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PSP: one year on

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    16 years?? I'm talking about the GBA, not the GB


      oh yeah, sorry, was busy eating at the time. Not a woman so can't multi-task (so I'm told)


        The size isn't important, its what you do with it thats counts


          Since when was the PSP Ridge Racer a port?. The design of the series has been changed to make it specifically for a handheld and it was the first Ridge Racer game to feature the boost bar thingy. So how come some people are now giving Ridge Racer psp a hard time? Isn't Ridge Racer 6 on the Xbox practicaly the same game? with no extra features over the PSP version? At least the PSP version did somthing new and it was also a fantastic game. No the PSP shouldn't rely on ports, it should rely on good games and Ridge Racer is a good game, so whats the problem?

          It is also intresting to note that people are complaining that the PSP has no original titles, yet those people are probabaly the same ones that complained that Metal Gear Acid was not like other Metal Gear games.... That was an original title and it lacked gameplay in a big way... So would you rather have titles that are original in some way but end up rubbish, or would you prefer ones that are as much fun to play as Ridge Racer? As much as Originality appeals to me, I will look elsewhere for it if I have too, I have loads of systems and all I require from my PSP is good games and so far (besides Ridge Racer) I have been let down in a big way.
          Last edited by rmoxon; 12-12-2005, 13:08.


            Originally posted by Jushin-Thunder-Liger
            Well, I would suggest that was hogwash, and that warmed over PS1/2 ports are exactly the sort of thing handheld gaming really needs to distance itself from.

            See the sales figures of the DS and PSP for 'proof' of this.

            Purchase Justification Issues?
            What didnt you understand by the words, "in my opinion"

            Ridge racers is a great game, why would you want to distance yourself from "ports" of great games on a handheld? If the games good and you want to play it on the go and its fits the handheld format, why not.


              Originally posted by SUMIRE
              What didnt you understand by the words, "in my opinion"

              Ridge racers is a great game, why would you want to distance yourself from "ports" of great games on a handheld? If the games good and you want to play it on the go and its fits the handheld format, why not.

              If you feel duty bound to post your opinions on a discussion forum, please be prepared for some sort of discussion on that topic.

              If thats not ok, then dont post your opinions, then no one can question them


                your opinions differ, fair enough, leave it and move on eh.


                  Why are people saying the PSP is slow sales-wise? The thing is selling out everywhere as soon as it hits the shops! Doesn't make it any less gash, however.


                    Its not selling out it hasnt been for months.

                    Nice to see Sony are stinging the customers a bit more by just releasing giga packs.


                      Yes it has, as soon as it hits the shops it sells almost instantly- even the Giga pack. Stock has been a problem consistently since launch due to the high demand!


                        All I can say is despite the fact that I sold my PSP in September, 2 of the games I owned: Lumines and Ridge Racers are by far and away the best handheld games I have ever owned and played. I completed RR to the max and Lumines was completely exhausted one night during my holiday over the Algarve one evening. Trance will never be the same.

                        I would honestly love to know the total worldwide sales between the DS and PSP in the new year just for the sake of it.


                          Originally posted by Haribokart
                          The thing is selling out everywhere as soon as it hits the shops!
                          Not in Birmingham, i was speaking to a sales bod in Gamestation, he said not many Giga Packs were being sold. He put it down to being bundled with 2 ****e games no one wants. Claimed the DS was outselling it 3:1.


                            Originally posted by Haribokart
                            Yes it has, as soon as it hits the shops it sells almost instantly- even the Giga pack. Stock has been a problem consistently since launch due to the high demand!
                            Not in Newcastle either PSP Giga packs all over the place yet not a Nintendogs DS to be had. A mate who works at HMV Metrocentre said they have 65 Pink DS consoles ordered for customers.


                              Originally posted by Jushin-Thunder-Liger
                              If you feel duty bound to post your opinions on a discussion forum, please be prepared for some sort of discussion on that topic.

                              If thats not ok, then dont post your opinions, then no one can question them
                              It is ok, why did you think it wasnt?

                              Just because a certain machine sells less than another doesnt make it inferior.

                              I disagree with you about the PS1 to PSP ports, you didnt answer my question, what is wrong with PS1 ports of great games onto a handheld? From what I can see Ridge Racers is more than just a port of a PS1 game anyway.


                                Personally I've waited for a "system buying" game to appear so only bought my PSP around a month ago, the name of the game: Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories.

                                Very impressed with what the PSP can do and I've now building up quite a catalogue of games, all of which look impressive (although I'd never pay more than ?15 to 20 for a psp game).

