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Your Biggest Gaming Mistake(s)

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    Originally posted by Sabreman
    Definitely selling the Amiga. An A500 with a bunch of lovely big box original games, and a ton of demoscene stuff - some of which I've never been able to track down again. used the funds to buy a Japanese Megadrive shortly after launch. The MD was lovely of course, but looking back it always pains me that I parted with the Amiga.


      Possibly worst gaming mistake - it was only on my second run through that I found one of the menu pages in Final Fantasy VIII ( I had wondered why the Marlboros - low level poisonous beasties- had caused me so much trouble).

      I just found out I've made a similar mistake again - been playing through Advance Wars DS Campaign Mode without too much trouble, but the sattelite mission was very troublesome and I've been really stuck on one called Pincer Strike. I've just realised that I havent been equipping my COs with their skills so they are hideously underpowered ...


        Buying Doshin the Giant, that has to be the worst Nintendo game ever.


          buying steel battalion. Always feeling guilty about the money i spent on it and it was too big for the house!!


            Getting a pretty good score in catch touch yoshi marathon mode, and pausing, and then pressing "restart" instead of "resume" ... did this today, felt great.


              For me a recent one that pains me...

              Was playing Zelda: Minish Cap and was on a 6 hour marathon and dropped something on the floor in front of the cube. Bent down to pick it up and rested my hand on the corner of the cube as I did.

              Needless to say I caught the Reset button


                Buying a 3DO back in 1995 was my biggest mistake. I saved up, sold a load of classic Japanese SFC games (noooooooo) and bought a 3DO with Star Control II, Road Rash and Need For Speed and Return Fire.

                All 4 games were great but there was something about the machine that really depressed me. Normally a new machine is great because there are some games to play now but, more importantly, it holds the promise of loads of games yet to be released. The 3DO was different - it felt like I had a lot of money tied up in something that was possibly doomed. I also didn't like the pads or the way it looked. Anyway, I only owned it for about 6 weeks before I sold it. I felt so relieved.

                That experience kind of tainted my Dreamcast ownership - I bought a Japanese one at launch and then sold it about 6 months later once I began to feel the same kind of jitters about the machine's future.


                  I started playing video games!

                  Goodness knows how much money, hours, miles driven, fall outs, overdrafts and even one divorce!

                  Do I regret it, nahh...........!


                    A bipartite mistake that shows just how far I'd gone off the rails at the age of 15.

                    1. Selling my PAL MD, and reasonable games collection, for ?100.
                    2. Spending the lot down Games Workshop.

                    Thank **** I learned my lesson with that rather than the SNES. The moral of the story: never sell another game again, ever.

                    Oh, and also not saving up more before I went to Tokyo on holiday. Ended up buying more stuff for my brother's birthday than for myself - gnnrrgh.


                      Buying Final Fantasy XI, spending a demoralising six hours getting beaten up by normally quite docile furry creatures and the next six months consistently forgetting to cancel my account. I essentially forked out ?80 to feel really bad about myself.
                      Last edited by unknown_citizen; 13-11-2005, 20:51.


                        Spending ?250 on a import PSP US machine from a local Indy store.

                        Spending loads on a Sega Wondermega (used) and not using it at all > resulting me in selling it for a slight loss


                          I can't pick my biggest mistake, So I will just say "Selling ANY console"... becuase I always end up missing them.... in fact I am no longer going to sell consoles, I have decided.... Well except my Xbox... and PS2... becuase I need the money to buy games for systems that I just bought for a second or third time you see...
                          Last edited by rmoxon; 13-11-2005, 20:48.

