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Your Biggest Gaming Mistake(s)

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    With the N64, I was a ridiculously biased Rare fanboy, which lead me to miss out on many Nintendo and a few third-party titles that I kind of wish I had played. I am extremely happy that I stuck by Rare as the amount of quality games they curned out was very impressive:

    Blast Corps, GoldenEye, Banjo Kazooie, Jet Force Gemini and Donkey Kong 64.

    They were the Rare games I own and completed, except from the final boss on Jet Force Gemini(!) I did not get either Perfect Dark or Conkey's Bad Fur Day as they were 18 rated - something me and my parents agreed on, especially with my younger brother around too.

    I only got Lylat Wars (Starfox 64), Mario Kart 64, Super Mario 64, Zelda: Ocarina of Time in terms of Nintendo titles - plus I had a PSone that was being played in between, especially the Holy Grail of RPGs available.

    Meh, I'll live.


      Can't think of anything I've bought or sold which is a "mistake" - I'm fond of even my crap games and hardware because it's all of interest to me.

      I wish I'd taken better care of my A1200 because the floppy's buggered and most of my games are checksummed from sitting in a moisture-rich attic, but other than that...

      Oh, I paid launch-price money for a Mega-CD1 and NEVER bought a single game for it, surviving on demos waiting for "teh quality gamez" to appear. Couldn't even flog it for a tenner a while later. I think it's still rotting in the attic at my parents' house somewhere.


        Originally posted by buster_broon
        dealing with a company called loaded consoles for the 2nd time

        he ripped me off but i went back to him - idiot </napoleon dynamite>

        just before i moved to Gibraltar in 2002 i needed to sell up my Neo Geo stuff and he offered me ?500 for it - obviously i sent it first and he agreed it was worth the ?500

        so after about 6 months of constant bollocks he sent me a bank transfer of ?250 and a cheque for ?250 - the cheque bounced and was sent back

        reason why it bounced - he no longer had an account at that bank, last known location living around Liverpool

        other mistakes - not buying a pc engine until 3 months ago, selling my Japanese megadrive collection years ago for what i remember was around 2 magic beans/buttons
        (Hmm Gibraltar , Just a guess but do you have a Pioneer Laseractive ?)

        My own mistake was selling my Maziora Dreamcast (number 002/500 ), brand new and signed by Tadahiko Taira. I paid just shy of eight hundred for the console and to be fair I did make a nice profit and the money was very usefull at the time.Yet in hindsight I shouldn't have sold it ^^;


          Originally posted by ExpertKing
          (Hmm Gibraltar , Just a guess but do you have a Pioneer Laseractive ?)
          no but i did have a pioneer dvd player

          lived in Gib for 30 months - great time


            I sold a laserdisc to a Brit who was returning to the UK after living in Gibraltor,thought it might have been yourself (^^*)


              ive said this many a time on here, but again will say again, going to that ****ty indie shop in liverpool and swapping a mint clockwork knights on the jap saturn, mario allstars also mint on the pal snes and i ?45 for daytona usa on the jap saturn. I got so.............. ripped off! I hope that shop gets burned down again!



                Originally posted by 112
                I hope that shop gets burned down again!

                Was it you the first time?

                I traded in DC REZ for a copy of...Well it doesn't matter what for! I traded in DC REZ!


                  Originally posted by jimmie2k

                  Was it you the first time?

                  I traded in DC REZ for a copy of...Well it doesn't matter what for! I traded in DC REZ!

                  I'll trade you my copy for your soul... actually... that'd probably be a mistake.


                    Originally posted by Atticus
                    Now I'm Ico-less. My favourite game of this generation and I don't own a copy.

                    // Hugs my JPN version.
                    Last edited by charlesr; 31-08-2011, 14:42.


                      I had three copies of PAL Ico at one point, bought for ?6-7ish from Crime Generator - never bothered to flog them on eBay as I traded two of 'em in at Another World against Hori sticks. Think I got ?20+ trade-in for them. Should've sold them for more, mind.


                        My biggest gaming mistake was buying a PS2 when I really didn't need one. Too much money, not enough crap to buy.


                          I'll have some of your money, Lyris. Go on.


                            Ah tough luck Anephric buddy, I go out at least once a week now so the money is being squandered on booze, Glasgow-style


                              I reckon you spend it on sex dwarfs. And expensive mascara.


                                Originally posted by anephric
                                I reckon you spend it on sex dwarfs. And expensive mascara.

