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Games TM 37 Scores

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    Originally posted by martTM
    (For the record, I'm keeping a copy of this post on my desktop - that way, I can just wheel it out every single month from here on in and save myself the trouble of having to think).
    Keep it if you want i insist. It still doesn't stop the fact that your magazine is still ****e. 9/10 for Sims 2, 9/10 for Burnout Revenge, 9/10 for Burnout Legends, tut, tut. I rest my case.


      All magazines have given questionable scores at some point. Remember EDGE's 6 out of 10 for Gunstar Heroes (That would be a half-hearted tug on my proposed Anime wank-o-meter)?

      Although you'll probably counter me by saying EDGE is **** too, but there you go.


        I can't believe how many people have hissy fits over some bloody scores, it's frickin' pathetic.


          Yeah, Edge is ****

          Never used to be though. I still maintain their reviews were probably the most consistant, excellently written pieces money could by for the best part of 10 years, with a ratio of 'agreeability' to 'disagreeability' being consistantly favourable.

          But that Gunstar score was a tad too low; they later admitted so, and made positive references to it sometime thereafter.


            Originally posted by MonkeyWrench
            I can't believe how many people have hissy fits over some bloody scores, it's frickin' pathetic.
            That is why I have not been in an EDGE or gamesTM scores thread for months.



              Originally posted by anephric
              Or some kind of amusing cartoon of a monkey dancing whilst smoking a pipe.
              Give this man a job.

              And I'm genuinely shocked by the Burnout 4 score; I was fully expecting it to get at least 11/10.


                Originally posted by MonkeyWrench
                I can't believe how many people have hissy fits over some bloody scores, it's frickin' pathetic.
                It's a no brainer, some people buy games purely on what a game get's (score wise) and if that score doesn't reflect the games quality then there will be hell to pay. Because a) the gamer has been deceived by the reviewer/magazine which reviewed the game in the first place and b) it's a waste of cash on the gamers end. So yeah, gamers do have a right to be pissed on what score a game recieved.


                  Originally posted by Duddyroar
                  (That would be a half-hearted tug on my proposed Anime wank-o-meter)
                  That's not even approaching the vinegar strokes, man.


                    Anyone see that overated games feature on gamespy thats the sort of thing that makes me annoyed.There saying we gave these games great reviews but later there saying oh sorry there not actually as good as we first said.(not naming any games though)


                      Whats in the retro pages chaps?


                        3D0, CGEUK, Taito Memories, Paperboy, Giant Gram, Fire Pro Wrestling.


                          I usually steer clear too, they're some of my most loathed threads...and look at me now, I'm starting the damn things! Lesson learnt...

                          Originally posted by Extra Terrestrial
                          That is why I have not been in an EDGE or gamesTM scores thread for months.



                            Originally posted by Concept
                            In an ideal world magazines such as GamesTM would drop scores. It'll never happen though... they're too ingrained in the gaming public's psyche to ever be taken out without playing roulette with audience figures. :/
                            Too true. Although the one time we did drop scores (for the PSP launch special), we ended up getting people going 'Oh, they haven't reviewed any of the games'. Why? Because there were no scores - hence, they couldn't possibly have been reviews. Gah.

                            In other news... I'm waiting to see what people think of the Fire Pro piece.


                              Haha...yeah that's a great argument...They'll be hell to pay! NO REALLY!

                              I can imagine it now...hoards of angry gamers shouting and geering outside Game TMs office with flaming torches and pitchforks at the ready. They deserve it though, how dare they decive gamers with they're own opinions!

                              It's a no brainer alright...

                              Originally posted by the_dude
                              It's a no brainer, some people buy games purely on what a game get's (score wise) and if that score doesn't reflect the games quality then there will be hell to pay. Because a) the gamer has been deceived by the reviewer/magazine which reviewed the game in the first place and b) it's a waste of cash on the gamers end. So yeah, gamers do have a right to be pissed on what score a game recieved.


                                Originally posted by the_dude
                                It's a no brainer, some people buy games purely on what a game get's (score wise) and if that score doesn't reflect the games quality then there will be hell to pay. Because a) the gamer has been deceived by the reviewer/magazine which reviewed the game in the first place and b) it's a waste of cash on the gamers end. So yeah, gamers do have a right to be pissed on what score a game recieved.
                                Or maybe you can accept that the score given might be correct for other readers even if you don't personally agree with it?

                                See, what's annoying about the monthly slag-gamesTM-for-not-reinforcing-my-personal-opinion forum threads is that the people who bitch and complain fail to understand that maybe their opinion isn't entirely universal.

