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Save File Mourning

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    to be honest thinking back - because of my sausage fingers and that fecking button on the memory card i reckon i scrubbed the whole lot of or mostly completed versions of

    blast dozer

    it got to the stage with turok that i just cheated and used the chronosceptre from the start - take that

    nowadays i never ever buy 3rd party controllers and memory cards

    always always must be official
    Last edited by buster_broon; 24-01-2006, 16:17.


      Originally posted by booth83
      I eventually did complete it again, although the quote above is something i wasn't aware of and now i'm slightly worried that my cart which i still have on a shelf is empty and it was all for nothing, i doubt i'd ever be able to do it again now.
      On a long enough timelime, it's all for nothing my friend...


        My worst was FF7 on the last bosses and my old crappy Virgin Megastore memory card refused to work. I was so gutted couldnt belive it, since then ive never bought any 3rd party stuff.


          Originally posted by buster_broon
          2/ played mario 64 and collected all the stars and had the cart nice and safe, got myself a bung disk doctor 64 and if you have owned one you need an original game in the game slot for it too work properly. So the only game at hand was mario 64 - stuck it in the top and playe with my new toy, once finished i dismantled the disk doctor and stuck in my mario 64 only to find nothing on the cart - no save nothing

          the reason you use a cart is for region/memory issues and because the memory was getting used for something else - it had scrubbed everything
          ditto! goodbye 120 stars! ****ing outraged


            I lost a Xenogears save at the end of disc one, which was an epic 70hrs or so. I didn't have the heart to go through that again. What pissed me off even more was that disc 2 is really short, only a few hours.

            Oh, and this was on an OFFICIAL SONY PS1 MEMORY CARD.


              Many years ago, a so-called friend somehow wiped my save file on Zelda: Link's Awakening for the GB. I was two dungeons from the end, had found most of the secret seashells and done most of the sidequests when this happened. I'd let him play the game, went to the trouble of opening a new file for him, yet when he gave it back to me (and had scurried off home), I discovered my file had gone. I was heartbroken.

              Luckily, I regained my progress by staying up that night and playing through it up to the same point, but because I cut corners (naturally), I missed out half the sidequests and had nowhere near as many shells by the time I eventually finished it.

              Said friend was a particularly spiteful fellow. To this day, I think he did it on purpose.

