to me. Avoiding the game completely because one small part isn't online is one of the most stupid things I've heard around here in quite a while & that's saying a lot tbh.

                        I beg to differ. The battle mode is what made MK for me really. I loved it on the SNES, but IMO the battle mode in the n64 version was the pinnacle of the series. Probably the main reason why I rate MK64 very highly, because I got a lot more out of it than I did with the SNES version. Online battle mode is a massive factor for me. It might seem an overreaction to you but it was the reason I was looking forward to the DS version. It's a small part to you but it was basically the whole game for me. I'm just not as keen on the multiplayer racing as the battle mode and it's usually the multiplayer in a MK game that makes it worthwhile for me as the singleplayer usually pales in comparison IMO tbfh.

                        Most of the people I normally play multiplayer MK with won't be getting a DS and have no intention of doing. Given that I think of MK as very good "party" game, or generally great to put on for a laugh. Then I couldn't say that the idea of getting the DS version is thrilling at this moment in time, as I'd have no-one to play multiplayer with. So it basically rules out the multiplayer, it was the same with the GBA version(no to play MP with) and as a result that is my least played MK game in my collection.
                        Last edited by Zapp$ter; 19-08-2005, 01:36.


                          I suppose different strokes for different folks, but, it's called Mario Kart, not Mario Tank! It's made for racing, which is a probably a little why I thought 64 detracted from the series and I moved to F-Zero. In anycase, the best times I had, personally, were racing... but irrepective of whether that is true with you... you'll be missing out on what appears to be a great game if you choose not to indulge becuase of a lack of battle mode.

                          Enjoy a game becuase of it's strengths, don't belittle it becuase of it's weaknesses.

                          I think many would benefit from that!


                            Originally posted by Koizumi
                            I agree but that's why I have:
                            Mario Kart 64 & Mario Kart GBA
                            Umm, either I've read this wrong, or Battle Mode is still there, it's just that you can only play it over local linkup, and not across the internet; presumably someone at Nintendo is overly worried about the effects of lag on the mode.


                              Battle Mode is my fave bit of MK and the main reason I was so eagerly anticipating the DS ver, ah well, online racing is still some form of multiplayer for when theres no one about, I don't care what anyone says but even DDs battlemode is good fun.

