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US Wii: Preorder Details Thread

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    Originally posted by ekucz123
    i order us wii with zelda from play-asia totalled up to after shipping and stepdown adapter to $722.0 how much charges can i expect from customs when i get hit by the inevitable charges?
    Mine arrived today - no charges on six and bit hundred dollar purchase. could have just been lucky -or they'll get me later.

    Going to play some more bowling with the wife. Leaving Zelda until I've got a set of components - I'll get down Game next Friday, I think.


      Originally posted by Emir
      Mine arrived today. Only just set it up (lovely lil' thing) but I'm in ****ing agony now. I go to plug it into my stepdown and IT WON'T FIT IN THE 110v SOCKET!!1111 >_< . Noooooo.

      One of the pins is slightly larger than the other, and it just won't slot in. I use this to run my JPN 360 and JPN PS2, but both of these have identically straight pins on the plug. Anyone have any ideas? Are all US/CAN plugs shaped like this? I was so hyped to play it....
      Aww crap, is this another headache waiting for me after the IM shambles?
      I have 2 stepdowns. Hopefully one of them works


        Hmm yesasia's account page is down for me. I've not heard of this stepdown problem before.. my stepdown has worked for all my USA and JAP things... why would this be any different? :|


          Yeah i've got one for my 360 and one for my dreamcast, doubt the dreamcast one would be powerful enough though.

          Oh- GUESS WHAT.

          No phone call from Derrick! Nice service, arse hole.

          I'm really getting pissed off now- if they don't have them, just ****ing say it man instead of blatently lying to us.


            Originally posted by Boggy
            Hmm yesasia's account page is down for me. I've not heard of this stepdown problem before.. my stepdown has worked for all my USA and JAP things... why would this be any different? :|
            Re: Yesasia, I can't get into my account either atm so I don't think it's just on your end.


              phew. thanks for clearing that up.. let's hope it doesnt affect the shipment


                Just got the missus to drive me to my mothers house to pick up my PS2/Dreamcast Stepdown. Will post up later if it melts/explodes/bursts into flames... *crosses fingers.


                  My bloody arms and arse are killing me!! Bowling is absolutely superb and the wife loves it. She's in the lounge making Mii's of all my mates at the moment. I think Nintendo really have something here - clever ****ers.


                    mine is in east midlands now cleared for processing, hopefully i might get it tomorrow.

                    anyone know if dhl deliver on weekends?


                      I hate you all- that is all.

                      The fact that he said he would phone me back at 9 and just blatently didn't, takes the ****ing piss IMHO. I'm going to phone him tomorrow and ask him why he didn't phone me.

                      Probably because it hasn't actually shipped and he's made up some bull**** story about it shipping on tuesday and being in middlesex right now...


                        yeah i was told that the wii's from IM were still in canada last time i phoned a few days ago, i think my order number is before yours syth too.

                        I emailed them to cancel my orders


                          DHL don't do weekends Wicky.


                            " 30 Nov 2006 23:25 Hub 2 Confirmed at Hub "

                            But Interlink Express do Fridays


                              Just a quick note to say my Dreamcast/PS2 Stepdown works fine. (^_^) Yay!!! And I apologize for such a **** pic but my camera's on it's last legs.
                              Composite ain't as bad as everyone seems to be making out. The only real niggles for me is the obvious bleeding of the colour red.

                              I know it's been mentioned numerous times, but I can't believe how small the Wii-mote is. Had a quick blast on Wii Sports and I really ****in' love Boxing (though I did smash the two contollers together in a heated battle...). >_<

                              Final word to say how great VG+ have been. First experience with 'em and I gotta say I was shocked how quickly I got this. Thumbs up!

                              Oh, and Wicky, provided DHL post on weekends, you should get it tomorrow since mine was in East Midlands last night.
                              - Scratch that, Fallows' post above confirms they won't post it on weekends.
                              Last edited by Emir; 30-11-2006, 23:13.


                                Nice one Emir, well after DHL ****ing mine up at usual, it better come tomorrow, its been sent back to the Edinburgh depot after mistakenly going to Inverness, but its sat in Edinburgh now as far as I can see and still says destination Inverness, but hopefully thats just a silly error and they know not to send it back there again. And packages are often transfered over night so hopefully it will be sent to Glasgow in the next few hours and be out for delivery when I wake up in the morning.

