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    Street Fighter II(Live Arcade) - Man,this feels great playing this after all these years.A huge wave of nostalgia hits me every time i play.Even 15 years after it's release,it's still immensely playable.True Classic!

    DOA4 - Because i just can't get enough of the live aspect.As long as me,yoshi,dc,thaforce,bignige,etc keep the multiplayer alive,i can myself playing this for a long,long time.It's alot more balanced than most people give it credit for and it's a major step-up from the previous versions.


      Originally posted by charlesr
      The PAL version is 60Hz only. Shame.
      Assume that's a typo =P


      .hack//Outbreak - PAL PS2

      The 3rd game of the four, done the other two.
      It's strange. On paper, .hack isn't that good... the series was unexciting, and the games have crippling flaws in the implementation and structure that would see any other game/anime get a damn good slating.
      But there's something about it, something that pulls you forward, making you forgive the flaws, and there's real enjoyment to be had.

      For those who don't know, the games are basically 'simulated' online RPG's. i.e, they're offline, but trying to give the impression of an online game. Works very well for the most part, though the towns are incredibly small, and there's no hiding the fact that the game is pulling you in a certain direction to get the storyline moving... but it's really quite open-ended, you can warp to any area and battle, item hunt or whatever at any time, and the way you can build up friendships with different characters in the game by inviting them to your party, which in turn gives you access to more storyline quests involving that character, means there's a whole lot to do here, though you don't have to do it.
      I started playing this with the intent of just getting the story over so I could watch .hack/ROOTS, but I'm doing everything in this.

      Initially feeling very broken and crippled, but rapidly becoming fun, this is good stuff. Really gotta watch .hack//SIGN if you wanna know what happened before this though.

      I await .hack//GU.


        Burnout:Revenge This game is superb online, probably the most fun I have when playing games online. The tracks are great, the soundtrack is awesome, it looks great, it plays great and online its totally awesome...

        PGR3 just awesome, it handles greatm it looks amazing and it has a great selections of cars to race with, and I just can't get enough of that inside view.. brilliant ! to bad it's online a little less fun then Burnout, but when played with the right people it's excellent.

        DOA4 I never play this one alone (SP), but I love to take the fight online with Nige,Yoshi, Hazuki and DC. like Hazuki already said, it's a very well balanced fighter, and the more I play it the more I appriciate it.

        Geometry Wars keep coming back to this one, f#cking addictive, excellent for when I don't have much time.


          Originally posted by MonkeyWrench
          Ultimate Ghosts'n'Goblins - It's retro, but not. Capcom have worked wonders - it still has that classic GnG feel, but updated with new gameplay mechanics which don't really feel out of place. Looks bloody superb too.
          this one almost makes me wanna buy myself a PSP......


            Mainly Oblivion 360. Unbelievable game and for me, game of the year already. It would take something very special to beat this I think.

            I'm not really a big RPG fan, the last RPG I played being FF VII on the PS1 (so years ago then), but this game has pulled me in completely and I can't stop playing it. The sheer scope of the game world is mind-blowing. The detail in the environments, the physical size of the map, the millions of ways you can approach quests and go about "living" in the game. I can't remember a game, ever, that has been as immersive as this.

            Just completing the guild storylines, aside from the main quest, is a massive undertaking in itself and thoroughly enjoyable with it. Sometimes, it's nice even to just walk around in the wilderness and watch the sun set over the water or explore caves just to loot treasure and make a bit of money.

            I am playing other stuff at the moment (KoF Maximum Impact 2, Ibara and Street Fighter 3 (as ever)), but I always have to have a quick go on Oblivion, which inevitably turns into a couple of hours. You could still play this game for hundreds of hours after you've finished it I reckon. After this, I don't think I could ever buy Warcraft or something like that, because if it's half as good then I don't think I'd ever see daylight again.

            Was blasting through Prey recently too, but I've reached a point where the level won't load because the disc is scratched from falling off the spool in the post ft:
            Last edited by endo; 08-08-2006, 17:53.


              Don't have much time for playing games right now.

              I got up to the final episode on Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (DS) and haven't gone back to it since.

              Recently I was playing through Brothers in Arms: Earned in Blood on Authentic mode, because I can't get enough of it. I'm as bored as everyone else of WW2 shooters but it's not really in the Call of Duty / Medal of Honor mould; it's a tactical combat game that's as much about thinking fast as shooting from the hip. There's something deeply satisfying about executing a perfect flanking manouevre or completing a whole mission without getting hit (instant death, see) or losing any of your men. It's so refreshing to play a war game that doesn't insult your intelligence and actually rewards you for using proper tactics.

              They use this game as a training tool at the Westpoint Military Academy where US Army officers are trained, and I can see why: it plays very close to how infantry tactics work in real life and really teaches you the right mindset for battlefield command.

              Currently though I'm playing Metroid Prime 2: Echoes after finally picking it up for a fiver in Blockbuster. I'm a big Metroid fanboy and everything but the dark world thing has made this one a bit of a slog for me. I suppose that was the point - it's supposed to be horrible. Nearly completed it though, so go me!
              Last edited by MattyD; 08-08-2006, 18:16.


                Currently playing mainly Banpresto games. Which some would say are the ultimate games company for providing fan service games.

                The main one I have on the go atm is Summon night Sword craft Story on GBA. Which is the recently released Banpresto RPG thats kindly been published by the good people at AtlusUSA as part of the deal thats bringing Super Robot Wars to the west for the first time. This game is part of a series that is usually a TRPG, but this one for GBA is a break of style and is an ARPG. Its all good though, and its just a fun top down 2D RPG with plenty of character and plenty of retro style.

                I'm Also playing through Super Tokusatsu Taisen 2001 for Ps1. Another Banpresto title which is basically on off shoot of Super robot Wars, but this one has the Tokusatsu Super heroes instead of Super Deformed giant robots. Its another game I find fun, but it may not appeal to everyone.

                I've also still got many Super Robot Wars on the go aswell but they are on the back burner for the time being. Although they have consumed my life since the turn of the year.


                  I took my 360 out recently and played a number of demos (Dead Rising, Prey and Table Tennis being the most impressive). Decided not to start Oblivion again as I knew I'd be sending back my HDTV for repair and I didn't want to begin it stretched on a TFT.


                  A brief San Andreas conversation in the VCS thread led me to playing it again for an hour or so. Still slightly miffed at it for corrupting my 100% save on my memory card, as now I'm at 98% and due to the stats not keeping track of what you need to complete to finish the game means I'm at a loss as to what's left.
                  Last edited by Concept; 08-08-2006, 19:40.


                    I recently bought an XBox again, and I'm finding that the games are all really cheap now, which is coolio. I've started with Strangers Wrath, which is a really well crafted game. I can't think of much to ctiticise this far in (still hunting bounties) apart from the lack of widescreen support. Lovely graphics which still look good in the 360 era, nicely judged gameplay and funny in places. Thumbs up then.

                    I've also played some Riddick, which is visually impressive, but hasn't really grabbed me. I believe it's quite short though, so I may well persevere.

                    PS2 wise, it's been hot mecha action with ACE2, which is rockin' if you're hot for big giant robots. Which I am

                    On the DS, I've bought and completed Trauma Center, which is just as good as I remembered, with an expertly judged difficulty level. Possibly my favourite game so far this year.


                      I say keep going with Riddick, one of favourite Xbox games. In fact I may have another go soon.


                        Since there's bugger all new stuff I've been rinsing some old classics as well as getting a lot of mileage out of some more recent releases that I've enjoyed.

                        Super Metroid (SNES) - My favourite game ever, and getting my SNES modded is a great opportunity to play it some more in lovely 60Hz. I don't think I need to tell anyone on here how amazing the game is; even more amazing when it's full screen and full speed.

                        Super Street Fighter II X Revival (GBA) - It's by no means a perfect conversion but coupled with the Micro there's no better way to play SSF2X (my favourite version of SF2) on the move. For the GBA it's a very respectable version and the GBM's D-pad is fantastic for the game.

                        Shenmue (DC) - My second favourite game ever and I'm playing it through for about the fifth time. I can always take a slightly different way through it and very few games have a better sense of place. Naturally I play it through in Japanese: I've played it once in English so I know what's happening, and I'd rather do without the ****ty dub.

                        Call of Duty 2 (360) - Still loving the deathmatch and play it for a couple of sessions a week with friends. We really need a new multiplayer game but this one is so good that I don't know where it's coming from.


                          FEAR on multiplayer. I swear I've never seen some much carnage than when 16 players shooting the hell out of each over down a narrow passage with bits of body flying past your head and chunks of wall and masonary falling everywhere...

                          Other than that Solitare from windows games.


                            Oh, Im playing 8-Ball on Bankshot Billiards, currently ranked about 20

                            Pisser that it crashes/loses connection all the time, and Ive had a lot of problems with people quitting before I get the black.

                            Apart from that Ive been playing a bit of PGR3, online and off, late to the party on that one and it seems a lot better than last time I tried it out.

                            Finally, train journeys are made a lot better thanks to Ipaq Solitaire, I got over 4000 points earlier this week which (I think) is fairly good. Maybe.

                            /edit Supergoal you play it too! Nice


                              Finished Black the other day. It was fairly enjoyable I s'pose, but it was nothing like I was led to beleive by all the marketing bull****. Just an average fps with a few big explosions tagged on. And a truly dull story (unskipable! ).

                              I'm at the end of Metroid Fusion on the GBA too, which has been a joy to play from start to end really. Mainly because it looks so gorgeous on the Lite. A perfect bit of classic 2d, on to Zero Mission next!


                                Awesome thread btw

                                New Super Mario Bros. (DS) - Done a run through and got to the credits. Now working my way through coins and alternate exits. Soooo much fun, and its only during the 2nd/3rd run through of each course you really start to appreciate the level design. Love it.

                                The Legend Of Zelda A Link To The Past (GBA) - My first Zelda game (!!) and whilst tough, im finding it as special as my mate told me it would be. I've got about 3-4 dungeons left. Will probably tackle either OOT, WW or Minish Cap after finishing this before Twighlight Princess hits.

                                Hot Shots Golf (PSP) - Absolutely brilliant. Nothing further to add.

                                Street Fighter II Hyper Fighting (XBLA) - Now im no SF2 pro, and I prolly played more NBA Jam in the arcades than SF2, but i'm totally loving this. Spent ?55 on a DOA4 stick just for this. Says it all really.

                                Prey (X360) - Got just past the demo stage in the retail game, and tbh im struggling to bring myself to play it. Weird coz the demo really impressed. Not sure im with the whole Indian thing. I dunno, I want to finish it before selling it on but..... not sure that'll happen. :/

                                /me glances at shelf brimming with about 30 games yet to be opened. Yet I still buy more!
                                Last edited by dlittley; 08-08-2006, 19:06.

