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Your Biggest Gaming Mistake(s)

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    Your Biggest Gaming Mistake(s)

    Whats the thing that you consider to be your worst gaming mistake, whether it be buying the wrong console, erasing a memory card packed with saves and so on.

    I recall spending 90 quid at cex for Get Bass and a Rod controller, which was fun for about 5 minutes play, that at a time when money was much harder to come by.

    I also bought the awful Dynamite Deku on the Dreamcast on a impulse decision.

    Rendering an Xbox useless by plugging the wrong powercable into its plug socket, causing me to have to replace the entire PSU, and ultimately the Xbox itself.

    Im sure theres lots more, those are just ta get the thread off to a start

    playing 135 for an xbox with outrun 2 just for that game and only have quick blasts on it for say 30 minutes

    buying pal games then having to sell them and buy import versions of them


      Originally posted by wod
      buying pal games then having to sell them and buy import versions of them
      Would've been cheaper to :

      a) Chip the PS2


      b) Buy one of each PAL & NTSC

      Mine was getting pissed up at a mates with Megadrive Street Fighter 2 (?59.99 or something ridiculous at launch) and the 6 button stick I'd bought (another ?30 IIRC) and leaving the lot standing on the pavement in a plastic carrier bag outside waiting for a taxi - then leaving it there.

      By some miracle the lady downstairs found it in the morning and turned it over to the police - Got it back but had to fork out a tenner to her as a thanks.

      Lesson learned.


        dealing with a company called loaded consoles for the 2nd time

        he ripped me off but i went back to him - idiot </napoleon dynamite>

        just before i moved to Gibraltar in 2002 i needed to sell up my Neo Geo stuff and he offered me ?500 for it - obviously i sent it first and he agreed it was worth the ?500

        so after about 6 months of constant bollocks he sent me a bank transfer of ?250 and a cheque for ?250 - the cheque bounced and was sent back

        reason why it bounced - he no longer had an account at that bank, last known location living around Liverpool

        other mistakes - not buying a pc engine until 3 months ago, selling my Japanese megadrive collection years ago for what i remember was around 2 magic beans/buttons


          I bought Rise of the Robots. Nuff said.


            "buying pal games then having to sell them and buy import versions of them"

            ^ really? buying pal ps2 games are my mistake, i think i should get rid and go for a jap one. Going back buying pal is a mistake, this year i got rid of all my pal retro gear and i'm now looking to get rid of my pal ps2 and GC. The boxart and packaging are uninspring, the many games without 60hz options on the ps2 is depressing, and looking through tons of cack on store shelves is painful, (this is regarding ps2 btw). Also you look through the ps2 games the people in the shop looking through them as well are a combination of retards, kids, and chavs not a good experiance

            In general not getting into import gaming till this year
            Last edited by muse hunter; 24-10-2005, 17:26.


              Yeah, unfortunately I also bought Rise of the Robots. The worst 10 minutes of gaming in my life.


                Agreed with the point above, i was a slow adoptor of the import gaming, it seemed too much effort, but then of course, it seemed too much effort to wait 2 years for Animal Crossing.

                Also, buying Sega Worldwide Soccer 98 instead of Panzer Dragoon Saga for Xmas.
                I can't afford the bastard game now! I just wanna finish it *cries*


                  Selling most of my collection off a number of years ago and then having to re-buy it all back.


                    Originally posted by Emir
                    Yeah, unfortunately I also bought Rise of the Robots. The worst 10 minutes of gaming in my life.
                    me too on the amiga cd32, another total waste of money!


                      Selling games. In the DC days, I used to sell my older, rarely used games in order to buy new ones. I'm not having to slowly rebuy them.


                        1. Not getting an Amiga.
                        2. Buying Conquest Earth.
                        3. Not buying System Shock 2.


                          Paying ?70 for doshin the giant


                            Not buying a mint boxed Laseractive system with Sega and TG-16 interfaces when I was offered one for $150.

                            Selling my entire TG-16 collection to pay to get married.

                            Not buying a US Metal Slug on Neo Geo Home Cartridge when someone was desperate to offload one back in 1998 for $160 because I thought it was a silly platform game that Contra Spirits on the SFC pissed on (I still think it does)
                            Last edited by MarkIII; 24-10-2005, 19:23.


                              Selling my PC Engine Turbo-Duo

                              Blowing the PSU in my Panasonic Q - still can't afford to repair it.

