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"Uh-oh...." moments in games

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    The last boss in CastleVania DS was rather Uh-Oh when fully reveled.


      Actually yes, when you step in to a dark room with limited visibility in any survival horror game. You lift and aim yah weapon to prepare yourself, watching for the auto aim to kick in. It suddenly locks onto a target off screen, you think ****! Right what do i do, then you hear a grown or moan, and think ****! You swallow, take a deep breath and then................ CHARGE!



        rooms with waist-deep water. every single ****ing time.

        case in point - the bit in Biohazard with The Pathetic Sharks. played it to death and i know what's about to happen, but i still feel tense and say 'uh oh...' as i wade in and position myself to blow the **** out of them.

        there was a bit in HL2, in the hospital-type place, just a single room where you had to get to the other side - eerily quiet, and half-filled with water. i wasted about 4 grenades and a few clips of ammo shooting the water, just to make sure nothing jumped out to bite my face off. scariest part of the entire game. fact.


          Through RE4, just before you fight

          Verdugo, you have to continously dodge his tentacles. You know he's there and coming for you.......


            Resident Evil , when you for the frist time get the green lizards, you stand in some kitchen and then you get a CG movie showing some fast moving ...something... going the very same way you've just walked.......

            scared the **** out of me !


              Fatal Frame 2 the bit where

              You lose the camera in the underground alley between the two houses and that bitch is after your blood


                Playing Socom 3 online and realising you are the last man on your team and they are all watching you trying to eliminate the opposing team and not look useless....


                  Originally posted by buster_broon
                  GRAW on xbox360

                  walking across the plaza towards the embassy and there is nothing until you get near the momument and the embassy explodes

                  walk in to see who has survived only to be surrounded by tanks and baddies

                  1 moment nice and quiet - the next bang, and i'm a big girl i did jump
                  Damn, I forgot that one. That totally took me by surprise and I had my sound turned way up so I nearly jumped out of my skin.


                    Oblivion, on the loading screen when the progress bar freezes and the music stops and you can't remember the last time you saved.

                    true 'uh-oh' moment.


                      In Resident Evil 4, just when you first see that blind thing with the claws inside his cell.


                        Oh, and in Eternal Darkness on the Gamecube, when

                        your GameCube 'crashes'. That really did get me the first time!


                          Good topic. My latest 'Uh-oh' moment is in guitar hero. Rock meter is on red and i'm playing crossroads on hard and I know a big solo is comming up. Cue music grinding to a halt.


                            Azel smashing through into reality at Uru in Panzer Dragopon Saga.


                              Originally posted by Psi
                              Oh, and in Eternal Darkness on the Gamecube, when

                              your GameCube 'crashes'. That really did get me the first time!

                              Not as bad as the

                              bathroom scene.


                                When you hear footsteps in haunting ground! you dont know which exit the enemies gonna come from, so you dont know which way to run until they are there, same for clock tower 3

