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why all the Sony hating?

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    why all the Sony hating?

    thats the question i shall put towards the forum, why all the Sony hating?

    It seems that people here are all to happy to jump on Sony's back, saying they are stealing ideas, or finding any comment which might be seen as at least half arrogance so they can flame them down. For a forum that is pretty open minded, where we don't see too much fanboyism why do people have a hatred towards Sony? Arrogance? i'm sure Nintendo and Microsoft are guilty of that in equal measures, idea stealing? again Sony are not alone.

    Myself? i have no love or hatred for any company (okay maybe i am a bit of a SEGA boy ) I myself don't care about the politics involved, or the system specs of a console, i just want great games, shouldn't everyone want the same?

    Well personally i dont really hate them and i know after a couple of years when the good PS3 games are out and the price has dropped i will deffo get one. However they are just so arrogant due to how long they have been at the top i think if MS and Ninty do alot better this gen which is the way it seems to be going, i think it may force Sony to come up with some good ideas of their own. Not just rushed rehashes of MS and Ninty stuff.


      Granted, there has been a lot of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc/Europe-bashing on this forum, but it's nothing that SCEI/SCEE haven't bought onto themselves, imo.

      For me personally, their general arrogance and attitude towards importers (especially with the PSP) is just piss-poor behaviour, especially when you consider the part that the importing scene has played in creating the profile that the PlayStation brand has as a whole. Also, it's all the more galling when you hark back to the mid 90's - SCEI/SCEE were perfectly happy to let grey importers take pure liberties and charge anything between ?500 - ?1k for JAP PS1s!!

      As I have said before on this forum, any SCEI products that I purchase in the future (be they PS3 or PSP-related) will be 2nd hand or imported from JAP/US shores.


        It was a shame about the whole firmware fiasco - that really pissed a huge number of gamers off. Unfortunately a lot of people didn't predict the benefit of keeping the original 1.5 firmware, and that is where the most fun is to be had


          Well their are a huge amount of Nintendo fans on this forum and the battle between the DS & PSP has been in Nintendo's favour and now they want to put the boot in!

          Sony are arrogrant, patronising and completly up themselves with regards to their market place and the upcomming PS3. Yet they have made some of the best games of this generation and a lot of gamers can't see this.

          People bemoaning Sony constantly moan about Sony themselves, hardware and their talks yet forget the one important thing in all of this.

          The games.

          It's pathetic really.


            Originally posted by master chief
            People bemoaning Sony constantly moan about Sony themselves, hardware and their talks yet forget the one important thing in all of this.

            The games.
            The blame for that has to be laid at Sony's door, surely?


              Originally posted by Nu-Eclipse
              The blame for that has to be laid at Sony's door, surely?
              What blame? The games? Their should be no apolgy's for their quality as some of their best are without equal.


                I don't hate Sony, and I couldn't care less about them copying others' ideas, but I do hate them trying to stop me importing PSP games. The biggest problem I have though, is their attitude towards 2D games, which is indefensible.


                  I think he means that the blame should be made for people forgetting about the games because Sony bring it all onto themselves by promising things that they dont deliver, and hyping their product beyond all reasonable expectation. You know, like ALL console manufacturers do.

                  Every console manufacturer hates grey imports, they want everyone to be playing the same things at the same time in the same region nice and snugly, when importers break the mould it pisses them off and they try to stop it. Its hardly specific to Sony.


                    Originally posted by master chief
                    What blame? The games? Their should be no apolgy's for their quality as some of their best are without equal.
                    No - the blame for people bemoaning the company's policies, arrogance and attitude towards (most) import gamers at the expense of coverage concerning the games. You don't seriously believe that people wouldn't rather talk about the games on the PlayStation platform, do you?

                    I agree with you - some of the finest developers in the industry have had their finest moments on the PlayStation stable, but I don't think that the games are a suitable enough excuse for SCEE/SCEI to justify behaving like c***s (which is what they have been doing from PS2 onwards).

                    Gamers are simply sick and tired with Sony's act towards them (the people who have helped give Sony the position they now have in the industry, lest we forget) and they have every right to slate the company for it.

                    Originally posted by marcus
                    Every console manufacturer hates grey imports, they want everyone to be playing the same things at the same time in the same region nice and snugly, when importers break the mould it pisses them off and they try to stop it. Its hardly specific to Sony.
                    And that's fair enough. What I can't deal with personally is the rank hypocrisy of it all. I mean, it was alright for SCEI/SCEE to keep convieniently quiet about grey importers shifting PS1s & PS2s for ?500+ knowing that they'd probably see more profit than the actual grey importers themselves, but they now want to pull a whole host of bull**** with import PSP owners, even though those buyers have effectively helped to make the PSP a must-have item in the mainstream?

                    I'm sorry, but that takes the piss on every level for me. It really does. If Sony are getting abuse on gaming forums, they only have themselves to blame for it, and that's a fact. I happen to like Sony's contribution to our favourite pastime, but they really need to change their ways to a considerable degree.
                    Last edited by Nu-Eclipse; 30-07-2006, 13:39.


                      Originally posted by Nu-Eclipse
                      And that's fair enough. What I can't deal with personally is the rank hypocrisy of it all. I'm sorry, but that takes the piss on every level for me. It really does. If Sony are getting abuse on gaming forums, they only have themselves to blame for it, and that's a fact.
                      Yet most posts on here are not for your fair, level headed arguments. They argue and bitch over any peice of Sony news or product.

                      I feel that it even extends to some of the mods of this forum. The thread "PSP is dead already" was inflamtory and done everything to gear it towards Sony hate yet it was not put on track or deleted. If a simular thread was made "discussing" Nintendo's game list and hardware I very much doubt it'll last long.

                      Yes Sony's attitude should be discussed and put down, but the chance for every zealot and hater to put the boot in? Bugger off. There's already enough hate, cynasism and hardened posts on here already without the chance for fanboys to put somethng down in flames. I'm tired of it all I really am.


                        Originally posted by Kubrick
                        The biggest problem I have though, is their attitude towards 2D games, which is indefensible.
                        Thats a bit unfair. The PS2 is indisputably the best system for 2D games from the prevoius generation. Its not the whole of SCEI that has the attitude, it's just SCEA.


                          Originally posted by master chief
                          Yet most posts on here are not for your fair, level headed arguments. They argue and bitch over any peice of Sony news or product.

                          I feel that it even extends to some of the mods of this forum. The thread "PSP is dead already" was inflamtory and done everything to gear it towards Sony hate yet it was not put on track or deleted. If a simular thread was made "discussing" Nintendo's game list and hardware I very much doubt it'll last long.

                          Yes Sony's attitude should be discussed and put down, but the chance for every zealot and hater to put the boot in? Bugger off. There's already enough hate, cynasism and hardened posts on here already without the chance for fanboys to put somethng down in flames. I'm tired of it all I really am.
                          Firstly, I'm curious to know (and I'm not trying to start a flame war with you, Master Chief - I'm actually enjoying this discussion) why you've specifically edited the piece from my last post which you're quoting from...?

                          Secondly, I'm no Sony hater. At heart, I'm a Nintendo fan, but I have never, ever posted on MS/Sony threads with the intention of doing those companies a deliberate disservice. I'm just stating why I think that Sony are getting the stick that they're getting/they deserve (delete as applicable).

                          Thirdly, for the record - I have seen the "PSP is dead already" thread and it is a sentiment that I disagree with considerably. As for the hypothetical notion that it would be shut down if it was a "Nintendo is dead" thread, well, that's up to MartyG and/or his colleagues to confirm/deny on this thread...
                          Last edited by Nu-Eclipse; 30-07-2006, 14:01.


                            Me being a casual gamer and not really knowing the ins & outs till coming tothis forum when i was first looking at a PSP it did seem they did everything they could to make life awkward, then on top of this im afraid the mad rantings of Ken Kutaragi about 4d & Phil Harrison with his buzz word "innovation" I found a really pathetic joke at the expense of gamers when not a lot they actaully showed was something they thought up but it sure seemed they wanted credit for it.

                            Theyre kinda like some stupid child who wants praise for doing something clever when in fact, they havent. I was to be amazed by the same controller yet again?
                            Add to this the so called support for PSP, the movies were a bit poor and After watching Spider-Man 2 on it the quality was no better than a downloaded movie.

                            Also Kaz Hirai (?) showing Ridge Racer when they already had a fantastic up to date remake which came out at launch. I'd rather have seen something thats not already on PSP. I just wanted a good line up on it so I didnt feel it was wasted opportunity. The good games are coming through but so slowly it is frustrating. Finally the arrogance of asking for a crazy amount of money for Blu Ray in a console the public didnt ask for and making it seem like they are doing us a favour just makes me feel like they aren't helping themselves at all.


                              Originally posted by master chief
                              Yet they have made some of the best games of this generation and a lot of gamers can't see this.
                              Sony themselves have made like 3 good games this generation, it is absolutely pathetic in terms of output compared to other companies.

                              Most the the things sony produce (not just games) are adequate for what they do, but there are plenty of better alternatives. I feel the same about the PS2, the only reason the PS2 is a good games format is because the popularity of the PS1 spilled over and devs all around the world made it the console of choice.

                              Sony aren't the ones to thank for Gitaroo Man, Metal Gear Solid etc, the developers are. If Sony didn't exist , these games would of been on another format.

