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Defence of games? Which are you peculiar to?

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    Defence of games? Which are you peculiar to?

    Right from the off, the aim of this thread isn't to start any arguments but to raise an issue of protectionism which can happen to us all.

    In the Virtua Fighter thread, some are getting irrate for daring to an air an opinion in general, unspecified terms (because I'm not talking about the game mechanics, but a system used to convey them) which might upset their delicate sensibilites.

    I myself have had that problem with a few games I like when others wade in with opinions to the contrary (ICO/SotC) so my question is, being honest with yourselves, what games do you get defensive about when people start debating them, generally or specifically?

    Oh, and for Papercut - if you honestly need me to spell out why I edit my posts it's because I'm a fast typer that makes a lot of mistakes and clears them up (generally) in a two minute spell. I honestly don't see why I should have to apologise for that tbh if the lines of debate aren't changed.
    Last edited by Concept; 19-09-2006, 10:26.

    Welcome to
    Virtua Fighter 5: The Handbag Wars


    Can't wait to see how long this thread takes to disappear.



      In all seriousness though, I'm talking about defending games you generally have a leaning toward when other disagree. We all have them. What are yours?


        Originally posted by MattyD
        Can't wait to see how long this thread takes to disappear.
        Why should it? The point of the thread is a fairly debatable topic.


          I defend R:Racing Evolution. The Road sections of it are fantastic time trials. People slated it because it wasn't Ridge Racer and wasn't GT4 (thank god) and because the "career mode" was really short BUT IT WASN'T A CAREER MODE YOU MUPPETS. IT WAS A SHORT TRAINING MODE. Gah.

          And anyone slating P.N.03 because you can't shoot and fire at the same time needs shooting in the face.

          (I presume this is what you meant by this thread?)


            Do you mean a particular game that you love is then discussed in a negative light? If so then then almost all of us on here have games that we dont understand and criticise it while others defend it.

            The only one that I try to defend constantly is Halo. I've played it more than any other game in my life and it's one of the most soicable games I've played in Co-Op or multiplayer. It has the best AI in any game, controls beautifuly and is the best SHUMP ever made.

            Yet Halo is one of the most criticised games out their. People cite it has no platform bits, would handle better with a keyboard and mouse, lacks good design, AI is normal and they hate it's repeating levels. All subjective and wrong opinions in my eye's.

            But people have opinions and that's good so I try to let the games do the talking. A bit difficult when this is a discussion forum!


              I defend Socom 2 online. great lobby system, tight 8 a side team play and some great maps. I couldent commment on the offline game as it was online only for me.

              With a group of freinds to play it with you could have some excelent banter in the deadzone, or if you were the last alive and handing the enemy there arse on a plate you knew all eyes were on you which made for some very tense and satisfying victorys, shame they made a poor mans battlefield with socom 3 though, poor show sony, poor show.
              Last edited by Lebowski; 19-09-2006, 11:39.


                I've defended the Soul Reaver series quite a bit in the past. Superb mechanics and very pleasing on the eye.
                I hope this thread doesn't turn into another blast of negativity. That 'disappointed by must own games' thread did my head in, watching my sacred cows get slaughtered every day.


                  As Charlesr just pointed out Gran Turismo 4 is constantly slated when it has no reason to be.

                  Of course it has issues with AI and damadge but anyone who cite that as reasons is just finding fault for the sake of it.

                  People wrongly believe it has no sense of humour or is po faced, quite why it has Coffee breaks and includes the track Oh Yeah by Yello is beyond my imagination. Despite upstarts like the brillant Forza and GT Racing, it is still the most real, immersive and downright brilliant Driving Simulator out there.

                  There I said it!


                    Sos @ Concept, just couldn't help thinking the last paragraph of your opening post was a bit MEOW! I'll stop being a facetious twit now

                    I suppose I have a bias when it comes to discussing Killer7. My blood boils every time I see someone call it 'nonsensical' or 'pretentious' or 'just a crappy shooting game'.

                    I also hate hearing people diss on The Wind Waker just because it's cel-shaded. I'll admit that the adventure is slightly flawed (the triforce hunt, which as we all know was added in due to lack of time) and the sailing is a bit marmite, but you can't criticise it just because it doesn't live up to its predecessors on the N64. If it retained everything except the Zelda name and replaced Link with another character, people would be raving about how good it is and how 'they don't make adventure games like this anymore'.

                    Originally posted by prinnysquad
                    I've defended the Soul Reaver series quite a bit in the past. Superb mechanics and very pleasing on the eye.
                    Here here. Soul Reaver is one damn fine trilogy, the second game especially. I think it did a lot to raise the bar generally for standards of dialogue and voice acting.


                      I tend not to feel the need to defend games. I like the discussion part where some fool slags game X because they haven't played it enough or have failed to understand the system as long as that person sees the light a few days later. If said fool remains in the dark and continues to bash game X I would rather ignore them than try and defend the title.

                      ChromeHounds on Live is wicked though!!!


                        I just dislike lazy categorisations: all Japanese gamers are xenophobic; the 360 is only home to FPS and racers; Western gamers are all chavs and dislike skill based games. Their just lazy stereotypes by people who haven't got the ability to put together a more serious argument.

                        I like differences of opinion, but am prepared to argue my point of view.

                        And I like the fact that everyone is different. I remember having a big argument on the forum before with Tokuda (sorely missed BTW) about Gun Valkerie. He argued that anyone could enjoy the game if they put the effort in and I completely disagreed, saying that people were different and some people, even if they played it for 100 hours, would not gain the pleasure that he had.


                          i tend not to bother posting about it any more, but it still annoys me when people slate the characters in third strike for either being not as interesting as the street fighter 2 set, or for being too weird....quite often at the same time

                          i see many of the original characters as poor stereotypes these days, its only because people have grown up around them that they cant accept the new generation. they arent that different when you actually think about it.

                          biggest case of rose tinted glasses ever....actually this applies to the gameplay of 2 versus 3 as well.


                            Originally posted by Brats
                            And I like the fact that everyone is different. I remember having a big argument on the forum before with Tokuda (sorely missed BTW) about Gun Valkerie. He argued that anyone could enjoy the game if they put the effort in and I completely disagreed, saying that people were different and some people, even if they played it for 100 hours, would not gain the pleasure that he had.
                            Those were the days...


                              I defend Biohazard Remake! So what if its some what repetitious? Its a Remake! Dont like it? Dont buy it simple as! Nuff said!


