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The Xbox360 Get thread - Your Launch Experience

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    Well, my evening went as follows.

    got pissed.

    Then we turned up at gamestation at 11:30, first in line, SCORE!
    Few guys in there already though, buying like 2 premiums each (hmmmm)
    Anyways, it gets to my friend's turn and he gets his core pack, a memory card, Condemned, PGR3, PDZ, kameo and NFS Most Wanted.
    Then it's my turn. I get... a wired pad

    The night was enjoyable! Us and the crowd had a remenisce about the Dreamcast, a rant about FPS games, discussed Quake 4 and Fifa 06's 2/10 score
    Not as many people as the Halo 2 Midnight Launch, but I guess that's due to less systems.

    met a guy who was getting 3 cores though! He said opne was for him, one was for a mate who couldn't get one and one was for....
    Ebay. He asked "could you blame me?"

    I answered no. I didn't feel like making him into a mortal enemy!
    Anyway, get home, my wired pad is ****ed.
    the left trigger is constantly pushed down, so I reverse in PGR, and zoom in PDZ.
    So I opened up half the screws, gave it all a bit of a wiggle, SORTED!
    And the night... was a success!


      Originally posted by charlesr
      Easy, more profit, cos people who want the premium pack will get the core pack and fork out for the accessories. MS = Win.

      Got it in one.

      And companies like Toys 'R Us and Game take the piss by doing bundles that work out no cheaper than buying stuff separately.

      I wish I had bought the core pack though. Just checked the prices on Ebay and I could have made about ?200 on just the core pack alone. As A bundle I could have sold it for around ?500 making about ?230 profit!!!

      Just checked with Comet and they said all the remaining packs are for pre-orders. They will be getting stock on a weekly basis though, Game said April and Gamestation said after Xmas - I'm guessing because they have more pre-orders to fill. Comet said they are not taking more pre-orders, just get em on the day they are in.


        Originally posted by Mardigan8
        minus my Play and charge kit because the manager forgot to put it in, substituting it for a network adapter which I dont think would have helped

        Rossco, hope you got sorted matey. Happy 360'ing fellas!!

        PS. How much of an absolute **** are those advanced Scart boxes to open, nearly lot the plot with it last night
        Exact same thing happened to me dude, swapped network adapter for my play n chanrge kit.

        Got it all sorted about 12.45 too I think, you probably heard my mate shouting obsceneties at everyone that walked by!? The wee guy in the red scarf...?

        And those packages are so annoying, I cut my finger opening my mates Play n Charge kit!!

        So happy its all done and dusted now though.


          minus my Play and charge kit because the manager forgot to put it in, substituting it for a network adapter which I dont think would have helped
          Exact same thing happened to me dude, swapped network adapter for my play n chanrge kit.
          Did they charge you the extra for the network adapter though? It's worth ?60 vs the ?15 of the Play & Charge kit. For what it's worth, I have a few friends in the US who praise the wireless pads ability to run well on their batteries, so much so that some are simply returning the charge kit because the standard battery life on the pads seems to be so good. Either way you should have a good lease of life on the pad before you decide to have the shop give you what you asked for, or decide to just get new batteries as and when.

          I wish much enjoyment to those who got one last night/this morning.


            I wandered into Game at Lakeside around 945 this morning after a swift brekkie at Mcdonalds.

            There were about 20 people in a queue at the till's.

            There were loads of people trying to buy Premium packs that hadnt pre-ordered. There werent any takers for the Core Pack bundles that they were doing for ?620.
            Eventually got to the top of the queue and picked up my premium pack and COD2. Forgot to reserve an RGB scart cable and Charge kit and they didnt have any left.
            What amazed me though was the number of people buying all the games that had been released today as well.
            I preordered a few games at Asda when they were doing their discounts so I have no idea when these will arrive.

            What struck me most today was the sheer disappointment on peoples faces who had no doubt gone shopping this morning expecting to be able to pick up little johnnys christmas present without pre-ordering.
            When I left Game there were 2 couples outside who had obviously failed in their attempts to secure a 360 and looked at me with utter disgust and actually made me feel quite uncomfortable.

            At the end of the day its just a console, there will be more available for christs sake. I didnt think the world had come to end when I couldnt get my PSP on launch day as I hadnt preordered.

            Im not being smug because I managed to get one but at the end of the day most people on this forum like me are passionate about their hobby and would have made the effort to ensure that they got one of release. Theres nothing wrong with that I dont think.
            Considering there have been several fantastic releases for this generation recently (HL2, MK DS, GTA PSP) I wouldnt have been too gutted if I had missed out.

            Phew.........that was good to get off my chest!


              I'm passionate and I made the ****ing effort and I still ain't got one.


                Tesco Farce

                I went to a big Tesco to see what was going on at about 6pm. Despite being told over the phone that they would not allow a queue to form until 11pm. 3 people persuaded them to corden off an area and start a queue. So me and my mate's joined at positiion 4,5,6. The queue quickly grew to about 15 and then the manager told us they had 12 premiums and 4 core systems in.

                So being at the front we were quite happy. Throughout the next 6 hours we saw peopl coming up to the electronics desk and moaning as they were told queueing was not allowed, the phone on the support desk rang pretty much all night with people asking if there was a queue yet, only to be told the queue has been closed as all the machines are gone.

                We actually saw a few members of staff sneaking off with premium bundles and were told sveral times that the nu,ber of machines had changed, through the night these machines were found and locked into a secure area.

                All in all it was a joke. Despite being told there would be no queue, at 6.05pm I was in one.

                At the end of the night it turnes out they miscounted the premium (only having 10) and Core (now having 6) systems, which pissed the 2 people in the queue that didnt get a premium bundle off.

                As for me I got a Premium and Call Of Duty 2 which I played for an hour or so last night. More games and an RGB kit should be in the post soon.

                As for accessories Tesco had 1 play and charge kit and no spare HDD's.


                  Me too. Preordered back in August and dragged my self round countless shops yesterday without any luck. Could have got a Core but I'd rather wait than be ripped off. Not the end of the world.


                    I ordered on the 15th Novemebr and mine turned up today. It's on the 'bay at the moment, I'll decide for deffo later if I'm keeping it.


                      A premium pack just sold for ?699 on e-bay a few minutes ago.

                      Wish I had kept in its box now...


                        Walked into game at about 9 this morning, picked up Premium + kameo, pdz (limited), pgr3, comdenmed, charge kit and extra wireless for just under ?500.


                          Picked my premium pack up at Game York shortly after lunch. Had a few hassles with transfering my Live account, but its working fine now. Games wise I picked up PDZ and Half Life 2 (it's been a while since I bought a fps!). What made me snigger was the way they scurried out the the back when I handed over my pre-order recept and came back with the console already in a carrier.

                          "Assistant! Assistant! There's an Xbox 360 in my bag!"

                          "Well don't shout Sir, or everyone will want one!"


                            walked into Comet (with a huge sign on the door - No Xbox360's)

                            and gave them my receipt - to which she told me there were no spare wireless controllers so the deal was a premium pack and 2 games plus ?100 money off vouchers - ?349.99

                            the choice of games i had from their extensive stock was:
                            king Kong
                            Perfect Dark Zero

                            so i looked and looked and decided on taking Perfect Dark zero and King Kong

                            they only got about 4 premium's in stock and i was the first to go and pick it up - the others were behind the counter

                            in and out in about 5 minutes


                              Originally posted by buster_broon
                              there were no spare wireless controllers so the deal was a premium pack and 2 games plus ?100 money off vouchers - ?349.99

                              the choice of games i had from their extensive stock was:
                              king Kong
                              Perfect Dark Zero

                              so i looked and looked and decided on taking Perfect Dark zero and King Kong


                                very traumatic. Having tripled checked my Virgin preorder I got into town and picked up without a hitch. My games preorder for collection at Game were worthless and had to trawl around to pick up PGRR3 and failed to get a plug and charge. My mate meanwhile who had two man packs at Currys (checked twice) bowled up to collect them only to find they only had pov packs. Three months of build up gone in five seconds. He was not happy!.
                                Frantic phone calls followed and he picked up a core system which he eventually drove 40 miles and swapped with a Game man pack I had ordered for delivery today for my brother. As he's not got broadband the lack of the drive etc is no real hardship. All very touch and go, but alls well athat ends well. Just wouldnt want the stress everyday.

