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Xbox Live Market Place - General Discussion Thread 1

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    Well if the game was only £3 to start with, 60p is 20% reduction.
    They have had games reduced by upto 50%.

    The main reason reductions exist in retail is to clear dead stock, with digital distribution this isn't an issue so they don't need to reduce the 'stock'.

    Without having access to sales figures for actual games we can't judge whether or not it's of benefit to the companies to reduce the price if they are going to make the same amount of money.


      True. Still, twenty percent is **** all. Retail discounts would be far higher by now.

      Imagine you are a developer, proud of your game and wanting people to play it. It's been out 3, 6 months, sales are very low which I imagine Arcade titles are that long after launch, in most cases. If you can make a bit more money and get more people on your game, then do it! You should see the huge spike in sales games get on Steam when part of the weekend offers.

      As usual, all I want is what's best for gamers - price reductions on older titles. Just dump the year old 400 point titles to 100 and watch then sell Win! Downloadable titles start out cheaper than retail, and need to follow a similar price reduction. It's all about perceived value.
      Last edited by Matt; 22-04-2009, 13:02.


        Microsoft may well treat the whole XBLA as one massive flow of points and reducing the price of old titles may create poor sales for new releases, which is then a dissapointment for their developers.


          Yes, newer sales may drop I suppose. But ultimately you'd have thought you'd see an increase in total sales. As I keep saying, it works wonders on Steam.

          Ms release budget retail Classic titles don't they? Same rules apply here, surely?

          End of the day, price reductions will get more gamers playing the older titles, and save us money. Both good things.


            Microsoft are essentially publishing all the games though, so they have a responsibility to the developer.

            It;s not the end of the day, because if people are only willing to purchase games at a lower price, you'll get yet more outrage when someone DARES charge £2 for a game, less money will be made on new releases and the developers won't be able to sustain themselves.

            I'm sure if there was nothing but positive results for everyone, gamers, publisher developers then the price would be dropped, but I imagine that the potential problems ecomonics that surround these digital downloads can't be solved in a single sentance.


              well, Steam are doing gangbusters. I'm thinking through, and the only downside I can see is their fake currency could be devalued Another reason to charge real money

              Nevermind. As often happens, you and I don't see eye to eye. I want cheaper games, and you're more concerned with your stock options falling

              At least Lode is cheaper than announced, can only be a good thing and I'll check it out now


                Zombie Wranglers is coming May 6th


                  Lode Runner seems to have gone back up o the 1200 Points price now


                    Good news on the zombie game - I'm a sucker for anything with Zombie in the title. Ahem

                    Shame about Lode. Surely no-one will buy it now, and they'll have to drop the price back down?


                      'tis a shame as I was just about to buy it at 800, not forking out 1200 for it.


                        Originally posted by Spatial101 View Post
                        Lode Runner seems to have gone back up o the 1200 Points price now

                        ffs. Would have bought it at 800 too.


                          I suspected that'd happen, s'why I bought it as soon as it came out at 800. Stupid, this.


                            If nothing else, it proves the psychological difference between 800 points and 1200. Funnily enough, if this was real money, I don't think the difference would be so pronounced - what, £6.40 compared to £9.60 or whatever it works out as. It's the 4 digits in 1200 that makes it sound expensive

                            I think this misprice will **** up their sales.


                              Or it just shows people drawing a line. if a new game came out at RRP £45 I reckon people would be a bit funny about paying that too.


                                Yeah you may be right. DLC pricing is odd. I gladly paid for £12 for WipeOut HD, but 1200 points for something like Lode seems too high. Both are ultimately just enhanced, updated versions of games over a decade old. But WipeOut looked worth the money, while Lode, despite my love for the game, feels "old". I want flash and excitement at the premium price point

