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100,000 360 Consoles Coming Today

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    100,000 360 Consoles Coming Today

    Some guy over on BritXbox said this so don't bash me.

    Look Here

    that topic says 10,000 not 100,000


      No but there is 8 Planes Carrying 10,000 are more. Is it around 100,000


        Or even 80,000

        We shall see... I hope this is true. No-one in the topic seemed to know what they were talking about mind. The XBoxes are manufactured in eastern Europe, for one, dispite people saying it's China in that topic.


          Wouldn't new stock come from factories in the east? I thought the US would need all the stock they can get.


            If it is true Amazon certainly don't know about it... my 18th Aug preorder's been confirmed as a post-Xmas delivery today.


              Hm which shop(s) to place a pre-order with on the offchance this is true..


                If MS live up to their weekly replenishment promise, this could be it.


                  If you read into that thread (last page), you'll realise it's nothing to get too excited over.


                    Originally posted by Shakey_Jake33
                    If MS live up to their weekly replenishment promise, this could be it.
                    I'd imagine if more stock does come before Christimas it'd almost certainly all go to leftover pre-orders and probably wouldn't hit the shop floor.


                      Originally posted by Concept
                      I'd imagine if more stock does come before Christimas it'd almost certainly all go to leftover pre-orders and probably wouldn't hit the shop floor.
                      True mate, but you may get lucky and they may end up in Asda's or Tesco's.

                      I've mentioned this before, but on the midnight launch at the Asda I work at, we had stock of 14 units, had to turn 2 people away. They did that KNOWING that there was a secret second delivery of 360's merely 2 hours later. Why? Because they can say they have them in stock to sell on the shopfloor, better PR. "Wow Asda has 360".
                      There's a real strategy in a lot of places to balance between preorders and walk-in buyers.


                        bwahaha. I've never heard so much BS in all my life. The only thing on the cargo manifest would be Electronic goods or consumer products not OMFG ITS A PLANE FULL OF XBOX360s - CLEAR THE RUNWAYS!!!!!



                          *BUT* if this was true, it would be a stroke of marketing genius by MS.

                          Release only a few XBoxes on launch day, so that many people get turned away disappointed. At the same time, get the publicity from the press. Make this into a 'rare' commodity, so that human nature takes over and people start to actually want one (I'm possibly in that group).

                          Then mere days later, fly in another batch of consoles (which were probably on stand by in some warehouse the whole time), and then release them and say something along the lines of "this is the last shipment until March 2006!".

                          Rinse and repeat next week.......


                            I don't think anybody is under illusions that this may not be happening to a certain extent. It's a thin line between inciting hype and pissing off/turning away disgruntled consumers over the mid-term though. And that mid-term will likely just be ending when Sony starts their own hype machine...


                              Originally posted by Shakey_Jake33
                              There's a real strategy in a lot of places to balance between preorders and walk-in buyers.
                              You're right, and a lot of it isn't in MS' hands. No doubt they want to hype the 360, though I'm not sure if they'd go about it all over the country in the same way that many retailers have. There are lots of places in balancing shop floor interest and pre-orders that have their own interests in mind.

                              Interests that may suit them, and not necessarily Microsoft over the coming months.

