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Metal Gear Solid 4 (Guns of the Patriots)

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    I'm not Kojima. *Super Flex 2 X*
    Kept you waiting, huh?


      Hayter has been getting proggressively worse since MGS1. Originally his voice was good and had some nice subtle details to it, but now it sounds like he's doing a impression of himself doing the Snake Voice and everything is exgerrated.


        A demo would be fantastic but as you say...not likely.

        I find that the games are just a little different when played in undubbed. I enjoy them both ways but like that I feel it keeps closer to the Anime ideals that MGS has.


          Originally posted by J0e Musashi View Post
          Originally posted by J0e Musashi View Post
          I'm not Kojima. *Super Flex 2 X*
          I love you J0e.


            what joe didn't tell you was that he was asking me what things were in the japanese version of MGS3 - Subsistence, because he couldn't understand them in the JP version - ha ha

            I love import gaming sometimes





                  Originally posted by Bleeders
                  I'm not technically minded when it comes to textures en' stuff, but it looks bloody good to me!
                  Aye, it does look nice. Still can't say I'm bothered about the game though. It's the new Shadow of the Beast.

                  No HUD?


                    Originally posted by kernow View Post
                    what joe didn't tell you was that he was asking me what things were in the japanese version of MGS3 - Subsistence, because he couldn't understand them in the JP version - ha ha

                    I love import gaming sometimes
                    All I asked was how the camo index worked as I couldn't work it out from the manual. Other than that the JP version is totally import friendly, so there Shane.
                    Kept you waiting, huh?


                      Hell yeah!

                      Is that Ocelot in the pic to the left of the one with Vamp and Raiden ?


                        Yeah, it is. I thought Raiden was a hard arse now? He wastes fifteen rock solid Metal Gears in the last trailer, now gets a big cuddle from Vamp and he's suddenly caught?

                        Come on.


                          Jesus wept. From Neogaf

                          you've got to laugh


                            Originally posted by RustyS Badge View Post
                            Jesus wept. From Neogaf

                            you've got to laugh

                            Sony fanboys have been waiting a whole year for revenge on Giant Enemy Crab and RIIIIIIIDGE RAAAACEEEERRRR. The slightest whiff of Sony getting one up and they were bound to be all over it.


                              I don't know why Konami insist on being so coy. A 360 port is more-or-less inevitable at this point unless there's a substantial increase in PS3 sales between now and its release. They're just trying to coax some more cash out of Sony if you ask me.


                                Originally posted by MattyD View Post
                                I don't know why Konami insist on being so coy. A 360 port is more-or-less inevitable at this point unless there's a substantial increase in PS3 sales between now and its release. They're just trying to coax some more cash out of Sony if you ask me.
                                PS3's will sell like hotcakes the second MGS4 hits the shelves.
                                Kept you waiting, huh?

